HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

amazing work bro! this looks fantastic

I have a question with audio modding:

What is the best method for replacing audio in the game with an external audio file?
Say, I want to make one of the guard voice lines to be some other voice?


Oh yeah! That’d go great with a Miami at Night (overcast sky)… If high winds were possible then it’d be like a hurricane is coming! :hushed:

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Use wwise to convert audio to a wem with the “Vorbis High” preset, replace the audio file you want to replace.

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Someone should add Mister Soders to the robot-hospital bed on display at the Bayside Center Expo in the Miami mission.


You mean the real corpse, or a model of it?


The actual guy with 47 being able to kill him. Again.


Unlimited Saves for Master Difficulty

Have you ever wanted to play the game in Master difficulty because you like the challenge of extra enforcers, cameras and such, but you think being able to save once is too much because you value saving your time or you like to experiment in this mode? No worries, this is the mod for you:


Thanks. By posting this you might’ve prolonged our wait for Freelancer and the next Elusive Target Arcade since IO will focus all efforts on taking down and blocking this particular mod.

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mods don’t get taken down unless they involve piracy of some sort


Hopefully. This one sounds pretty useful.

I already released a mod earlier (doesn’t work any more) that did this as part of its features. IO apparently didn’t care.


scoobywizard love your hitman content

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IO apparently didn’t care.

And I don’t see why they should.
It’s an offline only mod that just lets you save more than once on hard difficulty.
How and why would that prolong their development of a new game mode and an addition to a game mode?

Like I understand if I release a mod that lets you play all Elusive Targets permanently because that’s the sort of thing they’d be sensitive about (even though one already exists and they seemingly don’t care about it), but an offline mod that does something as insignificant as increasing the value on how many times you can save on Master difficulty like really? You think they’d care about something as small as that?!

Even if IOI takes issue with my mod for some reason, that doesn’t mean they’re going to halt progress on whatever they’re developing because they’re a business company, not a tiny indie group.
They have a legal team that will deal with whatever they deem problematic while the game development part of the company will just continue doing their jobs of supporting HITMAN 3 or developing their other games regardless.

It’s insulting to suggest I’d be the one who single-handedly prolong the development of new content and even games just because I tweaked something on one of their games’ hard difficulty.


Rain v1.0.0

Toggles (On/Off) Rain On Every Hitman Map!

Includes All Bonus Missions, Special Assignments, Contracts, and Sniper Assassin:

  • ICA Facility
  • Paris
  • Sapienza
  • Marrakesh
  • Bangkok
  • Colorado
  • Hokkaido
  • Hawkes Bay
  • Miami
  • Santa Fortuna
  • Mumbai
  • Whittleton Creek
  • Isle of SgĂ il
  • New York
  • Haven Island
  • Dubai
  • Dartmoor
  • Berlin
  • Chongqing (Turns Off The Rain)
  • Mendoza
  • Carpathian Mountains
  • Himmelstein
  • Hantu Port
  • Siberia

You can see a video of it in action here: Rain Now On All Hitman Maps! - YouTube and https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/sm5a0c/rain_now_on_all_hitman_maps/

You can find the mod here: Rain at Hitman 3 Nexus - Mods and community


Rainy Santa Fortuna looks so natural.
I mean all the puddles, wet mud and stuff tells that it should be raining there.
Though “it has just stopped raining” version like it actually is, also not bad


All NPCs Follow Hitman v1.0.0

Mod is here: All NPCs Follow Hitman at Hitman 3 Nexus - Mods and community

You can see videos of it in action here: All NPCs Follow Hitman - YouTube and Notex’s masterpiece


this is like in vice city stories and liberty stories when you use a cheat call everyone can follow you which is pretty cool



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Haven’t forgotten about this, just been working on other things