Contract ID: 1-03-1552188-62
Platform: PC (Steam)
Submitter name: piko1311
Contract Title: Trouble at the kitchen
Briefing: Alright, 47, this is finally it - Food Fight day is upon us!
For this assignment you will travel to your favorite town, Sapienza, to bring some order to the kitchens. Look at the chefs! Smoking in the kitchens? Absolutely no respect for other people’s lungs.
Next, you can try your trusty poison on one of the guards. Let poor Silvio live for once, please.
Lastly, look at the assistants! Is that proper kitchen attire? I don’t think so! Go and teach them a lesson!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Brief Description: Hey, I wanted to make some food kills but unfortunately I have no idea how to do them, even when I watch a video and follow everything the guy does it just doesn’t work for me. So i decided to do a kitchen cleanup. The targets are Chef Marcello(Kill with accident as kitchen assistant), the 2 kitchen assistants at Villa Caruso(Kill with kitchen knife as kitchen assistant), one of Silvio’s guards(Kill with consumed poison as kitchen assistant) and the chef at the town hall cafe(Kill with explosion accident in any disguise).Hope you guys like it
Location: Sapienza
Thank you! I guarantee any contracts that require some gimmicky food-kill that isn’t just poison I will not complete the way it’s intended.
Platform: Xbox
Submitter name: linux_penguin
Brief Description: EYHO provides a unique challenge for each of the four targets. Zamani is in the room where you would typically isolate the chef, and he must be conscious for the melee kill. Zaman is in a reasonably public area so it will challenge casual players. No bodies found (as well as being aimed at casual players) is for Jouda to make her kill more interesting than just KOing her smoking friend. Karam can be killed at almost any point on his cycle without siekering him, and the speedrunners will definitely find the best points to do so.
Location: Dubai

I don’t even need to check which contract that was to know it’s the headshots only food kill. Please don’t submit that or else I’ll have to actually play that (it scares me)
I would not submit throw-food contracts, I don’t think they belong to the featured contracts. sorry @djsojus
Though I can’t stop anyone submitting my contract…
EDIT: Okay for some reason I can’t clear this because the Scooter exit is bugged
EDIT 2: Remade the contract without required exits.
Contract ID: 1-29-8329947-03
Platform: Epic Games
Submitter name: mkSolas
Contract Title: The Clubbing Experience
Two bartenders in Berlin have been giving away secrets to an unknown source on how to get into the club.
Your job is to seek out these bartenders and eliminate them in a way that you won’t be noticed. Maybe give them a taste of what they’re serving.
Also do not harm any of the other guests and workers as the club is trying to keep up to its reputation.
While you’re at it, find this unknown source and take him out, he should be around the area.
Good luck!
Brief Description:
Three targets, 2 Consumed Poison and 1 Kitchen Knife (Melee). You basically lure the poison targets in front of the bar and serve them a poisoned drink. The kitchen knife kill should be obvious. The complication is Targets only I honestly wanted to find a way to fit in the “Serve as” prompt into something but never really got into one due to waiting too long.
Location: Berlin
Honestly I would prefer having an image of 47 tending a bar, but this is just an alternative picture.
Contract ID: 1-16-4250155-89
Platform: PC (Epic Games)
Submitter name: MikasaBestGirl (This is my Epic Games account’s name, but if possible, could you credit me as “NamelessStar” ? Pretty please?)
Contract Title: Knives Out
Brief Description: Poison some food and kill some chefs with a knife! The main difficulty from this contract resides from the (optional) “Don’t Get Spotted doing illegal stuff” complication and the fact that four of the targets are all very close to each other, meaning you have to either wait for the perfect moment to strike or create that moment yourself if you want to complete the contract quickly. (If you don’t care about doing things fast, luring them to some secluded place works just as well, but it’s less fun in my opinion!)
Location: Bangkok (Patient Zero)
Image Suggestion:
Contract name: The Cookie Crumbles
ID: 2-31-4934811-09
Platform: PS
Submitter: Steynkie69
Location: Mendoza
Two guards are supplying the evil cook with a special poison for the BBQ, which is untraceable.
Make the cookie crumble, 47.
You have to kill the cook and 2 guards with an explosive device. If you make the cook sick, he will throw up in public, so for Silent Assassin, that is not an option. However, there is a SECRET way to make him go to a remote location!
If you plan it right, you can explode him and one guard together, and hide their bodies at the same time. SA can be achieved in 8 mins or less, as seen on the leaderboards.
Suggested image:
Contract ID: 1-09-9528960-90
Platfrom: PC (Steam)
Submiter name: RedSneakyFox (Steam name: CodeBreaker)
Contract Title:
(appreciate the little reference to Hell’s Kitchen)
Brief Description:
Everyone favourite map: Colorado (that was sarcastic…)
You have to kill 5 targets in one small area.
A contract that requires a little bit of timing, some knowledge of the map, and a good selection of the order in which you eliminate the targets.
Perfect execution might requires a little planning or simply pacyfing some guards.
Keep in mind that after few minutes the patrol with Penelope Graves will go through the area.
Sieker 1, Remote Emetic Gas Device or Emetic Granade suggested to obtain the disguise
Location: Colorado
Image Suggestion:

No, but food inspired. Chefs, poison food, knives etc.
Now this I can get into!!
If you’re gonna pick a contract of mine, I hope it’s not this one because it’s the least impressive one. BUT it completely fits the theme.
Contract ID: 1-33-8974103-04 (or 2-33-1372989-12, 3-33-0026833-37)
Platform: EGS
Submitter name: Kevin Rudd
Contract Title: The Amphibian Consumption
Brief Description: You must hunt 4 frogs and poison people at the Dartmoor Garden Show with them
Location: Darty Garden Show
Image: Pick your fave out of these two
f r o g e
I know its the Term, but a Food Fight! featured contract would’ve been cool…
Contract ID: 2-27-4712495-54
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: GlogolZ
Contract Title: Bananas hate cooks
Briefing on photo
Brief Description:
The contract requires you to eliminate all three chefs in Dubai with bananas. The main difficulty is that you need to know how to kill with food, but I think everyone knows this, as well as how to properly spend food on locations. The ban on disguise changes adds a little complexity to everything that happens. The plot fits the theme, it’s funny and slightly absurd.
Location: Dubai
Image suggestion:
Contract ID : 1-30-5639466-68
Platform : Epic Games
Submitter name : Dinozafr
Contract Title : Food Fight
Brifing : Today there is a contest for who will eat better and who will have the cleanest water. To make water feel like “it’s the best water I’ve ever had in my life”. But, our client wants this water to be deadly and to be the best of all others. Critics will certainly appreciate this water. But for the last time in their lives. Good luck 47.
Brief Descraption :Eliminate three target with Consumed Poison and first target need eliminate use Lethal Poison Pill Jar
Location : Chongqing
Image :
Contract ID:1-31-2170069-17
Platform:epic game
Submitter name:Feng Cai
Contract Title:Barbecue Season
Briefing:The warm wind blew on people’s faces, and it was a season suitable for barbecue. A banquet was held in Mendoza. Agent 47 sneaked into the banquet and fulfilled the contract of employers.
Brief Description:This is the first contract I submitted. There are four goals in total. The scope of activities of the four goals is near the barbecue square, and there are two goals that need to poison the target by eating food. The other two goals are killing the cook and the last goal is an accident. I think this contract I submitted is in line with your official theme and food related. I hope I can submit it successfully this time. Thank you
Contract ID: 1-31-4742850-10
Platform: PC, Epic
Submitter Name: bgyorok
Contract Title: Cojones in Crime
Good morning, 47. You have been tasked with eliminating both Don Yates and his wife, Valentina. During the rivalry between white-tablecloth restaurants, they have been a giving a generous “donation” of supplies to a restaurant called “Modestie”. Our client claims her business has been tainted by their actions and has asked you to eliminate them in agonizing manners along with Mikhail Kadir, investor and backbone of Modestie. Good luck.
Brief Description: A 3-target puzzle contract that contains a big twist. Only kill conditions are how the person should die. It only requires logical thinking and no bugs, glitches or exploits to beat. Requires a bit of trial and error.
Location: Mendoza
Featured Contract Image Suggestion: Don Yates and Valentina Yates walking, sitting or standing together.
Sorry @RedSneakyFox for walking in on your kitchen without knowing!
Contract ID: 3-09-9095587-19
Platform: Xbox
Submitter Name: Kesington019 (Xbox name Kesington019758)
Contract Title: Foodie Fighters

Briefing: Well, sit tight ladies and gentlemen, because we’re about to have ourselves… a FOOD FIGHT! (He’s in boys, he did it, he said it!) This lot can’t agree on which cereal is the king of breakfasts: Captain Sugar Rush, Apple Bran Crunch, Honey Bear, or the OG Early Bird brand Corn Fakes. Be the culinary better-man and teach these foodie fools why they shouldn’t be trusted in the kitchen!
Brief Description: 2 kitchens, 2 pairs, 1 very annoyed chef. All your relevant items can be discovered in logical areas of sustenance production. Both complications are optional. Good luck!

Location: Colorado

Serving Distasteful Food
General Information:
Contract ID: 2-31-5397950-10
Platform: PS
Submitter Name: Switcher
Location: Mendoza
“Can we please stop fighting?” Waiter #1 said, “No food is worth so much pain”, but 47 knew, “No rest for the wicked”, he had to eliminate every WaiterLord in order to free the food kingdom from distasteful food.
He has to make sure every waiter gets served!
Brief Description:
This is an Any/Any contract that relies on choices,
where you choose to start, where you exit, which
target you kill first, which last, this mission can be
completed in lots of ways, you choose the one
you enjoy the most.
Fits to theme - 5 food related targets, Waiters.
Meet The Meat
General Information:
Contract ID: 2-28-4723293-10
Platform: PS
Submitter Name: Switcher
Location: Dartmoor (Death in The Family)
Yes, the answer is yes, food tends to fight, a lot, our fine shark friends rather have their food ready to be eaten at the table, than fighting for their life in the middle of the ocean.
THAT is why they asked for our help, they believe that you can get them their food, willing to help?
Brief Description:
This contract is focused on 2 starting locations and the way of running in between the 2, the 2 targets you kill with the cleaver are placed in the floor with the kitchen knife and vice versa for the 2 kitchen knife targets, where do you start?
Fits to theme - Kitchen Knife + Cleaver.
Contract ID: 3-29-0220480-84
Platform: Xbox One
Submitter name: Speedrunner1390
Contract Title: Food v Drink
Briefing: The food versus drink discourse of the internet has gotten rough. You must show the world how drinks are more reliable. Make sure Waldemar Kaufman passes out with his beer, give the delivery boy some needed refreshments, and don’t forget the ice (pick) for Reinhold Stauss.
Brief Description: For this contract, you must be the bartender and eliminate Waldemar Kaufman (guy by main stairs drinking beer) by poisoning, Hugo Großer by drowning and Reinhold Stauss (one of the NPCs near the Juice Bar) using the Ice Pick melee. Scooter Exit is required, and you can’t pacify or change disguises (accidentally made no disguise change required by accident in the creation).
Location: Berlin
Featured Contract Image suggestion: An ice pick on fast food in a scooter emitting lethal poison smoke, zoomed out to see the rest of the scooter.
Contract ID: 2-22-0197441-92
Platform: PS5
Submitter name: tryagainlater
Contract Title: Now We’re Cooking With Gas
Briefing: The five kitchens in Whittleton Creek have cookers that are primed to blow. Use them to take out these targets.
Brief Description: The contract is about going to the five kitchens that are enterable in the WC map and using the cooker gas leak explosion to take out a target. I suppose there isn’t anything stopping people from using a propane tank but there’s only a couple them in the map. There’s a starting point and exit near most of the targets and they’re spread out so there should be a decent variety in routing. The contract is on the easy side so I added the no pacifications complication just to add a bit of challenge.
Location: Whittleton Creek/Another Life
And Featured Contract Image suggestion: An image of a leaking cooker would go nicely.