HITMAN 3 to become ‘World of Assassination’

A good one.

Have you ever been to r/Hitman? Every third post there is someone asking how to buy the game. It should not be that hard.


It may not be different versions by definition, but in practice, by any practical standard, it’s different versions. Agreeing with @schatenjager and @Fleur here.

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Well no because the original comment around different versions is that that each version required its own seperate patches and maintenance which simply isn’t true at all.

So within the context of what was originally said - no, they aren’t all different versions. Anything outside of that scope is not at all what I was even speaking to.

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It does however make it far easier for new players however, it’s easy for us to distinguish and know what locations are and the difference between all these items because we have ALREADY purchased the games and become fans of the series, for someone who is new to the entry they would have NO IDEA what the differences are between a lot of this stuff, and what would actually be worth their money.


When the trilogy officially becomes the WOA… that would be the perfect time IMO for ioi to gift everyone with the Trinity Pack (3 suits representing the 3 games).


It is true that every of the many different versions of Hitman has not meant separate patches and maintenance for every version, but there are newer patches that can’t be applied to legacy content designed seven years ago for HITMAN2016 or Hitman II, for that matter, but would work for HITMAN2016 or Hitman II packaged within the Hitman III shell.

A fraction of Hitman owners have purchased Hitman, piecemeal, which will likely prevent them from being able to play and complete Freelancer, which depends on most of the 20+ locations being available, and likely depend on Hitman2016 and Hitman 2 integrated inside Hitman III.

Freelancer will likely only work in this single integrated version of Hitman. It is in anticipation of a backlash from Hitman owners who won’t be able to play freelancer with their version of Hitman, to move forward with a single integrated version of Hitman going forward, which still is at least five versions: PC, XBoxOne, PS4, XBoxSeriesX/S, PS5.

Remember that IOI up to a year ago was only a couple of hundred employees, total, distributing almost as many versions of their product as they have employees… We aren’t looking at a huge team who have the time and resources to manage a lot of complexity.

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They’re taking on a James Bond game, they don’t get to hide behind this excuse.

(Sarcasm, I know it doesn’t work like that, I’m just giving them an elbow jab)

With the planned transformation of H3 into WoA, would be a good option if we can select the music of the menu between H1, H2 and H3. Personally, my favorite theme is from H1.


My hope too, i’m fed up of the H3 menu music :smile:


I probably made this comment ages ago, but there’s menu music?

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You forgot
HITMAN - Intro Pack
HITMAN - Japanese V/O Pack :smile: (these are from Steam, idk if they’re on other platforms as well)


I also prefer H1 music in the menu.

It would be a great option if we could choose the music theme of H1, H2, or H3 in the options menu.


Just to be sure… if I already own all three games, there will just be some automatically update for me on january 26th, right? I don’t have to download something manually?


If I understood it correctly Hitman 3 will get renamed to WoA along with the Freelancer update and that’s it. So it should be a regular automated patch and nothing more.


I’ll miss the image of 47’s profile with a silenced pistol aiming up, I’d they replace it with that WoA image, but I won’t miss the awkward III that has signifies the game’s 3 since the beginning. It’s never looked right.


Non issue now, but I preferred HITMAN 2’s title style (Empty box for hitman and smaller right side box for 2), an EXTREMELY small nitpick, but I wish they kept it for 3 for consistency, along with no roman numerals. What’s presumably the new main menu/title style looks fantastic, and I’ll keep saying it, but we need to be able to switch between the main themes of all 3 games, especially since this will be the definitive edition for the trilogy.


Thank you :relaxed:

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It’s a weird progression, yeah, but don’t you like the double-meaning of the roman III, kind of tying into 47’s own barcode? It’s too drastic a change in title to not be intentional in some way…


I know it was supposed to seem like 47’s barcode, but they never pulled it off. It just looked fucking stupid from day one.


Eh, I can see it. I think it’s cool :person_shrugging: