Well, enable a Japanese language mod and there’s really no reason for 47 to hear Japanese as English. In this instance he’ll hear Japanese as Japanese.
Again, more for the benefit of translation to the English speaking players, rather than how 47 himself is directly hearing it.
The words maki, sashimi, and nigiri are all loaner words in English. If you go to google translate and listen to both the English and Japanese pronunciation the only difference is the speakers accent.
Thats fun!
Is she? The briefing says
Maybe she’s rejecting tradition as part of her image.
Just before asking for the fugu roll, she complains “This is all so standard”, which may also indicate she wants to break with tradition.
She is a Japanese woman who has visible tattoos coating one of her arms. I don’t know enough about Japanese culture to be sure, but from what I’ve heard from 2nd and 3rd hand accounts, a young woman doing such a thing and flaunting it in public is a traditional no-no. So there might be some merit to this view, if I’ve heard correctly.
As a cigar smoker it rustles my jimmies that there are so many open humidors lying around.
Close the lid!
Re: Yuki and hearing Japanese words as “English”. Well, there are times when she panics and says the word; Tasukete! (and using no language mod) but we, or 47, don’t hear it as “Help!”
I’ve always been slightly annoyed by the fact that there’s no way of telling whether an NPC is knocked out or just sedated. One, if found, ruins your SA-rating, the other one does not.
This could easily be fixed by replacing the “KO-dots” with “ZZZs” on the NPCs who are sedated.
Minor, & i understand it makes for more fluid gameplay as it is now but i liked when the cctv systems used to be separate in a level.
So deleting the footage in Caruso’s villa wouldn’t delete the footage in the church & vice versa.
It added a little extra challenge to a level.
Granted i still pretend to delete the footage in a different location even if I’ve already done so elsewhere.
Would it be odd if the “ZZZs” change to “KO-dots” when you move them a millimeter? That would need to happen if the intention is to indicate whether the NPC being found will break SA.
Strange or not, it would get the point across
You’d almost need a chart or grid listing states of unconsciousness and whether they’re a target or non-target.
Eh, I can’t get the forum ‘Table’ function to look right for what I’m trying to convey…
To put it *simply…
Any Melee KO to any NPC (choked out, and thrown or attacked with non-lethal item) = SA lost if body found
Non-target KO with accidental slipping, or concussion(right?) explosion within proximity = SA retained if body found
Sedation from poison or dart for non-target NPCs = SA retained if body found.
The only thing that retains SA for a sedated Target is a dart from a Tranq gun. Sedative Poisons lose SA. I’m not sure how I feel about that. Like it should keep SA. Yet a dart sticking in someone doesn’t lose SA? Same with slipping hazards. Those should keep SA, too.
The point is this… One should know what they’ve done to what type of NPC, and what will happen if said body or bodies are found. So don’t go around KO’ing random NPCs and leaving them out in the open, then get frustrated when another NPC happens upon their unconscious body. If you can dump them then KO away. But if not then maybe sneaking past might be a more practical option.
Sedation from poisons would incur one has more time to be careful. Your original question/statement gives the impression that one is in a hurry or not being careful. Or lacks the knowledge of what KO type does what to whichever NPC type.
Sorry for the longwinded post. *(ha ha “simply”
That one isn’t minor to me lol. I have wanted the “camera zones” back since they first went away. All difficulties or only on master. Whatever, bring them back @Combatglue !
Not me, much prefer it to be one and done. The idea being that the target in charge of things on a given map has their security system hooked up all over, so taking one down takes them all down. The only place this doesn’t seem to make sense is in Sapienza, which can be chalked up to Caruso’s paranoia, or perhaps Ether’s, and in Mumbai, but the targets are all technically part of the same gang.
I decided to list the locations with more than one camera console.
- Sapienza: Up to four zones: town hall, church, mansion, lab.
- Hokkaido: Two consoles, but I don’t see why they’d be separate zones, or any good division.
- Miami: Up to four zones: parking, Kronstadt building, stands, garage building. Although the last two are a bit of a stretch to be disconnected.
- Santa Fortuna: Up to three zones: Martinez’s house, Delgado mansion, plantation+tunnels. Although I’d think Delgado would want to be able to monitor everything.
- Mumbai: Two zones: train yard, Rangan tower.
- Whittleton: Two zones: Cassidy’s house, Janus’s house.
- Ambrose: Two zones: Akka’s area, Crest’s area.
- Sgàil: Up to four zones: warehouse, main keep, chapel, walls. Walls and chapel are really kind of pointless as zones though, each has only 1 or 2 cameras. And I’d think, when they’re not having a big party, they’d probably want to monitor everything from just one room instead of staffing four anyway.
- New York: Three consoles, but I can’t see why they’d be separate zones.
- Haven: Up to three zones: Mansion, server room, everything else.
- Although really if any are separate I’d think the security hut could only see “everything else” while the mansion/server room would be combined and see everything.
- Dubai: Two consoles plus the main server, but I can’t see why they’d be separate zones.
- Berlin: Up to two zones: club, biker hangout.
- Although if separate I’d think the biker hangout could still probably watch everything, while the club security couldn’t see in the hangout.
- Chongqing: Two zones: ICA, Hush’s building.
I know Bangkok had a second console very early on, but that’s long since removed and would be another “I can’t see why these would be separate zones” case.
If separate camera zones ever come back it’d probably be best to be toggled in the settings.
47’s smoking Behikes that are dry as a bone
Third console in New York? Fourth console in Miami? Can you give specifics or an image, I had no idea these existed.
New York
- security room next to the vault
- security room near the investment bankers
- Athena Savalas’s private mirror-window room
Ok, I’m dumb on the Miami one; NOW I remember that 4th one. But New York, never gone into Zavala’s office without having already disabled the system, never knew that was there.