HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

When you say, that Hantu Port would need to be added to an existing Season 2 map, does that affect Freelancer gameplay regarding the chosen map? For example does that affect the frequency with which Hantu Port and its associated map would come up in Freelancer campaigns?

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I don’t even understand the question of the poll. :joy:


If possible, should Chongqing be the area (map) that Hantu port is on (eg It’ll be like the Port is on the Chongqing map)

Ooh I thought this is about something like you click on Chongqing in the safehouse and… that does not exist anymore because Hantu Port replaced it.

I guess Chongqing works the best, since there is a large body of water that might align to it rather well.

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I took it as, a new map might not be able to be added, so rather Hantu Port will be a “variation” of another map; say you travel to Chongqing - you might get Vanilla, Daytime, or Hantu.


Ding ding ding!

That’s why I wrote “Share” a location slot, not ‘replace’. It would be a variation just like any other

It would not physically be attached to the map like I was proposing with the yacht, it would be Hantu on its own as a variation. This is just about what location it should piggy back onto so you can actually play it in game


Its possible to open this areas in Chongqing? Open them? (for Chongqing noodle for example)
Cuz if yes i think its will be crazy to put them some npc in the balcony and pray in the temple :sweat_smile:




So since Hantu Port would work as variation for another map I think it should share slot with New York since you’re not planning to add any variant to it.
That would result with even 50/50 split in probability of appearing in location.
If it was let’s say a fourth version of Mumbai chances of it appearing in rotation would decrease to 25%, right?

I also have a question regarding Yacht from Freeform Training.
I do remember that you said in the past that You want it to be separated from the map it ends up being attached to but I was thinking.
If Yacht ended up being added to marina in Miami, would it be possible to fuse it with Undying variant while cutting out access to right part of map (racing part) and maybe underground parking lot?
That would leave only Yacht, marina and Krosnstadt building accessible with nice vantage point for sniping.

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I understand your reasoning, but mine is more along the lines of what S2 map do people hate the most, that way people can replace it with a new map. Most people seem to like New York, so seems like a waste to make it share a slot with a map they also want to play.

The problem is currently we don’t have the ability to fuse together the two separate AI pathings. So NPCs would be unable to enter or leave the yacht area, that’s why I said it would be kept separate. Technically the player could but would be unfair to have it so no NPCs could chase you in or out, nor be able to have showdown suspects be able to go to the yacht if it was in showdown mode, etc.

In any case the yacht is not being worked on, it would take so much work to convert everything to be ‘real’ models, textures and props.

Actually, ignore my poll, I just had a brilliant idea; we can just put Hantu Port into the “Season 2” chunk (chunk9), then any S2 map will be able to access it as a variant, and you can pick and choose yourselves using the variant picker website! I will decide later whether I have it on any particular map as a ‘default’ tho… probably not as I don’t think Hantu will come bundled with FV, will require a separate download


That made me realize something. When people don’t like specific map they simply choose syndicate types that doesn’t have them.
Won’t including Hantu Port in rotation of not liked map be counterintuitive by more or less forcing people into choosing map they don’t like only for a CHANCE of Hantu Port appearing in rotation?
Unless there’s gonna be a way to fully disable not liked map in favor of Hantu to appear.

That’s what the variant picker allows

Does it also allows to disable vanilla version of map?

Edit: I just checked it out, you can disable vanilla version. Makes sense now.

I’m still gonna stay with my New York pick because based on my personal logic it just makes more sense for me.

At the end of the day final choice is yours and I’m fine with any one you make.

Silent Handlers – Freelancer Edition

Mostly Shuts Diana up in Freelancer Mode.

NOTE: If you downloaded this the in the first few hours it released, please update it; It fixes some collateral WWES files.

Comes with three settings:

  • Mostly Quiet (on by default), Very Chatty
  • Diana WILL NOT Congratulate you on Campaign Completion (on by default), Diana WILL Congratulate you on Campaign Completion
  • Diana WILL NOT say goodbye when leaving the safehouse (on by default), Diana WILL say goodbye when leaving the safehouse
  • Unlocking Trophies (On by default)
  • Showdown Looks and Tells (Off by default)

Voice lines that ARE silenced:

  • Any voice line where Diana comments on 47 failing or succeeding a mission or campaign
  • Whenever a handover/ meeting takes place (I can see the meeting Diana, YOU DON’T NEED TO TELL ME)
  • Any kind of intel gathering line (Again, I’m usually RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM when this happens).
  • Any of the kill confirm lines
  • “Welcome to X” and “Leaders are in this location” lines
  • Any line that has Diana reminding you that the location is Alerted
  • Weapon unlock lines
  • Trophy unlocking lines
  • Showdown Looks and Tell lines (Not silenced by default; this is intentional as they can be helpful as a reminder at the start of the level without resorting to the camera)

Voice lines that are NOT silenced:

  • “New Cosmetics added” lines – Only some of these have been silenced, this make them less frequent and less annoying
  • “Looks and Tells” voice lines – they are useful and, while they can get annoying, can often be handy when starting out
  • Miscellaneous tutorial lines – (“This is the prestige objective board, 47!”): These are only heard once, and thus, aren’t annoying. Same goes for unlocking safehouse work benches.
  • Leader Escaping lines – These are generally pretty handy if you miss certain audio or visual cues amongst the visual clutter the game has.

That’s all I have for you at present. Good luck.




Update 1.1 (11/03/2023 – Added new options for trophy unlocks being silenced and Looks and Tells being silenced).


For me these are the main ones I would want disabling. She goes on forever with them and the information is already all in the camera.


Does anyone have the Npc mod that like, makes you be able to disguise as any Npc in the game for epic games? Thanks!

Some of the voice lines are a bit wordy, but “forever” is bit of an exaggeration, no? I quite like these lines, in part because they remind me what to initially look for without needing to resort to the camera, which isn’t a bad thing imo.

Having said that, I get it, and i’ll bore myself silly tomorrow and update the mod with an option to disable them (There are A LOT of lines and variations of said lines as you might expect).


Oh, gotta change my Vote to Santa Fortuna then xD

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@Atampy26 is it possible for a future update to the SMF program to let you exit an individual mod’s configuration settings back to the page you were on?

As a specific example, I’m using @Kevin_Rudd’s Freelancer Map Remover mod to take locations where I have already completed the Kill 50 Syndicate Members/Leaders At This Location challenges out of the map selection pool so that my Syndicate map rolls are always in places where I still need to pop the challenge. When I use the Settings/Configuration button for the mod to choose those maps, after I have made my changes I can’t see a way to exit the Configuration screen without going back to the Home page, when ideally I’d exit out back to the Enable/Disable mods page.

It’s by no means even approaching a biggie of a problem for me so absolutely no worries whatsoever if this isn’t something that is worth the effort (or even just not possible), but it would be a nice little QoL feature if that ever could be done.

Thanks a bunch!

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Does this button not work for you?