[MOD] Freelancer Variations

Hi first time poster on this board, long time WOA player. Just gotta say I love the FV mod so much. I was getting really bored of the standard levels over and over again, this mod breathes so much more life into Freelancer! So thank you very much.

I have one issue recently though after I updated to the newest version. I selected a sindicate with one of the locations being Hawke’s Bay with X targets. When I loaded up the level it turned into Ambrose Island and now I only had 1 Target and no objectives to complete other than the prestige objective. Mission payout was also 1 Merces. :sweat_smile:

Now after I finished the mission the Hawke’s Bay location did not disappear from my mission select map. I could do the mission again and it would count again to completing one of the 6 missions in the final sindicate.

I’m sure I could of just kept doing the fake “Hawke’s Bay” mission over and over again to get to the showdown. This is what I ended up with though after doing 4 other missions. I had the option to select between both Hawke’s Bay and Miami as my Showdown.

When I selected Hawke’s Bay for the showdown it looks like the game fixed itself because I had 12 suspects and all my objectives back again (but it was still in Ambrose Island).

Anyways it was a weird (bug?) and it happened to me again today. Never happened before I did the recent update. I also have way more screenshots showing this glitch off but I’m only allowed 1 picture apparently…

The Nexus explains all

It matters if you’re playing on Peacock Plugin or SDK mod, they each have separate options that must be correctly selected

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It was working fine before I updated the FV mod in SMF program. Sorry I’m not a wiz at this modding stuff (yet) what do I have to do? I’m using the SDK mod, not peacock. Do I need to download a new “variation picker” json file?

Just go to Mod Settings and make sure this option is selected, then apply/deploy it

Yea, that wasn’t my issue. After much struggling I figured it out. For some reason the SDK file “FreelancerVariations.dll” was missing from my retail/mods folder. I don’t know why the file disappeared, I certainly didn’t delete it. FV works now as it should after I redownloaded the file. :person_shrugging:

So then no variants were working, as opposed to just Hawke’s Bay not working :flushed:

Yea I know, ultimate facepalm. That’s what actually led me to my solution because I thought to myself “Hey wait a minute, were any variants working?” lol my bad sorry

It might help a little if there were a note somewhere on the picker site saying where to save the file it generates.

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What’s the deal with some of the Chongqing variations? They seem broken or something. Empty rooms in the apartment complex. Crowbars floating in air. Strange npcs that are from other maps. Is it just like a completely made up map?

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Do you have a separate mod…

Because that’s the only thing that has ‘The Block’ area (like) 97% cleared out. I can’t account for the other anomalies you mentioned… They’re likely from that mod though since they’re not in the normal Chongqing mission.


Interesting I didn’t know it was a non freelancer mission with actual “story” targets. Looks good in the video and I’ll definitely give it a try. But as far as a freelancer level goes, feels kinda empty and strange. I’m sure that sniper has given people a surprise end to their campaigns a lot of times too :joy_cat:


I’ve been experiencing crashes while loading into what I believe should be Romania, when selecting a New York territory. I don’t know for sure as I also have the daytime New York variant enabled, but I’ve been able to load into that previously with no problem. Are there any additional steps required to make it work? Would love to play it as I’ve been really enjoying playing this the last few days :slightly_smiling_face:

Some Screenshots

IOI seems to have shrunk the TV tower, as the observation room doesn’t seem to be above all the buildings here.

oh, and this foodie’s bread roll can float on nighttime Whittleton.

Do you have lighting ultimate on New York :thinking:

Glad you’re enjoying the mod

Will probably just leave that bun for now due to work-to-result value being low :grimacing:

Nope. The only one I would think could have any repercussion is the one that allows any npc to be selected as a target (after seeing the “Sexiest Man Alive” ghost while exploring Chongqing Noodle Massacre, I suppose there is a possibility an unselectable option was made selectable).
(Perfectly fair about the floating food thing)

What other mods are you using?
I’ve been running into similar issue some time ago and managed to narrow it down to Metaphoria’s Gloves and Accessory mod, which would also cause crashes when loading into Untouchable even if it was the only mod left active.


Ah yes that’s another thing apparently. Apparently Romania would crash with various suit mods, someone had to come up with a fix for them and they did, but the fix is being put in the wrong spot (chunk7) because the entire map is copied to chunk8 so it can be accessed in Freelancer


Oh, that’s it!! My buccaneer suit was set to the caveman some time ago and I totally forgot. I’ll deactivate that one (and if that fails, any other one I don’t need). Cheers

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The Kalmer does not work on the train guards and the guy in the apartment in Chongqing.

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Yeah I saw that on your stream, I have absolutely no idea why that happens, they’re set up like ordinary NPCs :confused:

For the train guards let’s say they’re wearing extra thick coats!

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I had 80% completed the showdown version of Passenger Train when it became clear in testing it will be plagued with constant, almost instant crashes for the same reason there’s crashes if you have a lot of chaos on the train currently: NPCs suddenly having to go far distances down a single axis somehow being a problem on this map. Those suspects are walking all over the shop in a way regular NPCs I’ve placed don’t, and I can’t control the distances suspects go because of their random nature. Though I did try by limiting them to only one smaller section of the train, that still didn’t work

So Passenger Train showdown is on hold indefinitely, and the next update will be going live without it. No ETA on that yet but most of the hard work is done.