I’m waiting for IO to have a chance of making the original Explosive Pen unlockable
It’s the only explosive that I don’t even have yet as it’s baffling to understand why they didn’t even consider doing so yet along with making the Trinity Pack purchasable, it could earn them easier money if they made it for like 5 or 10 bucks and it’s just still baffling why they haven’t done
If anyone from IO is reading this, (Such as Travis or Clemens) please take it into consideration, I beg you
Given that the idea of an explosive pen is assumed to be taken from Golden Eye…
Well, how did that explosive pen work? You click it and wait so many seconds before it explodes.
The explosive pen in H2? You throw it as a lethal melee (or just toss it? I can’t say I’ve ever tried doing that) and then it explodes.
I think the explosive pen would work more like the one from the Bond film if it worked similarly to the wristwatch you can find in New York (Golden Handshake). Set it down, activate it, and walk away while it does its thing.
But it’s a fountain pen (that you’d dip into an inkwell), not a clicky pen.
Honestly, I can’t say I’ve ever really used the explosive pen outside of a contract requiring it. A mini timebomb might be more useful.
Well they did release a reskin of it recently… specifically because of the requests players made. Hell, lil’ flashy got re-released recently. Be patient. Never say never again
I think it will happen. Pretty sure I’ve seen a post somewhere from one of the ioi guys saying that although the aluminium travel briefcase, performance coin and winter suit will no longer unlockable for new players, they plan to make everything else unlockable long term. Since in the last couple of months the Florida fit w/ gloves and lil Flashy have become available again this is now the only thing left on the list - I’m confident it’ll happen sooner or later.
Why would those others not be made available? It’s not like the Sarajevo Six or the Wild Card and Undying ETs that are all under contract. The aluminum briefcase and black winter coat are their own thing that was available across platforms. There’s no technical reason why they can’t make that available in H3, and I don’t see a legal reason why they don’t.
A B.S. explanation that boils down to not feeling like going through the trouble of making something that was locked behind a particular action available for everyone else. God, would companies stop making things exclusive in games!
I don’t even think it’s about not wanting going to the trouble of it; rather, it’s a conscious decision to ensure that all future content by IOI will carry a minimum non-zero amount of FOMO factor to scare fans into buying/playing games early and not waiting for the inevitable discounts that happen for people who don’t pick up games at launch.
There’s presumably a tangible monetary benefit that IOI can attach to maintaining some degree of FOMO, but from the perspective of us as fans/consumers of the series it’s nothing but a negative for us*. If you want all the stuff, you have to buy early and play early.
*I suppose there are the odd handful of petty weirdos like [HMF POSTER NAME REDACTED] who think that exclusive items that can’t be earned by newcomers is good thing that existing players should welcome, but for the rest of us actual adults who grew up past that toddler mentality of “THEY’RE MY TOYS AND I DON’T WANT TO SHARE!” we’re all very happy to see new players being able to unlock everything the game has to offer. As someone who has been there from the beginning and already has the Travel Briefcase etc, I’d love to be able to see newbies be able to get their hands on this stuff.