Title: Home Run!
Type: Feat
Condition: As the Baseball Player, pacify 5 guards with the HF Championship Bat without getting spotted
Mission: Situs Inversus
Reward: Baseball Player Suit
Title: Hoisted by their own petards
Type: Feat
Condition: Neutralise 5 Assassins with The Assassin’s HWK21
Mission: Freelancer
Reward: The Assassin’s HWK21
Title: Merces Mercenary (I cant think of a good name for this one)
Type: Feat
Condition: Intercept 20 Couriers
Mission: Freelancer
Reward: Merces (as a throwable coin distraction in the rest of the game)
Title: Commendable Assassin
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract (and by contract, I mean all 3 or 5 levels in the arcade mission, not just one)
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: ICA Commendable Performance Coin
Title: Superior Assassin
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract with a rank of Silent Assassin
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: ICA Superior Performance Coin
Title: Outstanding Assassin
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract with a rank of Silent Assassin, Suit Only
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: ICA Outstanding Performance Coin
Title: ICA’s Finest
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract with a rank of Silent Assassin, Suit Only and do all optional complications
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: Black Winter Suit
Title: Tourist’s Favourite
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate both Viktor Novikov and Dalia Margolis with knives and escape without being spotted
Mission: The Showstopper
Reward: Eiffel Tower Knife
Title: Magical Murderer
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate Alexa Carlisle with the unicorn horn
Mission: Death in the Family
Reward: Unicorn Horn
Title: Wumbo
Type: Feats
Condition: Eliminate 6 guards with a starfish
Mission: The Last Resort
Reward: Starfish
Title: Didgeridon’t
Type: Feat
Condition: Disguise yourself as the Street Musician and pacify Robert Knox with the didgeridoo
Mission: The Finish Line
Reward: Didgeridoo
Title: Fighting Back
Type: Feat
Condition: As the Perfect Test Subject, eliminate Hush, Sister Lei and Junil Wang with fiber wire
Mission: End of an Era
Reward: Scalpel & Stethoscope
Title: Demolitions Expert
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate Ezra Berg, Sean Rose, Maya Parvati and Penelope Graves with explosives
Mission: Freedom Fighters
Reward: ICA Impact Explosive
Title: Pillage and Plunder
Type: Feat
Condition: As The Buccaneer, steal the Imperial Filigree Egg from Ljudmila’s Bedroom without being seen.
Mission: The Last Resort
Reward: Imperial Filigree Egg & Doubloon
There’s a lot more challenge ideas for unlocks I have in mind, but I thought this was getting long enough already