I’ve been playing some modded scenarios that have all NPCs as targets, and I found something strange in The Source (Hitman 3 version). By the time I got to the end of the mission, two of the NPCs were seemingly completely missing from the level - no instinct highlights, no “searching” reaction to random gunfire, nothing.
The NPCs in question:
Erica Marcantoni
Pawel Stanton
I got these portraits from the internet - I never actually saw these NPCs in the level. Nevertheless, they are listed in the targets list and they’re also found online as NPCs included in the level.
Has anyone ever actually seen these two in The Source? If so, where, and how could they have escaped? If not, are they somehow invisible/invalid NPCs that have entries in the mission’s character list? I really want to get to the bottom of this.
Contract ID if you want to test it for yourself: 1-16-0107662-34 (Steam, Hitman 3)