As much as I love new unlockables, I have a LOT of them and I’d like to avoid the redundant ones like the unicorn horn etc… (heck I never even bring a knife)
The recent zapper and oil canister have to be my favorite ones to this day though and allowed me to rediscover new ways to play with older ETs and legacy maps.
Ah the old “you’re not forced to do X so ignore it!” defence.
That line of thinking just absolves IO of any wrongdoing, and certainly doesn’t justify it being an unlockable to begin with. When IO makes challenges available, they expect players to unlock them at some point. You’re not forced to unlock stuff, sure, but it’s the only bits of content on the roadmap that are even worth a damn half the time. Even if the unlocks aren’t great, the challenges themselves are usually fairly good, which, for me at least, is why I do them.
And it’s pretty clear from repeated discussions that this bottle should not have been chosen as an unlock, even if it was community requested in the challenges thread, in part because of how out-of-left-field and how mundane it is. It’s a goddamn bottle, it isn’t particularly special, and it just contributes to the cluttering of the inventory.
The fact it’s a meme should tell you the reception it got from people.
I could say this to a good 90% part of the inventory in general.
Those suits, those guns, those distractions, those melee, those everything has nothing special and just littering the inventory
Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of crap in the inventory, but it’s not that high. Most suits are outright good and are not seen as bad, and there’s only a few that come to mind that are even controversial (Jack 'O Lantern, Snow Festival suit, Winter Gear).
The guns and melee’s are a little more understandable, but even then, most of them are weapons that make logical sense to have in your inventory (they are, after all, guns and melee’s that could reasonably be ordered and used by an assassin). A bottle does not make much sense to have.
Again, coins are fine, underutilised because they can be found in the game world, but hardly cause for concern, and certainly not cluttering up the inventory tbh.
Look, best estimate is that it’s about 55% cluttered. That’s still a high enough number that IO should do something about it, but we do not need to exaggerate for no reason.
It would be fun if we could use only this specific bottle to interact as a bartender to make a molotov cocktail. Would be useful for some contracts and make this Pinot unlock quite useful.
I wasn’t thinking about wine for a molotov. There’s plenty of other stuff at any other bar in WoA. In my understanding the bottle of Pinot is empty. If it was full he could use it to create a puddle and electrocute someone in it.
The hell, I’ve literally 100% this game (all achievements), have 700+ hours and just found out that you can craft molotov. I’ll probably never stop learning about this game.
I did a actually tried that in mendoza, start as a barman, grab a bottle to toss on the ground (and you can see the wine) but it did nothing when using the micro taser
Dont feel bad about not knowing for I didnt even know there was a durian in ambrose until it was recently added as an unlock, now its one of my favorite new toy
Yeah, the durians are surprisingly well hidden. There is one in the storage bit near Farah’s bar, but it’s not exactly a place players go to.
I will say though @DrVortep , I kinda worked out that molotovs could be crafted back in 2022, as the bottles you can find look like the molotov, so I suspected you could craft them.
Not sure why it requires a Fuse Cell, but okay game.