Hitman wishlist

In campaign menu there are some missing content that should be there. I’d add a new campaign called “Seasonal Content” with Holiday Hoarders, Hokkaido Snow Festival, Dartmoore Show Garden, Berlin Egg Hunt, The Mills Reverie and The Halliwell Fable.
I’d add, then, other two campaigns for deluxe escalation and sniper missions


new escalations and sniper missions would be great … i just got my level 20 mastery on all of them, and it was really fun …


A real functioning silverballer as merch (U.S only release)

I think it would be REALLY great, and potentially much easier than creating new items/props/outfits if we could get all Freelancer Locations their own “Destination Table”.

What I mean is, every Location selected for Freelancer pops up near the Start button in the corner with their own polaroid pictures and name.
But some of them also have special props themed around the level and others don’t…

Mumbai is… nothing.

Various people on the forum has recorded this a while ago, but there are some omissions that just have an empty table, and to me at least they stand out and are boring… :pensive:
IDK if this was intentional or the OG Freelancer team ran out of time, but I would love to see the blank tables get their own little “showcase” spread added. :blush:


I’d like more challenges in Freelancer (with rewards would be nice, too). For example:

  1. Prestige: every 5 presiges gets a 4k XP reaward… every 10 could get some weapons (kitchen knife, cleaver, amputation knife, etc.)… maybe level 100 a lethal poison dart gun or red egg
  2. Merces: new challenges for collecting bunches of Merces… 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 million… a billion… again, 4k XP… maybe even more coins for the inventory… or sniper guns that shoot emetic darts or through walls
  3. Hardcore challenges: something to motivate players to do hardcore mode a few times rather than just a one and done… honestly, this is where doing it a specific amount of times could get you an OP weapon like a red egg or lethal dart

the challenges are what motivates me to play… rewards are fun to get, too… and I realize that OP weapons could affect roulette or other competitions… but the admins for those events could ban whatever OP stuff that they want… and only weirdos who would do stuff like prestige 100 times… or play 100 hardcore campaigns… or collect a billion Merces would ever get those OP weapons anyway… and it would take at least a year (probably way longer)

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In a recent Freelancer showdown, I had a target drink in the Dartmoor graveyard and then sloooowly walk to and through the main garden and not drink again for quite a while. That made me wish for a way to force a target to drink (or eat).

So how about a dart gun that makes people thirsty? It could be called Parcher :smirk:.


Seems like when you poison a drink or food, it should trigger the person who drinks or eats it to come over and enjoy it … much like other actions trigger out-of-sight target actions (i.e. getting Zoe to come to the MoC, luring Silvio to the observatory, gramophone lure for Janus, etc.)


I really wish they would add in the rest of the Hitman one escalations. Especially now that the content has slowed down so much, this seems like an easy way to give us something. They could even add more levels to the escalation track challenges to give us a few unlocks for completing a certain amount.

(Okay so maybe I just want to see all the new players try their hand at the Mallory Misfortune, but I need them to understand the pain we went through).


A barcode scanner as a elusive target reward. It’s a melee blunt weapon (because the feather duster can be one) and it can also be a distraction (citation: YouTube videos of cats) that totally won’t cause balance issues with the gameplay.

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Was thinking about it quite a while.
I know that 47 is not thief, but espesially in Freelancer we do need a pickpocketing option.
There are situations when you need to obtain certain thing (most frequently would be hitcoins from the couriers) but there is a no pacification objective and it gets worse when you choose Silent Assassin premium objective.
I know that it’s less likely that it will be implemented, but it would have been a QoL change