Hitman WOA - Challenge Ideas

  • Name of challenge
    A Vintage Year

  • Type of challenge

  • Conditions of challenge
    Start the mission wearing 47’s Signature Suit, assassinate Don Archibald Yates and Tamara Vidal with a fiber wire, and escape from the pier while wearing 47’s Signature Suit.

  • Mission
    The Farewell, Mendoza

  • Reward
    Pinot Noir | Hitman Wiki | Fandom

I would like to have the challenge packs of Silent assassin,Contracts,Bloodmoney,Absolution.
So, that’s why,This is a challenge from ”Hitman Blood Money”.
Start the mission wearing 47’s Signature Suit, assassinate Don Archibald Yates and Tamara Vidal with a fiber wire, and escape from the pier while wearing 47’s Signature Suit, on the ”The Farewell, Mendoza”.
If you are wearing 47’s Signature Suit when you escape, you can change your clothes on the way out.
As an example, a “Pinot Noir” might be a good reward.
It would be fun if the contract mode had a “must return to initial suit upon escape” restriction like Blood Money.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Title: 3-Way To Hell
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate all agents, dressed as bikers, after pacifying them with Pool Ball
Do not get spotted
Mission: Apex Predator
Reward: Pool Ball

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Title: Home Run!
Type: Feat
Condition: As the Baseball Player, pacify 5 guards with the HF Championship Bat without getting spotted
Mission: Situs Inversus
Reward: Baseball Player Suit

Title: Hoisted by their own petards
Type: Feat
Condition: Neutralise 5 Assassins with The Assassin’s HWK21
Mission: Freelancer
Reward: The Assassin’s HWK21

Title: Merces Mercenary (I cant think of a good name for this one)
Type: Feat
Condition: Intercept 20 Couriers
Mission: Freelancer
Reward: Merces (as a throwable coin distraction in the rest of the game)

Title: Commendable Assassin
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract (and by contract, I mean all 3 or 5 levels in the arcade mission, not just one)
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: ICA Commendable Performance Coin

Title: Superior Assassin
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract with a rank of Silent Assassin
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: ICA Superior Performance Coin

Title: Outstanding Assassin
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract with a rank of Silent Assassin, Suit Only
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: ICA Outstanding Performance Coin

Title: ICA’s Finest
Type: Feat
Condition: Finish any Elusive Target Arcade contract with a rank of Silent Assassin, Suit Only and do all optional complications
Mission: Elusive Target Arcade
Reward: Black Winter Suit

Title: Tourist’s Favourite
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate both Viktor Novikov and Dalia Margolis with knives and escape without being spotted
Mission: The Showstopper
Reward: Eiffel Tower Knife

Title: Magical Murderer
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate Alexa Carlisle with the unicorn horn
Mission: Death in the Family
Reward: Unicorn Horn

Title: Wumbo
Type: Feats
Condition: Eliminate 6 guards with a starfish
Mission: The Last Resort
Reward: Starfish

Title: Didgeridon’t
Type: Feat
Condition: Disguise yourself as the Street Musician and pacify Robert Knox with the didgeridoo
Mission: The Finish Line
Reward: Didgeridoo

Title: Fighting Back
Type: Feat
Condition: As the Perfect Test Subject, eliminate Hush, Sister Lei and Junil Wang with fiber wire
Mission: End of an Era
Reward: Scalpel & Stethoscope

Title: Demolitions Expert
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate Ezra Berg, Sean Rose, Maya Parvati and Penelope Graves with explosives
Mission: Freedom Fighters
Reward: ICA Impact Explosive

Title: Pillage and Plunder
Type: Feat
Condition: As The Buccaneer, steal the Imperial Filigree Egg from Ljudmila’s Bedroom without being seen.
Mission: The Last Resort
Reward: Imperial Filigree Egg & Doubloon

There’s a lot more challenge ideas for unlocks I have in mind, but I thought this was getting long enough already


I had this idea a few weeks ago, and since I managed to do it in-game today I figured I might as well post it here.

Sapienza Sports Club



  • Eliminate Brother Akram with an Explosive Baseball.
  • Eliminate Craig Black with an Explosive Golf Ball.
  • Finish the mission with a Silent Assassin rating.

The Author

ICA Impact Explosive


we already have an exploding golf ball unlock but thats a good challenge idea. what unlock would you replace it with if it got added?

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Challenge idea #1

  • Name: Enter the World of Assassination
  • Category: The Classics
  • Condition: Complete the following missions in Master Mode Difficulty, with a silent assassin rating, without changing out of your starting suit:
    -The Showstopper
    -World of Tomorrow
    -A Gilded Cage
    -Club 27
    -Freedom Fighters
    -Situs Inversus
  • Reward: “47’s Signature Suit - 2016 Edition”, or alternate name idea: “The Comeback Suit”

Challenge idea #2

  • Name: Make the world your weapon…
  • Category: The Classics
  • Conditions: Complete the following missions in Master Mode Difficulty, with a silent assassin rating, without changing out of your starting suit:
    -The Finish Line
    -Three-Headed Serpent
    -Chasing a Ghost
    -Another Life
    -The Ark Society

Reward: “47’s Signature Suit - 2018 Edition”, or alternate name idea: "The Deadly Thinker’s Suit

Challenge idea #3

  • Name: “Trespassin’ Assassin”
  • Category: Assassination
  • Condition: Eliminate The Serial Killer, in The Wilsons’ home, wearing the Arkian Robes
  • Mission: Any ET Arcade match that includes The Serial Killer ET
  • Reward: The Arkian Robe

Challenge idea #4:

  • “Should’ve worn your floaties”
  • Assassination - Haven Island, “The Last Resort”
  • Eliminate Ljudmila Vetrova by poisoning her drink in the pool area using a sedative vial or set of pills
  • ^ This is a real interaction I found in that mission that I found cool. In the main pool area in front of the massage area is a drink that Ljudmila drinks from. If you slip lethal poison in there ofc. she dies instantly but what I found funny is if you slip a sedative in there it will knock her out and then she will land in the water and die. I think that could be a cool challenge to put in the game because it teaches players about this obscure potential use for sedative poisons over bodies of water, from the pills to the kalmer
  • Reward: The Swimsuit

Challenge idea #5

  • Faster than Rocco part 3 - shoutout to @LocoGamingRocker because im essentially piggybacking off him
  • “Complete Crime and Punishment in Siberia in 1 minute and 47 seconds”
  • Reward: “The Master Sniper Suit” aka the Sniper Assassin mode suit

(i really like 47’s signature look and want more variants of it if you cant tell)


You’re right, I changed the reward to the ICA Impact Explosive.


Thanks for the shout out. I like your challenge ideas too.


I also noticed that you left a like for the Contracts Suit challenge idea I had. I am one of the very few (if any) people that ever bring up this suit. The suit only appears in the Beldingford Manor loading screen in Hitman Contracts. I think it’s a cool suit that never gets any love from IOI or the community, so I just decided after requesting it for so long, just make up a challenge for it to be a reward.


In honor of @lukefsje for getting his challenges added to the game, here is a challenge reward for completing an Escalation (it was removed from Hitman 2 and never brought forward from Hitman 2016). If I can come up with more rewards, this will be the first of several rewards for removed Hitman 2016 Escalations.

The Susumu Obsession

The point of bringing this Escalation back is to have an opportunity to unlock the Black Ninja Suit (a different way to unlock it from what I have posted before in a previous challenge).

Challenge Name: The Susumu Obsession

-Complete all levels in this Escalation contract.

Reward: Black Ninja Suit

Another alternate method to unlock the Black Ninja Suit (because the Escalation is easy) is to make up a new challenge type for Hokkaido/Situs Invertus AFTER adding The Susumu Obsession to the game. Here it is:

Challenge Name: Hokkaido Escalation Master

-Complete all three main Escalations in Situs Invertus (The Yuuma Tenacity, The Meiko Incarnation, and The Susumu Obsession)


IOI can add The Dexter Discordance Escalation requirement to this Challenge, I just left it out because it’s technically not part of the base map, if I recall correctly, it was a DLC for Hitman 2016. I could be wrong, and if I am, add it to the challenge.

Reward: Black Ninja Suit


Here is a challenge and reward for another removed Escalation from Hitman 2016, this time from Paris.

The Holmwood Disturbance

Challenge Name: The Holmwood Disturbance

-Complete all levels in this Escalation contract.

Reward: Vampire Magician Suit


yea i liked that challenge idea because i want all of 47’s retro looks in the game, in fact i think they should do unlocks for the actual character models of Silent Assassin/Contracts, Blood Money and Absolution but I also think it’s a cool suit plus I really want more closed jacket 47 suits. The buttoned Blood Money suit (they could just reskin Requiem) and a buttoned signature suit would be great ofc.but I think your suggestion is really good because it’s a unique suit that’s not in the game already while also being a throwback and being a nice looking suit. I like the Suburban suit but i’ve never really liked it outside of the context of Whittleton Creek. it fits perfectly there, but when i use it in other locations i just dont gel with the gray jacket, the glossy tie and the driving gloves


I agree. More variety would be great.

I agree, as I never use the Suburban Suit with driving gloves outside of Whittleton Creek either.


it’s one of those instances like in Dartmoor and Sapienza where the default version of the suit you get fits better. tho in Dartmoor and Sapienza it’s because if you pick the default suit the game automatically switches it out to the mission appropriate alternate version for you - in Sapienza’s case the glassesless version and in Dartmoor’s the summer sightseeing without gloves

actually when researching unlocks for coming up with challenges i completely missed that we have a no-sunglasses version of the italian suit we’ve never unlocked AND a casual tourist with a hat. i thought i got everything aside from the B&W filter-giving New Yorker with Hat which has already had challenges suggesting it as an unlock

and ofc. we have unused gloved variants of both it and the tactleneck

as well as some unused disguises which could become suits: the DJ and the Cartel Boss

Challenge idea #1 My Heart Belongs to Sapienza
Rewards The Night-Time Italian Suit
Complete a custom contract, not made by yourself, in both of the following maps:

  • The Icon
  • The Author

Challenge idea #2 The Predator
Rewards The Casual Tourist, with Trilby
Assassination Challenge
Embrace of the Serpent, Colombia
-Eliminate Blair Reddington in the jungle with Nne Obara’s machete
-Do not get spotted
-No bodies found
-Do not pacify anyone
-Non-target eliminations are allowed

Challenge idea #3 The Contract Amateur
Rewards the tactical turtleneck with gloves
ICA Facility, Contracts Mode
Create a custom contract in either Freeform Training or The Final Test which gets played by more than 50 people

Challenge idea #4 The Contract Apprentice
Rewards the High Profile DJ Suit
Create a contract in any location, other than the ICA Facility, Hawke’s Bay or Dubai which gets played by more than 100 people

Challenge idea #5 The Contract Master
Rewards the Moreno Cartel Boss Suit
Any location
Get your very own custom contract featured:
-Link your IO account to your HMF account
-Submit a contract
-If it is featured your suit will be rewarded automatically


That one would suck after the game receives no more support with featured contracts.
If they were to add this it better be automatically given for people who’ve gotten featured prior to its creation! :sweat_smile:


This one I’m not too big a fan of, making it dependant on other people doesn’t seem that fun or doable for a lot of people, and definitely wouldn’t go down well with the community

Perhaps it could be something to do with Patient Zero, as the tactical turtleneck was formerly the only available disguise on that level

Edit: I didn’t notice the 2 other contract challenges, which I think would be fine if they didnt have an unlock attached


Title: Personalised Peril
Type: Assassination
Condition: Eliminate Francesca De Santis with the Virus Prototype (possibly a REDACTED challenge)
Mission: World of Tomorrow
Reward: +2000 XP

I’m just surprised there isn’t a challenge for this one to be honest, I feel like there should be


Title: Skyfall
Type: Assassination

  • Wearing the Skydiving Suit, eliminate Carl Ingram and Marcus Stuyvesant and complete the mission.
  • No bodies found.
  • Do not get spotted.
  • If you are detected by cameras, erase or destroy the evidence
  • Non-Target eliminations are allowed.

Mission: On Top of the World
Reward: Skydiving Suit


Title: Backfire Type:Assassination Condition:Use Surgical Knife to Eliminate The Censor Location: Whittletton Creek Reward: Golden Surgical Knife

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Neat Findings, though there are a few things I’d change.

The Jungle of Embrace of the Serpant is one of, if not the most guarded area in the game. Adding No Pacifications to would make it pretty much inaccessible for the majority of the Player Base. I’m currently practicing doing a few Maps Sonko Style and this would be one of the very few missions I have no desire to even attempt.

Challenges 3 and 4 are a neat idea, but as this is something outside of your control, I’d instant change it to playing 50/100 Contracts from other players. Perhaps 50 from 2016 Maps for Challenge 3 and 50 from H2 Maps for Challenge 4 and so on.

Challenges 5 is the one that is not a good idea at all as this would leave a lot of people missing on the suit, not even mentioning the fact that there absolutely would be people trying to influence the person curating the batch.