Hitman needs a full blown Co-Op mode

:smiley: There is this escalation mission you play on the Mendoza level, called ‘The Pasquel Consortium’, where you help a sniper team pick off targets by spotting them and scanning their face with a camera. I hope the devs saw the huge potential in the ways they can expand on the co-op mode they already started with the sniper missions themselves. Just leaving such a badass mission to escalation is not nearly enough. They need to make a full blown co-op mode with the same sandbox, or level of freedom given in single player mode, where we can work with each other to complete missions as we see fit. Its practically begging for it. This is the true next great leap forward for the Hitman series. :+1: :+1:


Funnily enough this is exactly what I thought of many months ago :stuck_out_tongue: (it being a co-op mixing both a field agent and a sniper agent)


I feel like Stone and Knight would be perfect for this.

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Yeah, I really want IO to utilize these really nice characters much more, and it seems like they had an actual coop mode planned but it got cut probably for time or interest reasons

Wish this was mod-able though, maybe one day…


:slightly_smiling_face:Or not even that…Each player will perform the role necessary for the job. It may not be a sniper role at all, total freedom to complete the mission as the players see fit just like it is now ion single player. :+1:


:pensive: Yeah, probably did get cut short sadly. I feel like they were at least trying to make progress with the co-op with the sniper missions.


I’m pretty sure this won’t happen, since it seems IOI isn’t the best at making multiplayer games.

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If any sort of multiplayer were to happen, even if it was a remade and improved ghost mode, or a totally new co-op, I would definitely enjoy Hitman 3 a lot more. As it is, I always find a slight element missing in the game.

It’s pretty crazy that they gave 47 a cringe childhood friend/partner at the end of Hitman 2 and then killed him off in a cutscene midway through Hitman 3 instead of making all of Hitman 3 a co-op-optional game. I’m sure IOI thought about it at least. Imagine being set up as a sniper across from a hotel room and your partner is disguised as a room service guy and he’s going to open the blinds so you can take the shot… but if he talks to you while he’s in the room the guards will hear and say “AY! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY MATE?”