Hitman 3 - Year 2 Update (Jan 20, 2022)

Also, Year 2 starts now!

It’s been brought to my attention @wincenworks that the Hitman 3 category still says its coming out in January 2021. Maybe that could change now? :relaxed:


Sadly it looks like there is no launch trailer for the HITMAN Trilogy. As I’ve mentioned before, this is something that would be useful for me to share with friends when I am recommending the game.

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Xbox Servers are up and running.

Happy New Hitman Year everyone !


There’s a new version of The Heartbreaker coming?

I completed the mission originally and just got on the server and there is a ET coming named “The Heartbreaker #2” and isn’t marked as “Previously Eliminated”. :thinking:

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Personally I don’t know whether I should dive into WoA right now, or wait a bit and steam it away

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PC (Epic) is now back online.

So I was able to go online with the GamePass PC version, and as expected, it is using the Xbox servers as the PC servers are still down for maintenance. This version of the game is using Xbox leaderboards, contracts (3-*) for trending, and the Xbox gamer tag for sign-in. S expected, my PC game is using the same save from my Xbox, and everything carried over.

WRT contracts, yeah, it would be nice for crossplay, as you and others on PC and PS4/5 make great contracts. I am a bit disturbed by your backend searching of contracts, though I assume that it is just on IOI’s server. Mostly concerned as the Xbox gamer tag is tied to a MS account, and can be used for other MS software (Windows, Office, etc). That also may be why you’ve had difficulty pulling Xbox contracts.

Looks like it. I expect no difference and it is just a different ET similar to The Undying to allow for Steam and Year 2 customers to play.

I’m not entirely sure how it works, but I read that movement is set to the hands by default, you can change a setting so that your head dictates it instead. That might solve the issue you have with this.

Could be IOI’s workaround for the current Pass/Fail ET restrictions.

I don’t know what could be different about this one, but if it’s not marked as Previously Eliminated, at least it seems we’ll be able to “replay” the old ETs without the extra Arcade fluff, if they’re still releasing them.


What about the january roadmap?

January is almost ended.
I bet if we get first roadmap of 2022, it will be February one

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Well wouldnt be the first time that them made a roadmap between 2 months, i hope there will be a roadmap.

Can someone explain this to me? Epic launcher shows 25/47, whereas the in-game overlay shows 76/83 (which is the correct one as I don’t play the sniper levels, hence missing those 7 achievements).

How is it 25/47 on the launcher then? And it won’t even show me anything under “Locked” as you can see in the screenshot.

Screenshot (24)


I’ve got a similar problem in that the achievement bar thinks I’ve done 7 out of 47 achievements but in the unlocked category is 34 achievements with only two locked.

So uhhhhh how about that Year 2 launch eh?

H-hype. Yeah I had some hype. Yeah.
It’ll get better with time.


I wonder why quite a few companies fail with their launches.
Cyber Punk, GTA Trilogy, last 2 HITMANs, I bet S.T.A.L.K.E.R. too will face a tough launch…
And that’s only I know and remember about. How much fails gone past me?
That’s the way the cookie crumbles…

Hitman is bit different. While there would be some bugs for sure and I wasn’t around to see Hitman 2016 launch so no idea how bad that was. Hitman 2,3 and now Steam Release problems were all the live service aspect of the game. All the others were more rushed product. I do hope IO doesn’t continue with this full live service model as it just aggravating at points even after launch with poor internet connection or even the odd drop out here and there.


I always counted HITMAN 3 a rushed product.
Surprisingly, it turned out not that bad as I expected


Meh. I’m completing these Arcade chores/homework contracts now before it gets worst later. I hope it improves but for now I don’t have the best impression.

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