[MOD] Freelancer Variations

Shouldn’t happen on its own, what other mods do you have on?

Entirely too many to mention lol. Back when I first experienced it I disabled lighting ultimate thinking that was the issue but no improvement.

I will have to disable them piece meal and see if there’s any change and I’ll get back to you. Just thought I’d ask first in case you had experienced anything similar.

Dubai at night
Santa fortuna at night
Mendoza at night

Will be intresting to change

I was meaning to ask, is there a chance for some future variations to use some TOD changes that wasn’t used yet like foggy night from The Mills Reverie or late evening with red sky that was temporarily used in The Source in HITMAN 2:

This one

Also based on first post, outside of ET version of Marakesh you also want to make a Sunset version of Whittleton Creek with The Bitter Pill and Night Time version of Dubai with The Ascensionist (and sandbox Hantu Port down the line).

Are there any other variants you’re considering?

As for me I’d like to see:

  • Illusions of Grandeur version of Mumbai without crowds and with red sky
  • crowdless version of Marakesh with fog
  • night time Mendoza with Envy targets wandering around
  • Unveiling Ceremony version of Santa Fortuna during sunset (so it doesn’t share TOD with regular variant)

Well Hawke’s Bay isn’t in Freelancer so no, and no I have no interest in using the weird broken ToD of Bangkok

  • Illusions of Grandeur is annoying because it closes of Rangan Tower. Would either need to put in the effort to restructure it so you don’t get targets and spawns etc in that area, also meaning the player would get less target choices when they get that variant. OR need to find a way to make a version of IoG that undeletes all the things I don’t want it to delete (like Kercyx did for Easter Variant of Berlin, but much much more painstaking since that just closed a bunch of doors mainly). The latter is my preference as an outcome and it would replace current daytime, but yeah way too much effort for something not worth it. I’d also have no intention of removing crowds from Mumbai, one of the most populous cities in the world, especially if it’s still daytime.
  • This variant of Marrakesh I’m making removes the protest if you read above. But I’m not going to make the markets empty
  • Envy targets aren’t worth anything, they’re all high profile NPCs from other maps and would break immersion by including them and having you kill them, then going to the maps they’re from and seeing them again. Plus there’s only like five of them or whatever. Kercy and I have attempted a night Mendoza but there’s something very wrong and different about that map, when you remove/replace the lights for some reason everything is an unnatural bright red/green, this was why I did midday instead.
  • A simple lighting change (not night) for Santa Fortuna is on the cards but very low priority atm, won’t be done any time soon.

I’m supposed to have the Noodle Massacre turned off, but it’s still showing up for Chongqing.

While we’re on the subject… That cop on the rooftop… He has a sniper rifle, correct? Can he still instakill you?

Did you turn it off for both Showdown and Takedown? Or just showdowns?

And yes he can, if he successfully hits you and you’re within a certain range

Eh… Whatever this does. :sweat_smile:


The screenshot was, as I’m sure you’re aware, from a Takedown.

That’s a separate option based on whether you have the base noodle massacre mod installed. To disable it showing up as a variation you need to use the variant picker website.


Okay. Missions filtered, JSON file generated/saved/overwritten, mod/s deployed…

So that’s just for - if we don’t have CNM but are using Variations… Because if we pick Chongqing it might do something… weird? :confused:

Should I have it set to ‘Enabled’? (kinda confused)

Edit: Sorry if this was mentioned already.

I think it has something to do with deploying the changes twice, but don’t take my word for it. I have CNM installed and deployed separately, and per @volvomodus’s video I disabled the option in freelancer variations. I believe the mod page description also instructs you to disable the content if CNM is installed separately.

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really amazing work. this must have taken a lot of effort. as for a suggestion, how hard do you think a post race miami would be? like one at sunset or evening where the race is over, and the crowds have thined out/ moved to the bar/celebration areas. similar to hungover berlin. it sounds like a lot of work but i still would like to throw my idea in.

Night time and I think sunset begin with the race ending

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Should the sniper in Noodle Massacre variants be removed

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes, but moved into the Alerted brick if possible (Probably not possible)

0 voters


I have a question regarding daytime in Haven Island.
As it currently stands in vanilla freelancer (and by extension in Freelancer Variations mod) you always get a sunny day in regular syndicate missions while in showdowns you always get stormy day.
I was wondering is it possible to add stormy variant to regular syndicate missions and sunny variant to showdowns rather than being determined by type of mission that you play.


oh true, i just find it kind of strange that theres still a huge crowd of people cheering on the bleachers. regardless no big deal, love the mod

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Suspect in the egg


He is just egg-cited to read

Possible but I’m not interested in it at this stage; next ToD for Haven Island will likely be sunset


I just saw this from @musicalmushr00m last year, if it’s anything like that it should be beautiful

Freelancer Variations 1.0 - Dubai and Things

Version 1.0 is finally here. Make sure you update your SDK mod JSON from either Nexus or the variant picker website so you can play the new variants. I can’t be bothered doing an IO style changelog again, so here’s the list


  • Fix various bad safe and clue positions
  • Fix/tweak various Hokkaido Snow Festival Variant Issues
  • Add Marrakesh Sunset (+ETs) variant
  • Turns on more exterior lights in Colorado (Night)
  • Adds Midday Dubai (ET) variant
  • Experimental fix for Landslide exit bug based on Hardware’s feedback earlier (needs testing)
  • Removes CCTV recorders from Sapienza hard mode brick

The Variants

Marrakesh - ETs (Sunset): Marrakesh now takes places at a forboding sunset based on Colorado’s 2016 lighting. There are a couple dark areas in the map (Due to a first where there is no fake global light in the entire map, due to it for some reason causing issues no matter what I set it to) but overall nothing where any targets should be. All three daytime ETs are present. This variant is meant to take place shortly after A Gilded Cage, so the protest has disbanded and people’s scripts have been moved along, though I didn’t go through the whole map removing all Strandberg/Zaydan conversations. The actual ETs themselves will be gone on Showdown version, to reduce the chance of immersion breaking of going “Hey, but I killed her already”, but the other NPCs their mission bring will remain.

Dubai - The Ascensionist (Midday): The premise of this variant is it’s just an ordinary day at The Sceptre, no inauguration and no crowds. It takes place at midday and includes The Ascensionist. Did you know that ET adds 30 NPCs to the map? Sadly most of them are stationary so are not potential targets. A small amount of NPC scripts have been moved along. The story targets are also gone. Like Marrakesh variant the ET herself is removed on Showdown version. A small amount of custom NPCs have been added, whose scripts you may recognise from various escalations.

Happy Hunting!