ICA Electrocution Phone removed from HITMAN 3

While I dislike the removal of the fire accident, it’s not “just” any explosive: it’s the only explosive in the game able to trigger the “flaming banana” combo (when you put a molotov on top of a banana and the target slips on it then gets blown up). So at least it still has a very specific niche use :smiley:

To be fair, the electric phone was pretty useless in contracts mode. It takes care of a single target, and if that target’s a guard, any taser will do the same job.

Sir, if the American police force looked to Youtube as guiding principle for standard procedure, I’m pretty sure civilization would have collapsed a long time ago.


One-time only update for HM2 needed to eliminate the phone if people don’t stop complaining about the phone not being in HM3.

Well at least IOI took precautions to ensure new players wouldn’t be able to use it, since nobody can buy H2 now.

However that won’t stop people from buying the physical copy. Of course the servers could simply refuse to allow people to play HM2 even if they have the disk but grant them partial access to WOA so they can play the HM2 missions there.

I’ve always been of the position that it’s the individual player who makes choices about what level of difficulty they want their game to have. I flat out reject that publishers should never put elements into a game that makes the game too easy if there is no impact to other players due to it. In this case there would be no impact to other players if there was an electrocution phone or duck or whatever.

It comes down to player choice. If a player really wants the game to be a complete walk in the park with zero difficulty, nothing is stopping them from using cheat codes, trainers, or glitches. The e-phone or e-duck is no different (to me) than a publisher-sanctioned cheat code. What’s the difference if a player wants to make their game less fun?


I mean, yeah. The Sieker is kinda on the same level, cause you can really make the game super easy for just 1 item. So what if players get mad that an item can make missions easier? You don’t have to use it, i mean there are other items in existence. What are we supposed to do? Get rid of it?


Sometimes i wonder if you actually play the game. Seriously dude.

The phone and duck are both non suspicious items when in hand. You can place it down until target picks it up. And if lethal, they both give a free kill, unless body found were to negate SA, then i wouldn’t mind a lethal duck.

Only difference is the phone has an audio lure. But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the kill ability and the lack of risk it has using it.

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Sometimes I wonder if you read.

First of all, that discussion was moved to the electrocution phone thread for a reason, so you’re not even responding in the proper place and you’re gonna get this excised.

Second of all, I said it would be a proximity item that, like the other ducks, is destroyed when it goes off, meaning it can’t be picked up because it’s gone by the time an NPC gets within a certain distance, so unless it was placed in a water or oil puddle that the NPC was standing in when it goes off, nothing would happen to the NPC.

Third of all, these two statements, which I’ve spent the last two years of my time here giving example after example, over and over, about why they are not true and why this argument against such items is absolutely stupid, but you’ve helped me prove my point that I made to Drib that every person who makes this argument always ignores any attempt to point that out, so thanks I guess.

Removing stuff is not a good idea most of the time.

They could bring the phone back and make it count as non-SA accident/kill, it would be good enough and please everyone like that.

For those not willing to use the item, it’s then all about freedom of approach and what you are doing on your playthroughs.

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Or make phone available only if ALL challenges and mastery on ALL levels except sniper missions are unlocked.

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it should have never been added in the first place, the same goes for items like kalmer, sieker, emetic gas device, remote micro taser, emetic grenades etc

they do not fit the game and make every target piss easy to complete

Yes, they do fit the game, and no, they don’t make every target “piss easy” to complete, whatever the fuck that means. Don’t believe me? Go into Freelancer, use the Sieker on a target in the main square in Mumbai, and hide the body after you kill them. I’ll wait.


The Target should always have the bodyguard pick up an item even if said bodyguard doesn’t see it. At least certain items like the phone. I think in HITMAN 2016 the Target always has someone pick stuff up regardless.

Electrophone this, balance that. Have we forgotten that the EMP Device is a fair compromise for the Easy-Peasy Dial-a-kill for :baby:? Plus, it has way more uses than that silly phone.

That is the first useful thing you’ve said in this matter, I’ll give you that. But no, I don’t think the bodyguard needs to pick up a phone for the target; the target can take care of a matter like that themselves, and they certainly aren’t expecting the phone to electrocute them, or explode, or blind them, or anything else the phones do here.

Or maybe if the phone is ringed, the Target can hand their bodyguard the phone and say, “You! Find out who this is and if they’re selling something tell them I’m not interested.”


Of that were an issue, the target wouldn’t be carrying a phone in the first place and would be having an assistant filter calls.

Maybe we could bring back the ICA Electrocution Phone and have it get unlocked by beating the Hitman 2 Silent Assassin mission “Hidden Valley” with SA without exploits, going off-line, pausing, idling, saving, loading, etc., etc.


That could be way less complicated than that guys…

Just make it count as non-accidental kill (4 stars instead of 5) so it can just be used like a taser and everybody will be pleased :+1:


Except for the people who want the cheesy free accident kill. You can’t please everyone.

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