Now here’s a like that I like!
The tragedy is the Kardashians got their fame from this guy.
You could have stopped at “fame” and still been correct.
Probably worth remembering that, in the U.S. at least, being acquitted doesn’t mean you didn’t do the crime - it just means that the prosecution couldn’t prove you did the crime to whatever the legal standard is for that type of trial (it isn’t always “beyond a reasonable doubt”). Being found guilty or being acquitted is not necessarily reflective of whether you committed the crime or not.
Right, but it does mean that, publicly, you have to be careful calling that person a criminal or a killer or whatever terms apply, because legally, they were found to not be so, and so they or their estate could sue you for defamation under the right circumstances. That’s why he was still found liable in civil court. I’m playing purely on technicalities and semantics here, since the justice system was my field of study, I’m not saying anyone here can’t or shouldn’t call him what we all think he is; I personally just can’t bring myself to definitively say he is when the law says otherwise, officially. It’s a thing with me.
Something I’ve never heard of before today (& if I did hear about it I’ve long forgotten about it)… The idea that his oldest son Jason was the killer.
Surely you wouldn’t apply the same principle to the murderers of Emmett Till, who were also acquitted. The law can say many things; it doesn’t necessarily mean its conclusions are true, ipso facto.
Well, it pretty much depends on where it lands historically in relation to myself. Situations that occurred during my lifetime and most of the important people involved are still around, I apply it there. Things such as Emmett Till I grew up being told what happened and accepted it as historical fact before developing my current stance on such things. So, in case such as Till, and others that were already common knowledge to have been true before my time, even when the law determined otherwise, I’m more comfortable taking the common stance, so I have no problem calling his killers, killers.
Although, even as I’m typing this, I’m realizing that in this case, with OJ now dead, it really doesn’t matter what I say about him in regards to his guilt or innocence. Heh, don’t know why that didn’t click before. Probably because I’m still at work so my mind is in “professional mode.” Screw it, a killer is dead.
That’s probably why we get along so well!
At least OJ died doing what he loved, getting away with murder.
Apparently, the same day he died, Ford issued a recall of the Bronco.
Had one of the best roles, and some of the best lines in the whole LotR trilogy, including my absolute favorite moment:
“Yes. Yes! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the Deep, one last time. Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn. Forth, Eorlingas!”
RIP to a great.
you put it perfectly. cannot overstate the impact his work and attitude had on me.
he also cuddled my wife.
this really does hurt.
Oh, fuck.
God fucking damn it, so many people have become such huge stars being in Corman’s B movies.