Hitman Legacy Websites issue

Hi, loooong time Hitman series player here and this will probably come across as a silly thread, but worth a try. In anticipation of the next Hitman installment, one of my favorite things used to be browse the websites. They were detailed and full of goodies.

I want to revisit them, but I’ve noticed a problem with Hitman Contracts and Hitman Blood Money archived websites. They use a flash player frame with some menu options, and clicking those options does nothing. In the original websites, clicking on those options used to display relevant info / goodies. For example, see these links:


Same problem in both cases. Is there a way to see the content linked to those links? Anywhere else where these H:C and H:BM websites could be archived?

There are several websites that archive sites thst changed/ no longer exist, however since flash is dead, probabilities are low.