New Elusive Target: THE DISRUPTOR (27 June - 29 July 2024)

That was my first idea as well.
I really hope it‘s Ambrose. The map deserves its own ET.


Contrarian opinion, for sure, but just because the target is a fighter doesn’t mean that the actual Elusive Target mission has to have a fighting ring in it. Could be a famous fighter on vacation in Haven Island or renting out the entire Dartmoor mansion with his entourage. Could be some underground fighting thing, sure, but it could also be something completely unrelated to fighting at all except for the target being a fighter.


Saying the same thing I said in another thread (only just saw this one existed):

Wonder why they decided to put “Spring 2024” and not “June”. That’s highly likely where its landing - The Drop and The Undying got a month long activation and no other ETs were activated during that time. They’ve already announced ETs are running from late-April to early-June. So… yeah.

Also, based on recent history I assume there will be another Twitch drop too. Purple Streak Briefcase?


True, and this is the most likely outcome, but still, the Rage was kind of disappointing in that you couldn’t have a legit chance to duke it out with him, a la Sanchez, and maybe IOI will take the opportunity to correct that after securing a fighter celebrity as a target.


With IOI’s scheduling, whenever I see the name of a season I just naturally assume it’ll be as late in that season as possible.

“Winter” just means March.
“Spring” means June.
“Summer” means September"
“Fall” or “Autumn” means December.


When I see IO say Spring, all it does it bring back flashbacks of Freelancer delays. :joy:


Ugh, I guess it makes sense, but when are we gonna get the other suits for the other platforms as was strongly implied last year?

Fuck, those were some dark days, indeed.

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I hope that’s Gary Busey (and Gary Cole) so the circle will be complete :+1:

That being said, it looks like a MMA fight cage so that might be a brand new celebrity ET :thinking:

Wait & see…

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Forget about Busey.
It was one and only truly Elusive Target which has never returned and won’t return ever I will say.
Does the title says “new”? In case with Busey he’s not new.
So just forget about him


Hopefully thats not something that lived and died with Travis, since he had said previously he was the one pushing for some of the unlocks we did get. :crossed_fingers:


I know it doesn’t have to be fighting themed, but It would be weird if they don’t take advantage of the person’s profession considering that’s the whole reason they’re famous in the first place. I mean, if they put Vegas on a night club, they’ll probably also want this ET to be tied with what the person is known for.


Seeing how already there’s an implication of the target being based on a boxer or similar, I don’t think Busey is likely. Unless it’s just me not knowing his career beyond being featured in Hitman and apparently getting caught up in some scandals that make his reappearance even more unlikely.


Hey, @Combatglue, got anything you can share?


To be honest “The Wild Card” was quite dissapointing ET, without any interactions, special opportunities etc. It was one of worst ET in H1 days. It was ET kind of subdue everybudy around and then kill target. If that ever comeback to H3, it need to be remade because it’s just bad.

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Interesting! But I totally expect to not know the person. :joy:


I wonder if IO placed a small clue into the game with the last patch as to where this will take place… The Drop had the posters change in Berlin ahead of time that confirmed that was the location.


Man, without knowing this dude’s (I’m assuming a dude) title, I can’t make puns about it like when we were waiting for the last one to Drop.


At first glance, I thought that was a bank vault and not a UFC ring. :person_facepalming:

Lore wise, maybe it’s a colleague of Sully Bowden (The Rage)? Dang, all these underground fighting rings must be where 47’s making his freelancing big bucks lol


Well, considering all the drug dealers, serial killers, art thieves, and pricks who just drive others to kill themselves (and some ETs match more than one of these descriptions), having a few recurring illegal fight promoting Tyler Durden wannabes might help shake things up a little.


Please be Brock Lesnar :heart_eyes: