Hitman IP Crossovers: Wrong Answers Only

A John Wick crossover with Hitman would be amazing, but I personally would a Caillou crossover. Or maybe a Mr.Clean elusive target.

Leave your own suggestions, because who knows, maybe IOI will take notice.


I like the idea of a Mr.Clean elusive target. IOI can make a facility wer he is to make a advertisment and 47 needs to get in and kill him.

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I Hope we can unlock Mr.Cleans outfit in this case and disguise as him for the advert etc. Also, I always wanted Bill Nye the Science Guy as a target…

I wouldn’t mind 47 showing up in Fortnite, I think it’s long overdue for him to make an appearance there honestly. I read there was also meant to be an official Fall Guys x Hitman collab once, back when that game was still relevant, but it was scrapped before it even happened…

As for actual crossovers within Hitman itself. Yeah a Celebrity ET featuring Keanu Reeves as John Wick would be awesome and very fitting for both franchises, not really sure what other franchises would fit a Hitman crossover though…


Absolution had cameos of Kane & Lynch, and the same appeared as DLC characters in Lara Croft and the Guardian of the Light. This was when Crystal Dynamics had… ownership(?) of both IPs. Or whatever.

With both characters (47 and Lara) having been known to dual wield their handguns (at some point) – is it wrong to postulate a Tomb Raider and Hitman crossover?

Unthinkable. A contract put out on LC.

Yeah. That’s definitely wrong.

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