Hot Scope? Oh Yeah! Sorry… still a bit pumped from playing Fall Guys which just became Free To Play today at the time of this post.

Here are two contracts I’m submitting, both fresh; The Perfect Problems and Broaden Your Majestic Scope… the latter, I’m leaving a bit of a note if it does get picked. One contract that wants you to do headshots and hide them (both optional), and the other… snipe some freakin’ ladies with a beautiful sniper rifle. You could say, both are very Hot!

Contract Title: The Perfect Problems
Contract ID: 3-30-5001865-09 (Xbox)
Location: Chongqing, China (End of An Era)
Hello 47. The client is a friend of a most popular player of the popular shooter game titled “Hot Metal”. This player has been known to strategize and able to shoot targets in the head successfully. Problem, his recent lack of videos concerns audiences. As it turns out, Hush, member of SAICA [Society Against the ICA] is working on improving his and Mogwai’s shooter strategies by draining the best player’s knowledge with mind control. Think like him & shoot their heads plus hide their problems.
Brief Description:
Eliminate 2 targets; Hush and his bodyguard - Mogwai. Both need to be eliminated with a pistol while disguised as the Perfect Test Subject. While a regular player would leave the bodies they shot on the ground and call it a day, a clean assasin would actually prefer cleaning it up and doing it properly. A+ if you can do that. That’s not a problem, right?
Featured Contract Image:
Mogwai either knocked out or killed on the bathroom floor in The Block with 2 or more pistols on the ground, pointing at his head. Make it look like he’s looking at it. Him dabbing on the ground was a bit unclear. 
Contract Title: Broaden Your Majestic Scope
Contract ID: 3-02-9732133-09 (Xbox)
Location: Paris, France (The Showstopper)
Gloria Rosenberg, the most well known fashion critic has damaged ICA’s pride by eliminating our Clothes Designer with lead poision contained in a custom Silver Suit. The news reporters are planning on interviewing Rosenberg for their upcoming scoop. We believe the assassination was due to her view of our suits being not creative enough to enter the fashion industry. As an act of vengence, we need to make sure this interview never happens with a silver bullet, preferably from The Majestic.
Brief Description:
Eliminate 3 targets with any Sniper Rifle (preferably The Majestic) in your Suit, the Two News Reporters and a woman in the wide brimmed hat. Pretty simple with some preparation. But of course, you need to bring the best looking Sniper Rifle to eliminate a critic that poisoned our ICA Clothes Designer. Yeap, time to go over the top with the elimination.
Featured Contract Image:
The Majestic sniper rifle (highlighted) on a counter top next to a News Camera (either intact or broken). Filtered with the Late Sunset filter to get that prideful violet finish.
Note to Devs (Read if picked)
Hey. So if you guys end up picking this contract I’ve created - Broaden Your Majestic Scope, first… thank you. Second, I would like this contract to have one or two changes made on the Featured Contract release version compare to this submission version. They’re not that big but are pretty important and fitting to the contract.
- Kill Methods - In Broaden Your Majestic Scope in the submission version, all 3 targets’ kill methods is Any Sniper Rifle. In the release version, I would like that to change to specifically The Majestic Sniper Rifle. It’s the sniper rifle from the 7 Deadly Sins Pride DLC. That is the sniper rifle pictured in the Featured Contract Image I’ve provided. Why I wanted it specifically? Well, if you read the briefing, it fits with the theme and the title. It was also what I’ve imagined when I was creating that contract. Of course that kill method is optional for anyone and will be a pain for new players, but the White Kitana used in one of the Space Conflict Featured Contracts is from the Deluxe Edition DLC, so no arguing on that part. This change is important. Gotta make it look stylish. This contract is possible with any other sniper rifle. It’s just to match both the title and the briefing.
- Slight Error - When you read the briefing in-game the word ICA’s is full caps as ICA’S . Change that to how the briefing is read in the submission.