Interacting bugs

Does anyone else has some delay interacting with things like opening doors, picking up items, etc. Sometimes it takes me 5 trys to finally do it. I’m talking about hitman 1, 2 and 3 btw

About the Separate Games or Woa?

Sliding glass doors in Hokkaido and Haven. Kinda tricky to open if you stand very close to them.

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I noticed all doors now are hard to open and it doesnt feel it was like like that before, likely some changes meant or accidental after a patch.

That could mean a lot innfreelancer if youre being shot at and stuck at a door…

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Normal doors are opening normal at least for me, but sliding doors have that glitch or feature when they are not opening when you’re standing too close to them.
I remember Travis and Clemens talked about this in one of long-gone developer streams, but I myself didn’t understand the actual reason for that.
They said something about collision boxes or something which Agent also has and when those boxes meet each other we have that glitch where sliding doors prevented from opening.
But it wasn’t like this from very beginning so it’s not something I can understand :slight_smile:


World of assassination

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I know Ijust lost a campaign because of that

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There you go.

I also have a PS4 controller that doesnt always register when running and I avoid playing Hitman on that one for this very reason.

I play on ps4, I don’t think it is about the controlers, because I tried with both of mine and it wast he same.

I meant i dont use that controller not to not being able to run when shot at, regardless of doors.