[PC Guide] How to delete HITMAN save files

For those who want to delete HITMAN save files from Steam or Epic Games Cloud for whatever reason, I made this quite simple guide how to do it.
Note: Deleting save files following this guide will fully delete all your chosen data from synchronization cloud


  1. Go to Steam settings and disable Steam cloud synchronization

  2. Delete desired save files from PC folder
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata<your Steam user ID>\863550\remote
    (for example here I’ll be deleting the second manual save)

  3. Run the game and delete corrupted save files
    (just click on each corrupted save and error window should appear, confirm deleting)

  4. Quit the game

  5. Go to Steam settings and enable Steam cloud synchronization

  6. Launch the game

  7. Cloud Sync Conflict window should appear, choose ‘Upload to the Steam Cloud’

  8. That’s it. Play the game normally


  1. Delete desired save files from PC folder
    C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Roaming\IO Interactive\Epic\361cd54b46e44ff79e1ab7e3a1aeb61f\HITMAN3
    (for example here I’ll be deleting the second manual save)

  2. Launch the game

  3. Cloud Sync Conflict window should appear, choose ‘Upload to Cloud’

  4. That’s it. Play the game normally


so this allows you to all but start over like a new account?

This just erases the save game files.
Game progress is not wiped off that easily.

If you really want wipe all your progress and start from the very scratch, like you never played a game and just bought it, go to this website and follow instructions:

That’s a bad idea especially when taking Elusive Targets into account. However the threat of a compulsory wipe would make an effective deterrent from relying heavily on cheats and exploits.

it doesn’t get rid of the kills that you have though which is annoying I don’t want to start from scratch like how am I supposed to get silent assassin.