HITMAN 3: Seven Deadly Sins (NEW DLC)

Interesting idea, but every escalation so far has started with you in the new suit, so I’d expect that Sloth would follow suit :wink:


Very tempted to put some no context spoilers about the suit, but I’ll refrain from it. I’ll be a good boy today.


Do we know if the 7 Deadly Sins will have some kind of overreaching storyline?

I’m pretty sure that every sin escalation takes place in 47’s head during his fever dream in Romania. Diana’s voice tells him to wake up over and over again which adds to this theory.

When 47 enters his fever dream in Romania, Diana’s voice asks “Are you still here? Still clinging on to your self image?”

This makes little sense without context. If 47 had explored the 7 Deadly Sins prior to this, it suddenly makes much more sense.

If this theory holds true, it would make these the very first escalations to be canon in the Hitman lore


Wasn’t the Lee Hong Assassination the first escalation in Hitman to be canon?

Because you kill negotiator guy 1 in level 1, Blue lotus negotiator 1 and Blue Lotus guys in two, Hong Kong police Chief, Negotiator guy 2 and Blue lotus negotiator 2 (Contracts) in Level 3 and Lee Hong himself (+Tzun if you want) in Level 4.


I would never think of this myself, but this makes sense and explains why this DLC exist at all.
Still looks kind of weird though


Not really. The Escalation is based on the first missions of Codename: 47 but it’s not canon.

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It still counts as an escalation.

I know it’s not supposed to be one, but the Hong Kong missions where we have to kill Lee Hong has us try to make him weaker, by removing the police from protecting him and having the Blue Lotus be at war with him, was an escalation when you think about it. Each level is built on top of each other and each gets harder and harder with more complications.


I may purchase this DLC soon, as I received a $10 coupon for picking up a free game when the Epic sale started. I would absolutely not buy this DLC if I had to pay full price myself, but with the coupon expiring… I’m considering it. I hate the greediness of the pricing, but if I’m using a coupon… I’m a sucker for new suits. And escalations can be fun. They’re just often not replayable.


Looks like you can’t even do that
But even then, I looked at the price here in Australia, even if the coupon was applied I’d still be paying $30 :S



Ah. In that case… not buying it.


Which escalation unlocks the Snail mine? I’m not paying $30 for the pack :rofl:

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Sloth .


That makes sense, thanks.


Won’t bother making threads for these two yet, but teased in DGS trailer

Fair to say Envy is on Mendoza

Not sure about Wrath, perhaps Romania?


Holy! Envy looks cool as shit! Guess that means Envy is Mendoza. Green Mist and that Sword Chair look crazy cool

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Envy really gives me Knives Out vibes:

Dartmoor again? That would probably be too obvious. My guess is Envy in Dartmoor/Mendoza and Wrath in Berlin/Carpathian Mountains.

Gluttony is anyone’s guess, I’m going to guess we are returning to Dubai


I hope we don’t get a double usage of a H3 map. I really would like the last bit to be in the ICA facility, for a full cycle.


That could work, I’m pretty sure the ICA facility is the only other location that all Hitman 3 players own by default.

It would be awesome if they could rework both missions into a single mission, with both the yacht and the hangar accessible. That could have pretty good potential in contracts.


I think that would not make sense unless the facility has multiple shafts for setups. For me it is obvious the ICA packed in the yacht and deployed the hangar scene.

What I would like is to have a new setup and maybe with other parts of the facility being accessible. It would have fitted to the Envy sin, looking at 47’s reputation among other agents. But that one seems to go to Mendoza.

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Remember, they don’t have to limit themselves to H3 maps thanks to their entitlement system; it’s a little disappointing they have chosen to though :frowning:

They’ll probably just double-use an H3 map

Maybe they’ll do Dubai again, because Greed didn’t really count :sweat_smile: