Hitman 3, Year 2 - October Roadmap (Released October 6, 2022)

Fuck it.

Should the sandman suit feature the pumpkin head or nah?
  • With :jack_o_lantern:
  • Without :x:

0 voters


I like the suit without the pumpkin head. However, I can understand why people want it to complete the suit.


The suit has no purpose without either the pumpkin head or scarecrow mask. What is even the point of putting 47 in a ratty suit with his normal head still exposed? Itā€™s like the Cashmirian suit not at least including a hate and sunglasses.

What is the point of having a thing to wear that classifies as ā€œSuitā€ while on a map the exact same thing is a disguise?
Suits should be unique to disguises. If it should have a hat, it should be anything but a pumpkin or a scarecrow mask.


Okay! Pretty nice roadmap, and neat to see a video again!
(Not sure why we suddenly got one ā€“ I thought it would be to simultaneously announce/remind people that Freelancer isnā€™t coming until January ā€“ but I guess not?)
Overall, nice way to keep H3 as a side-game for October.

Thereā€™s some great trailers for the items, Clemens! Love how you guys are using your in-game music like that!
Though I noticed itā€™s not edited as tightly as usual. No quick showcase or background music too. Was this made remotely, or last-minute? I like this slower format though, donā€™t get me wrong.

The Agent 17 suit is a nice fan-requested unlock. Iā€™m surprised itā€™s come out this month, kinda came out of nowhere.

The Sandman suit Iā€™m a little dissaponted on ā€“ mostly because I looked at the roadmap wrong the first time ā€“ I thought it looked like a black getup with a thick leather jacket over it. But itā€™s just a bulky scarecrow outfit.
Itā€™sā€¦ okay. I only ever use those suits when Iā€™m REALLY in a goofy mood. Mostly its suits and casual shirts for 47.

Banana probably wonā€™t really be game-changing for me, but itā€™s nice to get another special food item that also has unique properties.

The Cashmerian begs to differ

The point is to be able to wear it on other maps. On the specific map where it counts as a disguise, let it be a disguise. For all others, thereā€™s some creep sneaking around with a pumpkin/scarecrow sack on his head!

Well that is not how suits works in this game, I donā€™t think they introduce map-specific classifications just for one or two suits. :stuck_out_tongue:

It also, again, introduces inconsistencies that may needlessly confuse the player.

And before we go down this again, I know you donā€™t care about this. But it is worth being pointed out and might be an issue for the game design and user experience.

What do you mean? The suit variant looks different, no?

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yay Agent 17! I hope there are more classic suits in the future


Now, on release these 2 looked pretty much the same

wish it did but eh. beggars canā€™t be choosers.

Both will settle everything, i just prefer it with the whole thing that makes it spooky

These are really weird bugs, and theyā€™ve said in the past with wall hacks: theyā€™re caused by gaps in between the map setpieces and are really hard to find and fix.
Achievements are also weird and they get fixed/workarounds periodically.

Well they wanted to get through all their remaining ETA unlocks they had in the game before the patch.
Last roadmap had an ā€œoriginalā€ one and one with updated dates to allow for a patch in October (this patch!), so that is likely why we got two.

If I had to guess, WB might not let them make S2 maps free or something. S3 maps, well they want people to pay to play them so.


To me, effort was directed to other areas in this roadmap video.

Throughout the Seven Deadly Sin roadmaps they went to physical locations, did ā€œstuntsā€, and went all out for them. This one, and actually previous roadmaps where they had teasers or pictures, theyā€™ve been using the game and moving NPCs around (for elusive target images, they actually updated some 2016 ones this patch), they made custom scenes (47 with the bananas, the sandman suit reveal with the skulls, the neon ninja gif in September). I liked the return, but it seemed rushed in parts especially with Clemensā€™ audio sounding a bit, meh at times.


I do feel like it could have the scarecrow hat without the mask. Itā€™d distinguish it from the disguise while remaining true to the original. Itā€™d also look cooler.


IIRC the White Shadow suit works the same as the Ninja disguise on Hokkaido (as in, hostile disguise everywhere), while on other maps it works as any other suit does (unless I remember patch notes from a few months ago wrong and that was actually from a mod :x). So they could technically do this for other suits as well I guess?

(Edit: according to the wiki it also works the same as the Arkian Robe in Whittleton Creek Ā°_0)

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Having different trespassing zones is nothing new. Though until that ninja suit it was always more of a bug than a feature. :sweat_smile:

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Yeah itā€™s cool to see a throwback to Silent Assassin with this update.

Like you said, would be cool to have more classic suits as we look to future roadmaps! :wink:

The Agent 17 suit took me by surprise, so who knows what IOI have in store? Somebody made this but imagine the Blood Money suit buttoned? Yes please IOI! :wink:


Why are you using Hitman 3 PS4 while on PS5? (VR perhaps?)

Thatā€™s pretty cool though how devs can push news updates to their games on the home screen.

Because at first I bought a disc copy when my main platform was still PS4, before I bought the PS5, I bought the PS5 about 6 months after H3 released so I just played with the same copy, btw, it says PS4 but itā€™s upgraded to the PS5, I canā€™t lie, I tried playing again on my PS4 and my eyes cried because of how dark that game was and how visible were all the pixels.

It is cool indeed, and at least H3 doesnā€™t have unique music in the home screen, the PS5 home screen theme is the best, itā€™s not annoying and pretty chill, any other game annoyed the living hell out of me and I bet H3 would have done the same.