As probably most of us finished the story in H3 (and maybe every other Hitman game), I was wondering. What are you enjoying now? How are you playing right now?
Replaying old Hitman games?
Trying to perfect the runs in WoA?
Contracts (creating or playing)?
Just replaying the favorite missions?
Completely different?
I started enjoying k.o.-runs. Starting in contract creation mode in the suit without loadout. Then slowly working my way through a mission (H1, H2 and H3) until I k.o’d every NPC in the map. Of course it has to be suit only and SA. Sometimes I have to restart after 1 or 2 hours just because a body was found. But it’s so satisfying whenever I finish a mission like that. Also it would give me the opportunity to make really mean contracts, like say “Killing an NPC from the very start of Mumbai with a fire accident”. Never did this actually, but it’s nice to know I could
Now I’m interested: Any of you have a very specific playing style at the moment?
Work has been crazy busy and we’re also trying to make up for lost time during lockdown so I don’t have a ton of time to play video games. I’m on HMF way more than I actually get to play. When I do have time I get a quick level in, I just play for fun and try to do one or two levels with no restarts or save loads. I shoot for SA, but it doesn’t always happen. Mostly I have been playing for the more fun kills or just whatever I decide might be fun. It’s all in the WOA trilogy. Yesterday I played Finish Line. I got Robert by tossing him off the roof by his satellite and then I got shot to pieces trying to take Sierra upstairs in the Kronstadt hospitality suite.
I often load into Berlin and challenge myself to complete the mission using only X or Y, whatever I can think of that I don’t do often. Like killing all agents with separate explosions SA with no knockouts.
Hitman roulette is a great way to pass the time, but I’m mostly just returning for the new content every week or so
I still have some to finish, too. Usually give a FC 3-4 tries and then stop playing it again for another week. Get about two or three FC done per week (not aiming for SA, as I already did all of them SA in H2). Only playing the new FC more until I get a SA rating.
Same here. Working 9 hours a day, watching Euros now, meeting friends again, spending time with my wife – and then playing a bit of Hitman.
Have to try this again. Never really got into it but it looks like fun. Watched a few runs on @Frote7 's Twitch. Always amazed at what’s possible!
I keep replaying the classics,
I’ve played for 15 years and STILL discovering things to do in them.
just been researching walkthroughs and videos like “15 ways to kill such and such” then testing it out
I haven’t been playing much but I’ve been playing a full play through of the WOA trilogy on master difficulty, where I try to embrace failure and have fun instead of playing perfectly with SA. Sometimes it’s much more fun doing this rather than just SA (I will still try SA but I won’t quit when I fail).
I still play Hitman for fun. I replay missions with specific constraints (suit only, kill with X or Y…) or test new things. Orsometimes, I remake mission stories because I did them long time ago and I don’t automatically remember how to achieve them.
Once a year usually i play through all Hitman games in chronological order just to have them fresh on my mind so I’m not only talking out of my ass here
I boot up HITMAN 3 once or twice a month to check out the new content but thats about it.
Haven’t played H2 in a few months. Need a break until H3 pops up on Steam. As for the older titles, I replay the 4 OG games once a year, one after the other but in reverse, starting with BM and ending with C47, mostly because I get cold chills if I have to replay SA at the start
I did also replay Absolution in the past but not anymore since I don’t get the same enjoyment as with the originals…
Only replayed H2016 because of the no save import in H2 and after completing each mission with every challenges unlocked, I just mess around in the levels. Will not re-play them from start to finish since I’ve been seriously burned out from how the game is designed and the focus of replaying everything over and over for unlocks is not my cup of tea. After H3, I’m done with the WoA and I’ll stick to the older titles when it comes to replays until H7
I just hope they go for a C47 / SA / BM style instead of the episodic style since in the long wrong it just burns out people and get sick of the game, such is the case for me…
I’ll do anything I can think of at the moment. Do Featured contracts, Escalations, go ham and kill a lot of people (if not all of them) on different maps, etc…
I’m not much of a FC or escalations enjoyer so now that I’ve finished the game I tend to just open a map and do random stuffs in it, sometimes roleplay or just chilling listening to the ambiance, thanks to modding there’s a whole bunch of new possibilities for me to enjoy simple things
Right now I do prefer to create and play other’s contracts. Favorites are the ones with a bit of creative briefing story and motive. Suit only can also be a fun challenge. It’s nice if the methods of execution enable you to choose between different ways of eliminating the target instead of forcing you to kill them with “X” weapon.
I’m pursuing the impossible goal of winning a F7SC challenge. I mean, I didn’t do too badly in rr5, and it was a lot of fun. Contract making is also my specialty, but I guess enjoying yourself wasn’t an objective for the contract jam! Mini Comp 33 (?) also had a fun idea, but still, I’m not good at speedrunning compared to these legends. Additionally… SC8 is an absolute nightmare for me. Three contracts, all three done wonderfully but insanely fast by someone and I’ll never beat them! The Dartmoor challenge only has a couple of SA runs on Xbox, and even then I’m four minutes behind the fastest console time, haha. Whelp, maybe I’ll just have to become a journalist or bribe the entire featured contract selecting committee.
I’m also playing the featured and trending contracts but I think Mini Comp 33(?) rotted my brain a bit because I just keep screwing that Dartmoor one up somehow. Not even trying to speedrun!
I mostly judge games sequels by what improvements in gameplay and tech they brought to the table and the improvements in Contracts over SA are minor compared to Absolution’s improvements over Blood Money.
Absolution has bad mission structure and plot, Contracts has bad remakes of C47 levels with overused rain / snow during nigthtime crap.