Hitman 3 - Year 2 Update (Jan 20, 2022)

Sorry, I should have been clearer when I typed my message. Getting ready for work (from home).

I expected when I start H3 through GP, it will load my H3 save which has all unlocks, completions, and contracts from my Xbox through Xbox Play Anywhere (I am assuming this, I don’t see it in the GP PC app). Unlike if I went through Steam, where I would expect to start over.

Oh yeah, I imagine so too. I’m just talking about contracts :slight_smile:

Updating! If someone was interested in update size - it’s only 2.52GB

Mine is currently updating as well on Epic. About halfway done I guess?

Oh hell yeah…

EDIT: Oh hell nah!


We likely won’t be getting any of those things this period, unless a later announcement says otherwise.

VR comfort settings for anyone interested


I was super hyped for this until my HMD is not showing on the supported list (Reverb G2). Hopefully I can get it to work!

Audio fixed on PS5 :smiley:

This patch alone is honestly as good as the Elusive Target Arcade, I’m genuinely thrilled about this. Nothing kills the vibe like exfiltrating in Chongqing when the epic music just cuts out abruptly, and this goes for basically every mission and every soundtrack

Just the excuse I needed for another WoA playthrough :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Looking forward to doing another full play through as well.
Haven’t played Hitman since April

Update downloaded. Time to periodically press the retry button.

For anyone on this topic waiting for the same : @Hardware’s hitman status is as always here, and as useful as ever.

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Stadia and Switch servers are up and running.

To anyone on those platforms : have a good game.


Damn, I gotta say, I’m… kinda disappointed with the VR mode :frowning: It has really great and solid base, but the execution is finicky and buggy enough for me to not ultimately have fun with it. The way the game handles some things and tasks is just weird. I understand fading out when performing certain animations - like vaulting, dumping bodies etc.

I know that it would require way too much changes for a game that wasn’t built for VR, and I’m ok with it. And I understand the appeal to simulate full body and hands, which, when it rarely works, looks great. But the body and hands keep glitching into each other or themselves, the game doesn’t do a very good job of registering head turning (sometimes you look to the side but your body keeps ‘looking’ forward and it creates even more problems)… Moving hands keeps moving the body, which makes holstering items (where you need to move your hand to your chest) problematic. Not to mention really weird physics with punching. Throwing items also needs really a lot of using to. When you physically move your right hand to throw an item, you also slightly move your left hand, which makes it so that you aren’t locked onto your target anymore. It’s not really as out-of-the-box-easy as presented.

Was also disappointed with how some gun controls are handled. Reloading, for instance, is a simple press-button-get-animation like in a basic 2D game. One of the VR appeals is that you need to do these tasks yourself. Aiming with a sniper rifle also feels weird. Due to the body glitching, sometimes the game forces you into the scope-vision even if you don’t have your real hands anywhere near your hand.

The atmopshere is superb though and I’m confident that after a few patches and some both minor and somewhat major changes, it could be an excellent mode. As it stand now, for me at least, it’s… Basically an early beta.

*played on Quest 2*


I also did the tutorial on a Quest 2 and I didn’t experience any of those issues. I found the head tracking completely normal. The prompts, buttons, and motions were intuitive to me. Throwing worked as expected and I didn’t have any issues with tracking the left hand while throwing with the right. Scoping with the sniper was really the only issue I had in that it was somewhat difficult to get the rifle to aim where I think I wanted it without exaggerated movement.

Didn’t feel like a beta to me at all.


It is a bit odd that there isn’t a roadmap. How else are we going to figure out when new Featured Contracts are out? Will there still be normal ETs running? New ETArcade stuff?

It’s interesting after having basically the entire runtime of the Hitman WOA in active development have roadmaps alongside it.
Maybe they’ll reveal it when it launches on Steam later today? :thinking:


Seems to be. If you go to https://auth.hitman.io/status and go all the way to the right, OG format The Heartbreaker is live from February 4th.

If Year Two is considered as a soft relaunch of the game, then the game (and the Hitman Trilogy) itself is the roadmap/the new content. I would guess.

Same way no roadmap was released in January 2021. No reason to overwhelm the newcomers, let them first look at the main content as the central point of their first foray into the game, at an open pace.


I guess that’s fair. I just didn’t expect content radio silence for thr first month. But if that’s what we have to deal with, so be it.

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Will we have a roadmap today or not?

This is what I figured.