Do you have a YouTube-Channel? Stream on Twitch? Are the funniest person on Twitter? Or just want a few new friends on Epic/PS/Xbox/whatever? Here’s your chance! Promote yourself, show us what you got!
I miss a few friends on Epic. Would be fun to compare scores:
My Epic-Username: djsojus
My Twitter-Handle: @djsojus (mostly in German)
“grim cyanide” on epic games
On Steam I go by the nickname EvilGeniusRo, shocker right?
I post random gameplay videos every now and then, nothing noteworthy.
Self promotion, huh?
Channel with random videos, for now mostly with HITMAN stuff
My own mixes. Mostly in trance genre. Occasionally I experiment with mixing in some different styles and subgenres
Come say hello
I produce EDM music. I’m not super amazing but I’m proud of what I make. Here’s my latest song:
I also have a new song coming out in a couple days:
I really liked «Golden Skies»! What kind of tech do you use to produce it?
Thanks! I’m glad you like it. I use a piece of software called FL Studio. There are plenty of alternatives but I prefer FLs workflow. Other than that, just a bunch of different software synthesizers and drum samples.
Coming Soon™, stay tuned
Ok, here’s the mix that I recorded in the morning of HITMAN 3 launch day
Well I’m only active on Instagram I post in German there and mostly about food and my animals and sometimes some random thoughts But maybe it’s still interesting and I would love to see some familiar faces from here
It’s been a little while since I shilled myself on this forum. Use @GapFreezer on Twitter and am active on YouTube.
Please follow my YT for the dumbest content in the world
Wooh boy. I know I’m necro-bumping. It was either this or opening a new but (almost) same topic.
Anyway. I don’t think such a poll as this has been done before.
What system do you mainly use to play HITMAN?
- PC/Steam
- PC/Epic
- PS4
- PS5
- XBox One
- XBox Series X/S
- Nintendo Switch
- Other
“Other” in case there was another system I didn’t mention.
My intention for this is to let others know who is on which system. If you see another forum user uses the same system/console that you use - this could be the place to (maybe) tag them to see if they’d like to become an online “friend”… For the purposes of leaderboard standings and contract sharing – I guess.
Maybe another poll would be in order.
- Yes
- No
I suppose your vote in ^this can be changed later.
I’m aware of the rare cases of people with H:woa on more than one system. I suppose if you need/want friends for those that can still be taken care of here (in this topic).
That’s a nice idea! I love connecting with others I play Hitman on both, PC (Epic) and PS4, but mainly on PC. But if anyone wants to connect, I am open for both
I also have a Steam account, but I play mostly Sims 4 there
don’t know if that’s interesting for anyone, but if someone wants to connect there, too, feel free to ask me
I think your Epic account name might be hard to find. But if you feel like adding me my account name is the same as my forum_name.
My name is a bit different from my Forum name, because “Mini” was already taken, so I added 4706