HITMAN 3: Seven Deadly Sins (NEW DLC)

As I don’t know, do you see the challenges in the game for things that you would need to buy the DLC or expansions without having that content purchased and installed? In other words, if you don’t have the Greed DLC, do you see the challenge for completing it in the game still?


Yep, for players who don’t own the Sins DLC yet (I’m one), the Challenges for the Sins content still show and prevent you getting 100% completion on, for example, Dubai due to the uncompleted Greed Escalation challenges etc.


@scat1620 is correct. Both 7DS & Deluxe Escalation challenges are visible to everyone regardless of ownership and count towards your overall completion percentage of each location on the Statistics screen.

So the total number of ‘premium challenges’ currently stands at 22 challenges (15 Deluxe challenges, 7 7DS challenges). Based on there being 7 challenges for the Greed pack, we can assume that there could be a total of around 64 premium challenges once the 7DS is complete.

64 challenges would account for about 16% of the total challenges in Hitman 3. This means that, without purchasing every DLC, you will remain at 84% after completing every challenge available to you.


Now that is something I do not agree with IOI on for sure. Percent completion of the game should be based solely on what content each player owns, not on the total content available for the game. I get why a company would do it (marketing and pushing players to get all of the additional stuff) but for the exact reasons that were already covered, you shouldn’t be completion penalized for not buying something.

If you complete 100% of the challenges that you currently own a license for, you should be marked as 100%. That’s ridiculous.


This is a non-starter, IMO. “Minimum” extra work could still mean quite a lot of extra work. In the case of standard Escalations, making one likely involves many parts of the game team; artists for item models and textures, gameplay designers, programmers for new features/objectives, level designers for route fixing, QA, sound engineers and voice talent for new dialogues, etc. The level of effort required should be recouped in some way from a business perspective – I really doubt IOI makes enough money to make content for goodwill alone. The Hitman and Hitman 2 bonus content was funded by publishers, who have coffers that are available for buzz-generating content like bonus missions.

If they just sold the cosmetics and added the Escalations to the base game… as a self-published game, how would they encourage users to buy the cosmetics packs, so that the revenue better matches the level of effort required?

I am using the term “standard” to refer to the style of Escalations which only use the assets of the base game without the need for any additional content. All that is required is for certain NPCs around the map to be marked as targets, with restrictions put in place for the method of elimination (i.e. disguises/items).

None of this is relevant to my point. No new models or textures are required. No novelty gameplay mechanics are being introduced. The level design remains exactly as it already exists in the base game. No new voice acting is required - the NPCs all just follow their usual routines from the base missions.

Restrictions mean QA. Any new content means QA. We don’t know much about IOI’s process – so I can’t say concretely whether level or gameplay designers author Escalations – but we know that someone makes the thing. Escalations offer mechanics separate from Contracts, which need to be implemented, tested, and fixed as appropriate. Artists are needed for the rewards.

If you’re just proposing new Contracts - a sequence of targets with restrictions available in the Contracts mode, with no item rewards for completion - why are they labelled Escalations? Am I misunderstanding what an Escalation is vs a Contract?

They are contracts. Contracts is a general term for many things like them and missions, special assignments, elusive targets, player-made contracts etc.

When they speak of contracts in this general kind, it can mean anything. So it makes sense to speak of escalations when this specific contract is an escalation.

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OK. Escalations are Contracts, but not all Contracts are Escalations. User-made Contracts are probably in their own sphere for this discussion.

So: what makes an Escalation? Just the sequence of targets with added restrictions?

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Pretty much yes. They are contracts in multiple, escalating stages.


Hello everyone. I still need some clarification about the Seven Deadly Sins DLC. I am aware the Season of Greed is over but does it mean everything connected to it is now unavailable, suit, weapon, mission? Or is still on and we just go on with another monthly Sin?
If it does disappear after a month, i find it a high-priced monthly event.

The only time-limited content is elusive targets and seasonal events (which, so far, is just the Berlin Egg Hunt). Everything else, including Deluxe and Sin escalations, is permanent (provided you’ve purchased it, of course).


Thank you for answering me quickly. It sort of frightened me when i saw dates on the april roadmap that it could have been a time-limited content when it’s part of a paying DLC.
Okay, here’s my money people!


Don’t worry you’ll still be able to access it.


7 Deadly Sins Theory.

What is the new DLC: 7 Deadly Sins?

At first glance: stand-alone contracts filled with fantasy and surrealism.
But in fact, this add-on is a significant part of the plot and can be compared to Hitman: Contracts!

Yes, through these (and upcoming) episodes of dlc there are 47 memories and the struggle of his “essences”. Good and Evil.

The chronological addition begins after the poisoned agent is brought to Constant (between Mendoza and the Train). Each trailer and episode starts with one thing: Diana’s requests to wake up . And the locations of the dream repeat those in which he was already on the assignment.

In the episodes of dlc themselves, more than once, Constant tries to convince 47 to take his side, to admit that everything he did was not beneficial, but only harm and evil.

In episode 1, Constant caused greed, saying that he kills not for the sake of goals and their bad past, but for the sake of a fee.
In episode 2, Constant tries to convince the agent that he is good in himself, and Diana is only a burden that takes his fame for herself.

Whether 47 hears the voices of Diana and Constant realistically, through a dream, or is it his “inner voices of good and evil” - it is not known exactly, but you can adhere to the theory that you like.

To be continued…



Then what, if any, relation does the Berlin hippo have to this?

The deep, grovelly voices of the Frog and Peacock remind of that weird Hippo Easter egg, and that might be intentional. Like they’re going for a theme?


Can we get the ‘Fugu Fish Poison’ as an unlock for ‘Gluttony’? I know that it’s not very exciting, but it’s a shame that you can only use it in Hokkaido.


My prediction for the Sloth escalation:

  • Mendoza
  • You start as the Sommelier in the room with the Grand Paladin and a servant of yours
  • You have to drown a target in wine but… the barrel the target stands in front of is empty!
  • You need all wine bottles which are marked on the map (48 according to hitmaps) to fill it to a lethal level
  • Autofail if a bottle is destroyed
  • Your servant offers you to collect the wine if you don’t want to… but takes ages longer than you because he walks like Janus
  • There is a chair you can sit in which triggers the PIP showing what your servant does

Every level is trying to make you go for the lazy route by over-complicating the task to collect them yourself

Level :one: You are not allowed to pacify your servant. If you make him pick the first bottle up (The Grand Paladin you two stand in front of), there is no place for second thoughts to get his bottles before he comes back after checking all locations for wine

Level :two: As Level 1 but you can carry only 20 bottles at maximum at the same time

Level :three: As Level 1+2 but you cannot run with more than 10 bottles in your inventory


I wanna know: what ‘Feedback changes’ are we expecting for the third Sin drop?

Obviously we’re not getting a bonus mission, but I wonder what we could expect IO to implement between getting the Greed feedback and using it for Sloth.

More level changes? New props? New lighting/skybox?

A bonus fourth item unlock by completing all Sloth challenges?

Then again, we don’t really know what feedback they took from it.
Maybe the suit isn’t gaudy metallic or there’s more unique NPCs. :man_shrugging: