HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

Personally, I think I would go about it by using Sean Rose’s outfit .TEMP as a base, and see how 47’s head gets attached in one of his outfits and apply that to Sean Rose. (47’s head is a separate .TEMP)
Although, they DO have different facial bones (BORG), so that might be an issue. Not sure if I would swap those out or what. :thinking:
Here is Sean Rose and all his depends, so you can do some experimenting.
(These files were extracted using RPKG Tool along with custom scripts that extracts all the depends from a given hash. I’m still finding new ways to break it, so hopefully once all most of the kinks are ironed out, I’ll be able to release it. :crossed_fingers:)

Wait so Sean is in chunk0? Here I was wasting my time going through chunk23 to try and find it.

No. All those files were extracted from chunk21 and chunk1.
So they can be patched to chunk0, where 47’s base outfits are.

Not sure I’ve posted this here, but here’s a full list of all the .TEMP and .TBLU outfits in the game.
(Before patch1) (Original list by grappigegovert over at the GlacierModding Discord) Further reasearch was done by me to show what chunk they’re in, some outfit names, etc. Still a W.I.P.

Edit: BTW most of the Colorado outfits are in chunk21, including Sean Rose. Dunno why…

Someone forgot about the armatures NOT being universal across seasons… :smirk:
I wonder if the Season 1 disguises in the levels have the new Season 3 head with the Season 1 armature. :thinking: Testing 1, 2 3.


Somehow the head shape looks odd. Not just the floating teeth, nose, and ear, but something else, like the shape is different. It’s like 47’s head with Rose’s head shape.

In Sean Rose’s 007E1BDF388F7BCD.TEMP.meta, opened in hex editor:
His head
hex: 90 65 43 5D E6 57 21 00
was swapped with
hex: B9 89 C5 54 0A A9 6A 00
(001FA83D69D89B24.PRIM 47s_head_season_1)

Sean Rose’s .TEMP and .TEMP.meta were renamed with
006B612DFA84D0EA.TEMP and .TEMP.meta
(006B612DFA84D0EA.TEMP - Freedom Phantom Suit)

006B612DFA84D0EA.TEMP.meta, opened in hex editor:
First 8 bytes replaced with with:
hex: EA D0 84 FA 2D 61 6B 00
(006B612DFA84D0EA.TEMP - Freedom Phantom Suit)

I came to the conclusion that the armature (BORG) was already correct since it uses the same one as 47’s Paris security suit. 003013B8B2FB2B83.TEMP outfit_securityjacket_heroa_v0
Not sure how accurate it is since even on that one he sometimes blinks weird.


Did you swap it with 47’s Sean outfit or with Sean’s model overall?

47 doesn’t have a Sean outfit that I’m aware of. :thinking:
Sean Rose’s head was swapped for 47’s using Sean Rose’s Outfit .TEMP as the base.
Everything I did is documented right there.

:ok_hand: I just know there’s that one outfit that works in Marrakesh that’s his outfit with 47’s head on it (004235bb43d24565.TEMP Outfit_Sean_Actor_v0)

I see it now… How interesting. Would have never caught that since it’s not named _hero.
It also has less file dependencies. I wonder what that’s about… Hmmm.

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I don’t know either, could be a leftover of that weird Colorado image from 2016 but then why does this outfit only work in Marrakesh is a mystery

Colors are slightly different too. Left is Sean Rose, Right is the _Actor with 47’s head.


Nice, I didn’t actually think they were

I’m really curious what causes these blindingly bright light strobes on maps with lighting ultimate. It isn’t something that I can replicate, and even looking away will make them disappear completely, but they still come up every once in a while, in different maps, and in different scenarios. Heres another example in whittleton creek.

Thanks, that sounds interesting

Oof. I dunno man. What are your PC specs by any chance? After testing this for several months I (and several friends who tested) have never seen any issues like this anywhere.

Could you also verify your game cache through Epic? That might also delete Lighting Ultimate but it should be easy enough just to drag and drop back in.

Is there maybe a mod that basically activates stealth mode, but only until you kill someone in front of an NPC? So basically you can walk anywhere without trespassing, but when you kill, it’s gone?

Also maybe deleting ShaderCache.bin from this folder could help:
C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\IO Interactive\HITMAN3

I use this mod as well and haven’t faced any wierdnesses yet

Are you really too lazy for a single Mouseclick?

Manually turning it on/off doesn’t provide the same result. Also, no need to be so condescending, you can just ignore me. If everyone does, I’ll just acknowledge noone’s interested.

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