A sad restaurant owner has been given a review of 26/100 for his food as they were thrown down on the floor by the experts claiming for him to never cook again.
Later, the owner found out they owned most of the local hot spots around town which drove him into anger.
Let’s drive these people out of business permanently, 47.
Brief Description:
This contract focuses on getting a waiter disguise and finding a way to poison the wine to take out the first target and somehow getting a kitchen knife to take out the other two targets on the roof.
Contract Name: Roasted Revenge
ID: 2-31-5384952-09
Platform: PS
Submitter: Steynkie69
Location: Mendoza
Don Yates has cut some salaries, and Carmelita is furious. She has hired 2 guards to supply the cook with a special untraceable poison, to turn his BBQ into a massacre. But Yates was one step ahead, and contacted us.
Stop the massacre 47, and make an example of those who cross a ruthless lawyer…
An enhanced version of “The Cookie Crumbles”, now you must kill the cook, a waitress, and 2 guards with explosive devices. This time you need to use the secret trigger to send the cook to a remote location, so you can kill 2 targets with one shot. The explosions will instantly hide the bodies if you plan it right. SA can be achieved in 6:30 mins or less, as seen on the leaderboards.
Suggested image:
Brief Description: This contract is a recreation of one of my favorite levels of all time with the same title from Hitman Contracts. I wanted to recreate this in Hitman 3 - the third installment of the Hitman trilogy as Hitman Contracts was the third installment by IO Interactive.
Brief Descraption : eliminate three target using consumed poison in disguise whaiter . And two target eliminate using Kitchen Knife (Melee) in disguise mansion chef
Location : Sapienza
Image :
The BBQ Master had no gas
The Real Estate Broker had no satiety
The Server had no muffins
It caused true horrors at the party
And the people at the party asked us to take out the 3 legends
But it wouldn’t do any good
So we need to take out the people of the party
By the name of the 3 legends
Brief Description:
Kill 3 NPCs in 3 different disguises, all food related, the bbq king makes the food, the server serves the food, and the real estate broker eats the food, have fun!
Brief Description: Kill all four Servers on the map while disguised as the BBQ King. Getting his disguise is very quick and easy SA, but takes some working out. Location: Whittleton Creek
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: linux_penguin
Brief Description: CRO is a versatile contract, which brings attention to some areas players often won’t interact with, especially Vargas. Roca, although he may not move with the winery worker start, will walk away once the conversation about the tanks overflowing is finished, making him a very interesting target. Ibanez’s partner has shown up in What’s in the Box? and I believe both are very good targets, as timing is key for them. March does very little work. Although he bends down to look closer at the vines, he’ll never do any work and will stand up again. He’s also infront of another worker who some players may not spot until it’s too late.
Location: Mendoza
Contract ID: 1-30-4794761-99
Platform: PC Epic
Submitter name: WINNODD
Contract Title: Where is my dumpling?
Location: Chongqing
47 has infiltrated a restaurant serving as a front for the ICA data facility and is dressed as a dumpling cook.
Except for the fact that there is no dumpling left for him to cook.
That’s how he decides to slaughter the entire kitchen.
So this contract is a generally easy one. With all 5 targets in the restaurant. Shouldn’t be a challenge for casual players but… still a challenge if you speedrun it (which applies for all contracts I know). God I wish I could set timers on every contracts of mine.
I was just working on a contract that was the same (location and targets). Except mine was based on a Facility (IT) Worker (with the yellow tie) having some very serious issues with their noodles.
Our client requests the framing of Tharn Srisai, a renowned chef currently working at the Himmapan Hotel.
According to our client, chef Srisai was involved in the mysterious death of the client’s son who worked at the same establishment as part of the kitchen staff back in 2018.
Frame the chef by eliminating the other kitchen staff members usinbg the chef’s trademark Kitchen Knifes. But remember that the framing will only work if you remain unseen.
Good luck.
Brief Description:
Frame the chef by eliminating the kitching staff members using kitchen knifes without being spotted. Do not kill the chef at all costs, otherwise the framing won’t work.
My first FC submission in a while. As such please note the error listed at the bottom. I’d rather not redo the entire contract just to add Consumed Poison on final target.
Contract ID : 1-05-4924208-68
Platform : Epic Games
Submitter name : Dinozafr
Contract Title : The Sapienza Massacre
Brifing : The Icon movie today is a good opportunity to eliminate your five goals. Doroteo Milani, Amaranto Mazzi, Nocoletta Villani, Palmiro Russo, Cupido Genovesi. They are all agents of the enemy agency. Our client wants them to be killed by the cleaver in the disguise of the Kitchen Assistant. And that no one is neutralized . For this will be fined. And in addition to that, all bodies must be hidden. Otherwise, there will also be a fine . Good luck, 47.
Brief Descraption : Eliminate : Doroteo Milani, Amaranto Mazzi, Nocoletta Villani, Palmiro Russo, Cupido Genovesi . In disguise Kitchen Assistant . Usinng for kill cleaver (Melee) . Optical : Hide all bodies , No Pacification
Location : Sapienza , The Icon
Image :
These contracts are looking good. I don’t see anyone apart from me going for the Isle of Sgail map. It has a kitchen bye the way! Not too long before we’ll start quacking on into submitting the next set of Community Featured Contracts.
Hello, 47.
Your targets are Akkarat Chaikarn, Charoen Kongkatitum, and Madee Phyachai. This trio has been running a secret soup trafficking business right under the nose of the Himmapan Hotel. They sneak the head chef’s award-winning soup out through the underground maintenance rooms and sell it to street vendors at a hefty upcharge. The head chef has received intel that his patented soup is out on the streets, besmirching his fine name. He can not let this happen. Take them out.
Good luck, 47.
Brief Description: Locate melee weapons and disguise bundles while exploring the lower levels of the Himmapan Hotel.
You can take the man out of the food fight, but you can’t take the food fight out of the man.
It’s been quite a few years since Frankie’s crazy college food fight days. His hair is cut short, his throwing arm ain’t what it used to be, and his days are long, boring, and clean.
Little does he know that the old jock vs nerd rivalries have been brewing. Unlike him, Frankie’s fellow graduates haven’t washed away the past – and they’re about to get real messy again.
Brief Description: If movies have taught me anything, it’s that college isn’t college without a good food fight. But college can’t last forever… or can it? Frankie’s moved on, he’s gotten a good stable job, his hair isn’t down past his shoulders anymore, and he just wants to get through the day. But old classmates have other plans. As they’ve been eating their muffins, apples, and cheeseburgers, these jocks and nerds can only think of one thing: a food fight rematch that will dwarf their younger bread & butter battles! Play your way through this food fight as an experienced Perfect Shooter, and serve up a final course slice of slaughter for poor Frankie in this, the fourth and last installment of the popular College Daze series.
Edit: Aw, heck. I thought I’d made the complications optional. I certainly wanted to. Ah well. Butterfingers! I can’t have my cake and eat it too. No use crying over spilt milk. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
The head chef of Haven island has informed me that the ingredients for tonight’s food fight event on the island have not arrived due to shippiing problems.
I need you to act as him cooking assistant and procure replacement ingredients ASAP.
I’ve listed five people eho might have the delicacies,so check them out.
Brief Description:
Disguise yourself as a chef and assassinate five targets using a cleaver to procure the ingredients they have.
(The garbled description on the in-game screen is in the language of my country)