Hitman 3 Reviews [Spoilers]

https://youtu.be/ZfmkPVDRi0k I think this guy legit used alt accounts to like his own video. It had 2 views after 12 hours and 3 likes :thinking:.
https://youtu.be/CE_YdoTrQwk Interesting that this guy is reviewing the game level by level.

The reason why certain pipes are illegal is for game balancing. Paris is more of a tutorial and Bangkok is meant to be more difficult, so pipe usage is restricted.
His point about the unlocks and challenges doesn’t make sense to me because it’s clear that it was deliberate to encourage people to replay maps. I don’t understand his sort of weird hang up that challenges need to be difficult for him, a speedrunner, to do in order to be valid. It’s meant to be a stepping stone or jumping off point to coming up with your own kills.
The rating system I think should’ve made silent assassin a specific playstyle but I don’t see how it’s a problem in a sandbox game that you can’t just get silent assassin by doing any old shit. You don’t have to always play that way. His idea for a stealth rating system wasn’t very good because it’d just be confusing to learn. Like bullet distractions count against you but getting spotted doesn’t? It’s madness.
It just seems weird to me that he always second guesses IO’s decisions. Like if IO says “we removed shoulder swapping because our levels are built on that specific camera angle” he goes “hmmm well I’m going to be an armchair developer and say it’s a bug”.
Lastly, I don’t get how a speedrunner can complain about keypads when the whole point of Hitman is memorising a pattern. Does he bash his head in every time he speedruns so he forgets where a target goes? Would explain his weird opinions.
I don’t know, Kotti is good at getting IO to change things for the better (escalations being 3-levelers, headturning) but he also comes across as a guy angry they won’t return his calls. I remember seeing All Things Hitman’s clip of his offline mode stream and I never saw him the same way. Like he outright said Kevin Rudd’s mod was “better than anything IO’s made in these new games” even though it was using THEIR level design. I don’t know, he comes across as a bit of a 30 year old boomer.


Well the IO employee who said it was for framing reasons also said he wasn’t sure. So it could be a bug. Plus it is just awful they removed shoulder swapping :smile:

That’s more of a compliment to Kevin I’d say :wink:

Yeah, I only agreed with maybe half of Kotti’s opinions in the whole thing but :man_shrugging: to each their own


Yeah it is stupid they removed it but I definitely think it was a design decision rather than a bug. Nothing about the camera changed between 2 and 3 and IO always remove things based off this weird hypothetical fan that’s dumb as bricks.

Well we can all agree on that! :blush:

The only review I trust to take a proper critical look into the game. (With other outlets saying, “if you don’t like it you’re a hAtEr”)
Also my screenshots are in there. :blush:

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That is not true at all. Here is the system in action.

Getting spotted counts against you, but it treats the way you get spotted differently and contextually. Shooting a sniper rifle in front of civilians and being found trespassing for 1 second are different situations and should be counted differently. In the current system they are treated the same way. THAT is madness.

And I don’t see how this system can be any more confusing than tracking “Noticed Kills” separately from Spotted and Body Found, which basically encompass everything that Noticed Kills does.

His system makes a lot more sense to me than the current one TBH.

Except you can. Examples of things you can do to retain Silent Assassin in the current game:

  1. Knock out every single NPC on the level and kill the targets with no witnesses (as they are all incapacitated).

  2. Shoot three times in front of guards, while trespassing AND openly holding a weapon in your hands while running past them.

  3. Shoot loud guns, detonate loud explosives, shoot NPCs to make them panic and lock down.

And I’m not saying that those things SHOULD blow Silent Assasin. But why is that fine, but having a single body found or being seen LEAVING a trespassing area for a fraction of a second blow your rating? There is absolutely no sense to that.


I mean, Kotti’s rating system literally allows you to get caught, but still retain Silent Assassin.

“I saw his face! He’s the one who set up the accident!”
“Nah he hasn’t done anything else. Let’s still give him the best rating.”


It was the same way in the older games.
You could get several combinations of Alerts and Close Encounters and still retain Silent Assassin.

Are those games way too easy and forgiving because they allow that?

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This is a thread for reviews. If you want to discuss the rating system I suggest creating a thread. There is no great dearth of people with strong opinions on the ratings.


Not really, but surely you’re not implying that the older games rating systems were perfect?
You could get caught trespassing in your suit in Blood Money and get away with it.


No certainly not. But the new system isn’t perfect either, not by a long shot.

Sorry, just bringing it up because it was in response to a comment (with which I disagreed) about a review. Didn’t intend to go too off-topic.


https://youtu.be/i5_52Bg12s4 Haven’t watched this one yet but Yahtzee reviewed it.

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Still bummed out that IO didn’t take the time to fix the snipping. It’s not like no one told 'em that it was already broken in H2 :roll_eyes: …

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The rating system could have used a little bit of a modification. Like if they just changed no bodies found to no unconscious bodies found it’d be much better.

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Edge Magazine gave it a 9. Source


Adam Millard’s “Architect Of Games” YouTube channel just posted this video about HITMAN 3, with bonus points for pissing off @MrOchoa within the first minute or so! :laughing: (And he’s right, IMO! :grimacing:)


What a Son of a Bitch, guess my List of unwatchable YouTubers got a new entry.

Now i go to bed angrily, thanks


Not recommending a game just because you don’t have the patience to figure things out is such a no-no.


C47 does deserve points for the masculine hands he had


I’m watching the video, seen some of their stuff before and knew he’d hate C47.

But dismissing H2SA and Contracts, and even saying Blood Money wasn’t good either is definitely hard to hear. Now I know how @MrOchoa feels every day.

Edit: this guy really hates Colorado and Santa Fortuna, now he’s gone too far.


Honestly, I think he’s spot on about the series in the big picture scale (albeit I don’t agree with some of the finer detail-level stuff). Hitman games have always been better in theory than in practice until the WoA trilogy married the modern controls and ‘quality of life’ playability to the inventive ambition of the earlier games. Millard is still a fan of the series overall, but as someone who started with Contracts in 2004, I’d agree with his take that the WoA is the first time that the Hitman franchise has truly lived up to its potential.