The Meat King’s Party [24] +1
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [22]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [18]
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [9] -2
Hunter and Hunted [8]
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23] +1
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [18]
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [9]
Hunter and Hunted [6] -2
I hear the people saying Hunter and Hunted is unique and exciting, and I agree. The target is really lame though and for that I see it like Asylum, it’s a level I never really want to go back to.
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [19]+1
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [7] -2
Hunter and Hunted [6]
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [19]
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [8] +1
Hunter and Hunted [4] -2
It’s a loosing fight but I don’t get the hate for TLHA, a solid Hitman level. HaH has just one way to SA, with the car alarm (or abuse the AI and make them look away from the police chief). And TotT in Contracts is waaay worse than in the original, while LHA is more or less the same or marginally worse
You didn’t subtract 2 points mate
I can’t see Hunter and Hunted shot down so quickly, mostly because it is a level I used to replay a lot, when I bring the minigun with me and just go to town on the SWAT before they come rushing in.
Plus real Leon vibes from it, especially if you get a new outfit and go down the stairwell completely carefree past all the other SWATs
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [18] -1
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [7] -1
Hunter and Hunted [5] +1
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [18]
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [5] -2
Hunter and Hunted [6] +1
H:C47 Blasphemy versus Original New Content
Well,I predicted that this would be a more interesting heat than the last one and it looks like I was right.
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [18]
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [6]+1
Hunter and Hunted [4] -2
@Rimland Could you give some help?
Personally I would have put down MKP or RiR instead of LHA or HaH but whatever
This. I would rather get rid of the inferior TotT remake (or RiR, which just never clicked with me), the only mission I find genuinely worse than the C47 original, but that´s basically impossible in this round.
The one thing I absolutely hated about HaH back in the day was finding out that they skipped doing an opera level (which sounded awesome) when first reading the briefing. Again, as a tense, Leonesque finale with a (potential) shootout against the GIGN, I have nothing against it. Cool as hell when you´re just walking through the empty streets afterwards to put a final slug into Fournier´s head.
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [18]
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [7]+1
Hunter and Hunted [2] -2
The Meat King’s Party [24]
Beldingford Manor [28]
Rendezvous in Rotterdam [23]
Deadly Cargo [24]
Traditions of the Trade [28]
Slaying a Dragon [19] +1
The Seafood Massacre [23]
The Lee Hong Assassination [7]
Hunter and Hunted [0] -2
We have our 8 qualifiers. On to the next heat for Blood Money.
Deadly Cargo at least has some interesting scripts like the SWAT attack, helicopter escape for Boris / 47 and so on. Bjarkhov is a boring, lifeless level with nothing interesting to save it.
I mean if you didn’t have to run for minutes just to reach one of the next objectives it would have been more entertaining.
I have such a love-hate relationship with Bjarkhov Bomb. I think it’s an objectively terrible Hitman level. Pointlessly huge with minutes of running between objectives. Every alternate method (and even the main one) is unbearably long without speeding the game up with cheats. To top it all off, you get alerts from the soldiers that die from the explosion that has to happen. Sure, you could time the explosion so the fourth soldier comes near the blast radius and dies aswell but of course that doesn’t work for me at all. I’ve tried hundreds of times with so many different timings and he dies perhaps 5% of the time. I’m suspecting it’s due to the framerate or something in the settings that messes with the AI.
But on the other hand, it’s such a tough beast to overcome and actually pulling it off is exhilarating. The level oozes atmosphere. It has one of the greatest kills of the legacy games: killing Fuchs and Bjarkhov with the submarine explosion (Bjarkhov often tends to survive it sadly) and the premise itself is very unique for its time. After Beldingford Manor, it’s my most played mission strictly because of how it forces me to think of incredibly convoluted strats to pull off something I came up with. I even managed to score a Suit Only Silent Assassin after days of attempts and I loved every moment of it (though the submarine was a royal pain in the ass).