HITMAN 3: Seven Deadly Sins (NEW DLC)

It might be like the H2016 ET coins. Not more useful than any existing item, but something to prove you did it.


It would definitely have to be a reskin for sure, locking one of the few mechanically unique items behind multiple ET completions would be straight up evil :joy: but I still think even if it was cosmetic people would still get angry about not having it and criticise IO. Much like what we’ve seen in the past for (purely cosmetic) suit unlocks, such as ET suits or I specifically remember someone being angry they missed Santa 47 and had to wait 12 months


Lust collection: ‘the target keeps her panties in a place that’s hard to find. Hurry agent 47, the elusive target is on his way there as we speak, it seems he has a nose for these things’.


It understand it from both sides, however, in terms of the suits, it is rewarding for example knowing you unlocked say the ‘Winter suit’ by completing 5 Elusive Targets with Silent Assassin rating. Makes it rewarding when you’re playing as 47 in these specific suits knowing you’ve worked your back side off for them.

So if IOI implement bonus rewards for players who complete the ET bonus objectives, I wouldn’t be massively against that.


7DS is huge disappointment. No really - I do not want to start some flame war and I apologize in advance but

  • if you play it the intended way - the rules for the Dubai escalation are basically tailored to run it the closest way possible ot SASO than it works;
  • the issue is with “kill everyone” challenge - I made several videos on my youtube channel where the enemies see through walls (and yes, they saw me even if there were 4 walls between me and them), are teleporting; in one instance they even see you when you are hidden in a wardrobe; in some cases they even hear shots from silenced UZIs; also when you make some distraction (for example via explosion - fire extiguisher, than the running NPCs will spot you); also the guards do not react to throws the same way as on the other maps;

For me it looks like it was tested only for close-to-SASO runs but if you want to step outside the boundaries thna you are insta-punished. And yes - I understand that it is tedious because you need to plan the kill everyone challenge really carefully and I was down to 4-5 guards on the top floor but no - the game punished me, but I want to do it anyway (but quite frankly - kill-everyone challenges in Hitman 3 are harder due to nemerous bugs anyway, mainly the fact that the walls are in some cases non-existent).

I can’t say that I would have had any expectation that anyone at IOI would play-test a map doing a kill everyone type of play style. As far as I know, that has never been an official challenge or achievement - it’s something the player community came up with and you are actively punished in game for trying to do it.

That said, the behavior that you’re seeing with NPCs seeing through walls or knowing where you are the second they get alerted is definitely a broken type of thing that should be patched. No matter what sort of play style you are trying to use, NPCs should have standard behavior.

There are a few places in Dubai where the “wall” isn’t really a wall and the guards can see through it because the wall is just grating that is transparent or glass. But if it’s legitimate, yeah, they should probably patch that sort of thing.

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I had the videos as a proof. But IOI does not have any official link to report bugs, maybe on this forum but not sure how or even if I can embed the video here. I will try to achieve full Kill-everyone on Friday (honestly I cannot play the game at the moment because I am disgusted, also note that I can spot bugs almost everywhere if I want - because I work as a tester and games are the easiest source of bugs nowadays).

Just one more thing - I started to live with the fact that the enemies always know where the shot came from. Even you snipe someone from the other end of the map - the NPCs know. In real world this is total BS but Hitman does not adhere to this from very first game (I mena those made by IOI).

There is a place to post bugs and you can link the videos in your post if you need.

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Thanks, I already reported 3 bugs which I think is enough for today, more to come later when I upload other videos).

If anything they’ll just offer the pack for just 10 bucks to insta-unlock!~

Bonus rewards like extra suits for 47 would be a cool touch, or even some unique weapons.

Whether it happens or not remains to be seen.


if it’s a reward I will uh

idk drink another white russian

Hello guys :blush:

The Seven Deadly Sins DLC looks like an interesting new concept to implement in this final game.

7 themes, sprayed all over the all different maps from the trilogy, giving special mission and rewards using one of the Sins themes :+1:

However while it seems like a good idea on the paper, the execution in reality seems less appealing than the idea.

Looking at the first DLC “Greed” it seems that those DLC are only bringing a pack of escalations and cosmetics (despite remaking some parts of the levels with some quality content) at a high price.

People expected way much better than that as a DLC, especially after purchasing the Deluxe edition who was supposed to give the whole content of the game for it’s big price, but that wasn’t the case.

So to add my two cents on that topic, making side DLCs after the Deluxe Edition is already a risky challenge, (as people are not willing to spend more and more money on game and prefer “Season Pass” contents), but offering in them that kind of small (and sometimes limited) content isn’t enough to justify putting more money on it :confused:

There are so much ideas to bring in that DLC pack that could be way more interesting and appealing that some few more escalations and coins like:

  • a pack of Bonus Missions ala Patient Zero, offering a series of different missions through the Sins pack, with each having it’s own atmosphere and mechanics

  • a series of spooky challenges through all the maps, implying using the Sins themes to complete certain objectives, being different to each level

  • another pack of “Legacy” Items and Clothing, in mixing of Legacy contracts bringing back NPCs from previous Hitman Games (Mei Ling, the Fuchs Brothers, Andrei Puscus

  • a series of special Contracts/Assignments following the Sins themes (7 packs/7 different things)

  • a new pack of maps like Haven Island or The Bank in HITMAN 2 (at appropriate cost)

I understand that they’ve sent almost all their people into working to the next 007 game. But in think that HITMAN III deserves a better treatment and attention, as it is the final chapter in this trilogy and DESERVES to be polished and finished like needed :+1:

For a deeper debate about the matter, i invite you to read this topic: Interview with Hakan Abrak - How IO landed Project 007 deal, success of Hitman 3, reason and decision of opening a studio in Malmö, and more - #29 by PatteDeFruit

Thanks for your attention, cheers!


So in GOTY update we get 4 missions and 3 escalations for 30buchs, 4+3=7. Could be that the 7 deadly pack sins would have 4 missions and 3 escalations? Them spoke about 7 contracts, not 7 escalations

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This Season of Greed is supposed to end May 9. Does this mean that this Escalation is a limited timed event in that you can’t play it beyond the 9th? Would like to know before considering purchasing. If it is a limited timed event then I might skip it until IOI decides to make it permanent.

I don’t think that something that you paid for is time limited.
I bet these missions will stay with you forever

If that was the case then IO would have to state that very clearly
and then have full backlash.

The Greed escalation is a permanent dlc.


Now this right here I would throw my money right at IOI.

Bonus missions like Patient Zero is what many fans are hoping for. Personally I’m still hoping it happens, maybe in Jan 2022 when it’s the anniversary of the game. I guess only time is going to tell, but with IOI making their money back in just a week for H3 shows people are invested in the game so hopefully they jump at the chance :crossed_fingers:t2:


Because of the always online requirement with the Hitman trilogy on the Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing platform, IOI are the Orwellian “Big Brother” →

IOI have an ongoing tabulation of every gamer logged in on their servers every moment of every day since 2016, five years of what content each gamer is playing at all times, and how each gamer is completing the Hitman content if they do complete it at all.

With so much data, IOI can easily project based on ongoing login data, of whether it is worthwhile for them to continue to invest in future Hitman DLC down the road.

While everyone complains of a single-player game like Hitman requiring an online requirement, it serves IOI well in knowing how many gamers, and how often gamers are still logging into playing Hitman content post-Hitman III launch.

If the numbers of users continue to be high after a year and the Seven Deadly Sins DLC is selling well enough, they will continue with new Hitman DLC for as long as there is a market for it.

The size of the post-Hitman III launch team for continued service for Hitman will all depend on what IOI see in terms of ongoing participation of gamers logging into their servers.

They will make a Patient Zero type paid DLC campaign of course, if it appears that they can project that there is enough of a fan base who will buy it.

They also want to continue to support the fan base even if there is no short term profit, because fan loyalty is important for IOI, as it ensures a base of support for their future game releases such as Project 007.

They also have a team of expert level designers who might be inspired to make Hitman DLC content on the side because they want to do it – as a creative outlet or to test out new features that will appear in Project 007 IP or other IP.

Otherwise most of the team at IOI will be dedicated to Project 007 IP or other IP that they are working on.