Lighting Discussion

A hot topic of the old Hitmanforum, brought here :slight_smile:

Discuss the lighting of every mission, the changes that they’ve gone through, and compare them!


@HMBM47’s Lighting mod for HITMAN 2

Using 3Dmigoto I was able to pinpoint 4 different shaders that contribute to the bloom.
Disclaimer: Might not work with AMD cards, Google for solution if you have issues.

Update 1.1:

  • ShaderFixes folder and d3dx.ini have been configured so the values are between 0 and 1.
    No dividing by 6000 nonsense to turn off an effect. Math…:upside_down_face:
  • Key 5 is configured to cycle between preferred setting, everything off except rays and fog, everything off, and everything on.

Update 1.2

  • Shaderfixes were updated for the 10-22-2019 update of Hitman 2.

Extract files inside the x64 folder to the HITMAN 2 Retail folder.
Detailed directions:

  1. Open HITMAN2-3Dmigoto-BloomConfigure-v1.1.rar file using your preferred .rar opening program.
    (7zip was used to make the file. )
  2. Open the x64 folder within the .rar file.
  3. Select all files and folder and extract them to the HITMAN2 Retail folder.
    (Default install location: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\HITMAN2\Retail)

There’s already a d3dcompiler_46.dll file in the HITMAN 2 directory, and I believe they’re identical, but I made a backup of the original and use the one provided with the program anyway.
I’m also not sure about the “loader” folder, but since the original also included it I’ve kept it intact. (for reasons :roll_eyes: )

Default keys:
F10: Reloads Shaders (After you’ve made changes to the d3dx.ini file, just hit this key, no need to reset the game.)

The below keys can be used to gradually decrease the default values so you can decide which value you like best (can be handy for Ansel too), and based on how many times you press the key (numbers are listed in the d3dx.ini), you can configure the value in d3dx.ini to your liking.

1: Bloom - x

2: Lens Flare - y

3: Direct light shine - w

4: Sun Rays and Depth Fog - z - When off this makes the outside look clear when looking through a window, but when outside it looks very unnatural.

5: Cycles between my preferred settings, everything off except rays and fog, everything off, and everything on.

In d3dx.ini for one preferred preset you can change the values just underneath [Constants].
For multiple presets you can configure Key 5 (I have it to cycle between 4, but numbers can be added or subtracted as desired).
You can also create additional keys to do whatever, go crazy! :crazy_face:

I THINK the way everything is written just underneath [Constants] is self explanatory and I made comments where needed, but if there are any questions hit me up! :slightly_smiling_face:

My preferred settings were based on the very sunny Sapienza and Whittleton Creek and I feel that perhaps they MIGHT not be 100% right for darker levels. If you feel that certain values work better for darker levels post the x,y,w,z values here so I (and others) can check them out. :wink:






Sapienza lighting comparison

Original 2016

GOTY 2016

HITMAN 2 (before the lighting change)


the original is perfect. why did they think any changes were necessary at all?


I’m glad this has been reposted. They can’t get away with it that easy. Ugly Sapienza lighting riots will live on. :fist:


Original much better!

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I still dont get it, what kinda design decision it was. The game looks freaking beautiful but the damn bloom and lens flares are fucking dumb


And… we’re gonna have to make do with the lighting for HITMAN 3 since it’s going to be DX12 only, which 3dMigoto is not compatible with.
I wish someone with more understanding of shaders than me was able to modify the code to revert the “realistic eye adjustment” effect that was introduced, and the blinding whites and overcrushed blacks.

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Let’s settle this for once:

Best Paris lighting?
  • Original
  • GOTY
  • Legacy

0 voters

Best Sapienza lighting?
  • Original
  • GOTY
  • Legacy v1
  • Legacy v2 (current)

0 voters

Best Marrakesh lighting?
  • Original
  • GOTY
  • Legacy

0 voters

Best Bangkok lighting?
  • Original
  • GOTY
  • Legacy

0 voters

Best Colorado lighting?
  • Original
  • GOTY
  • Legacy

0 voters

Best Hokkaido lighting?
  • Original
  • GOTY
  • Legacy

0 voters


Best lighting is without that awful bloom which seems hasn’t been killed for HITMAN 3 and it will spoil all the graphics and look of the game


I haven’t played the original and can’t remember GOTY, so sorry, but I can’t vote.

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EDIT: It was brought to my attention that one of the screenshots was uploaded incorrectly. It is a very minor fix, admittedly, but I have now fixed the issue. Thank you.


Made some screenshots that could help clarify the poll for people who may not have multiple patches on hand to compare between. :stuck_out_tongue:








i just need them to fix Sapienza and i’m good :yum: love all the new Legacy versions except Sapienza

also new-Marrakesh but i dont mind that one as much as new-Sapienza


I just hope the IO staff doesn’t confuse our complaints about lighting with the skybox, IF they do anything with our feedback to start with. In my opinion it’s not only the lighting in, for ex, Sapienza that’s fucked, it’s also the skybox/backdrop. That beautiful clear sky with only a few clouds in the background was also part of the experience. Even if they’d refine that ugly ass lighting, the skybox is still lackluster.


From poking around with 3dmigoto on HITMAN and HITMAN 2, it seems like in Glacier, the busier the skyboxes, the worse the bloom gets, as the clouds seem to be treated as almost a kind of “light source” that goes away once you turn off the clouds.

This means the busy Sapienza skybox creates more bloom than the original one because it’s more saturated with white clouds that reflect (or emit) light than the clearer skybox from before.

So changing the skybox back would theoretically also reduce the bloom a small bit, so that would get us even closer to better lighting.


Post the ice bar area of Paris as reference.

I really hope someone gets the anti bloom tool to work with HIII and DX12.


GOTY surprisingly has the least bloom of the 3, with OG having a bit more “shine”.
But definitely Legacy is out of control.


Okay I voted wrong on several of them by mistake now. :joy: Can’t fix the vote.


Quick comparison shot between the game and the newest PSVR trailer. The skybox remains the same. Truly untouchable™.


Ouch, the level still has its green tint too, and the lighting looks hardly different whatsoever.
Very disappointing.