I love these canon-point discussion posts. The way I thing what happened, based upon hints, upon features, upon the world of assassination trailer, and more, I have overall approached the conclusion that we have a nice cool method canon.
The only thing brought into here’s the W200 sniper rifle in briefcase. That’s it. 47 makes his way to meet the greeters, then he goes and checks in and gets his 7th floor card. After that he notices the scientist arriving (and heck, maybe even going into the elevator). Before heading upstairs, he heads to check out the casino, then the bar. This is where he notices the Arabian meeting place. He also talks to bartend lady, learning that room 707 is his point of target. With this? He heads upstairs.
So he heads on upstairs and he checks out his room, he goes on the balcony to peep the scene. Here he notices the scientist in the catercorner up-a-floor room looking out the window. “Bingo Bongo Bango” he thinks to himself. He then accesses his binoculars and checks out 707. “Darn it and crap!” he thinks to he in mind, “this vantage point just will not cut it”.
Knowing what he knows he goes out just to walk around, that’s when he hears a woman grunt and fall, a very weird-ish sound. He goes around the corner just to freakin’ check it out, that’s when he meets the horny lady who invites him to her room. He thinks “a perfect vantage point, solution to my problems. She’s drunk as hell and probably won’t remember. She’ll either pass out, or I’ll kill her. I’m still the Blood Money 47, not the WOA one, so I have no problem killing an innocent woman who gets in my way”.
Luckily for her, she passes out to soon. 47 takes out his binoculars and zooms. He zooms on in to see the window, there and now at last. The perfect vantage point for what he needs. He steps out on the balcony, and then unpacks his rifle. He’s crouching, taking aim, and now he plays the waiting game. The German male, he walks on it, while 47’s ready-aiming. Then he pops a single bullet cross-the way and through the second window directly into the skull of the blonde German target. He starts to exit the room but then hesitates. “I wonder if the coast is clear” he peaks through keyhole only to find the very weird NPC who stands outside the door. “Darn it and crap!” he imagines the words in his minds eye just flashing before him. So he turns right around and its “back to balcony” now will he hop across back to his own.
The coast is now clear and as tight as can be. He unpacks his rifle and stores it in the ICA crate. He neatly drops the briefcase by the crate for the cleaners, and heads on down the hall. He reaches the hallway balcony, steps outside and very sneakily and slowly approaches the ledge. Making sure the scientist ain’t watching, he shimmies across to get to the German males balcony. Once he reaches it he walks on in the room, drags the German male into the bathroom, takes his clothes, his pistol, and his keycard. He puts the pistol in the briefcase and he walks on down the hall. He goes to the meeting place, gets frisked, but before going left to the meeting he retrieves the pistol and replaces it with a bomb. He does the whole meeting, he stands there and waits, and eventually guard gets the case.
He gathers the diamond case, picking it up, then he pops the sheik with a swift, quick, and singular bullet to the brain from the silenced pistol he picked up of German. He heads now from here back upstairs to the german’s room, on his way up to the elevator, he hears a loud bang and he notices commotion all around. Must be a fire drill. He gather’s his suit, then he heads to security office, he waits for the waiter to leave. As soon as he does, he sneaks on inside, he sedates the seated security male, and he steals the video tape.
Then, he’s home free, and he waltzes to the exit.
To me this method is canon because it makes use of most of the unique thingies and events in the level, and it allows 47 to snipe a target in Vegas, fulfilling the ambiguous blood money portion of the world of assassination trailer, plus it makes use of the drunk woman, and it makes use of the silenced pistol carried by the German guy, and the bomb gimmick which is deeply implied and deeply easy. Plus this whole method just feels the most complete, and the most cinematic to me.