HITMAN 3 - Modding Thread

Anyone who is a poster here a weapons modder or interested in doing that or know someone who is or is interested? I might have a project or two to throw your way if you’re interested, namely an assault rifle family and a pistol caliber carbine/SMG deal.

Made a mod to get rid of the door hacking in chongqing.


Is this useable online?

Most mods are.


Anyone have any info or updates on this:


That mod looks like a blend of HLA noVR and GTA V’s first person mode. Unfortunately, I don’t see any new progress about it on the channel.

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I think it would be neat to team that FPS mod with the laser pointer sight mod that was posted earlier (which is also a WIP). This mod IMO looks pretty complete though the person making it said that there was further work he wanted to do to it. It’s downloadable somewhere according to the Hitman Reddit, though it’s still noted as not being completely finished, and it seems there’s been few progress updates.

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Found the reddit post (reddit) for anyone else that is interested in this, but I couldn’t find any download links.

EDIT: I was wrong. The mod CAN be downloaded from the HITMAN III Modding Discord server
Screenshot from 2022-07-02 22-01-31

EDIT 2: Found the mod, it’s on the #mods-showcase channel in the server. Just search for “Janky First person mod”, it’ll take you right there to it.

Last edit: The mod works in both Online and Offline, but yep, it’s very janky.

What does “fruitful endeavor” and “sheik” refer to exactly in the hash list? I just found them odd since they are listed under “featured contract”. Do they change up a location for 2 specific FCs? Are they just primary components to make FCs work? Do they change the location to a “contract” version? Or something else?

My mod is up now :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, the laser is just a Reshade overlay meaning it will always show (even in menus) when you hold the right mouse button. So no controller support unfortunately.

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Looks interesting, as does this for a FPS mod, though it’s still a WIP as of this video getting uploaded a few weeks ago:

That’s the original mod, which doesn’t show your weapons on screen


I don’t think so or it’s been updated. You still can’t see what 47’s holding and such, but there’s now a HUD and crosshairs for aiming, both of which weren’t able to be used in the mod (or version there of) you mention.

Hmm, maybe it’s an older version of the one that does let you see your weapons

That could be worth figuring out, since I’m new to this whole modding thing for games beyond using cheat codes or cheat engines. However, the newer video I posted is from May, while the previous video is from January or Feb. I’d like to use either one, but I only think that first one is available as of now.

Just because the video is more recent doesn’t mean the mod is. Especially since the uploader is just a player and not the creator of any mod. That might be the only version they could find since the more recent one is only available deep in a Discord server

The problem with that is that the version I found at Nexus is still listed as version 0.1 (original version), and there’s nothing in the change log listed as updates. So it’s either a different mod or someone didn’t update the listing on Nexus.

As I said, I’d love to try either one if they’re available for download. I do doubt that this is the original mod from Nexus, unless it’s been updated to have the crosshair/aiming feature and the HUD elements. It could even be a different version of the earlier mod, or something new. I’ll try asking for if the person who tried it (who it seems knows the person who’s working on it) knows anything new or more recent.

As I said, one that shows guns is on a Discord, so you won’t find it on Nexus (It’s made by a different person. Originally I was going to make a mod like the Nexus one on launch when I figured out that slapping the VR mode bricks gives you first person, but I decided against it when I saw there were no guns on screen etc)

I think a no guns version of the better mod was put in Reddit a while ago but I might be misremembering

Here’s the latest version from Discord


Is there a good place to talk to actual modders outside of this forum for things such as weapons mods and such, or is there anyone available here for that?

We have a Discord server: