HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Platform: PS5 Digital

Location: Mendoza

Description: Trophies not unlocking after meeting the requirements.

*For the Ripe for the Picking trophy, I’ve done everything but still doesn’t unlock.

Thank you good sir. Very kind of you and will provide feedback later today

Ok so I tried to place the coin, but Lei was the one who sees it and pick it up instead of him. Also, Hush will refuse to leave the chair no matter what I do, so there’s that

Oh ok yeah I got it now. Thank you for pointing that out.

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After yesterday’s update to game version 3.11, this bug is still present.

Xbox One, digital

I am not awarded the challenge for completing the “Closing Statement” Mission Story even though I follow all of the steps, starting with taking the sommelier disguise and ending with wearing the suit in Yates’s bedroom. I get a “Mission Story Complete” notification on the HUD. When I exit the mission, the challenge is not awarded, and it shows uncompleted next time I enter the mission… This is preventing me from unlocking the “Rich Harvest” achievement. I have gone through this five times, including once following the 2/23 patch.

On PS5 there’s an issue with the music in the game on all missions. The music will all of a sudden stop playing, or won’t play at all (for example how the music changes when you complete your mission, & Diana tells you to find an exit, the music will all of a sudden stop). Check out my video to see what I mean. At 12:13 on up after throwing the heart in the trash, Diana starts speaking, & the music cuts right off. It’s supposed to crescendo till 47 finds an exit. At least that’s what it did on Hitman & Hitman 2.

Has anyone noticed in Mendoza that the guru suit sunglasses don’t show up in the mirror? I was taking the guard out in the bathroom and noticed it. Maybe they are the vampire magicians glasses?!

Platform: PC / Digital
Location: Chongqing:
Two bugs for this map.
1: The elevator shaft shortcut is opened without myself having opened it and the challenge for it is shown as incomplete

2: The part of the mission to kill Hush by overloading his mind doesn’t work as after the first round of tests, he just stays in his chair (video link: https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/lrh29d/bug_in_chongqing_where_hush_refuses_to_leave_the/)

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Still might be the case from HITMAN 2 where they removed sunglasses from mirror reflections on purpose for performance reasons


#player-support #hitman-3:technical-issues
Electric boogie assassination is not popping on Marrakesh, A house built on sand and Cleaning Up assassination is not popping on Colorado, Freedom fighters even after the new update.

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Platform : PC
Location: all of them
Description: When attempting SASO or any derivatives, and trying to finish the mission (haven’t tried not doing SASO, but I doubt the challenge is the problem), the game crashes when assessing the score or even what challenges have been completed.
Frequency: Every. Single. Time. (when I finish a mission that is)

PC specs: Ryzen 5 3600, Nvidia RTX 3070, 16GB 3000Mhz DDR4, Windows 10, MSI B450-A PRO

Has anyone else been experiencing these issues. Someone please help lmao. I haven’t been able to properly play the game for at least 3 weeks

Platform: PC
Location: Sapienza
Description: Issue with backdoor to Silvio’s villa (one nearby smoking kitchen assistant) haven’t been fixed - you still cannot acces them using keycard reader.
Frequency: Always

Platform: Xbox Series X (Digital)
Location: Miami - The Finish Line
Frequency: Always
Description: Pushing Robert Knox onto Sierra Knox’s car (The Tree Falls on the Apple assassination challenge) results in a “Non-Target” kill and voids SA. [ STILL BUGGED ]

My theory is Sierra Knox’s car is mistakenly counted as a “Non-Target” kill in this instance. In Hitman 2, this method worked correctly and is a valid SA strategy.

Steps To Reproduce: Follow the normal route for the Tree Falls on the Apple assassination opportunity. Here’s a video of the glitch.


Platform: PC Epic (Digital)

Location: Every location

Frequency: Always

Description: My ingame music cuts in slowly in the beginning and then fades away, no music can be heard and triggerpoints ingame like, the stairs in Dubai, do not trigger the specific audio.

Steps to repeat:

  • Load the location, ( all of them) in this case Dubai
  • Walk to the stairs
  • Listen if audio plays, where you can usually hear an orchestral track playing when the curtains fall down


Okay so I tested a few things out, it seems the ingame audio is ‘‘delayed’’ this can be heard best in Dubai the track that played when walking the stairs playing a few minutes later during the mission

PS: Anyone else experiencing this? Would be nice to know that I’m not the only one…

Platform: PC, digital

Location: Santa Fortuna, The Macmillan Surreptition

Description: You have to hide in the foliage throughout the mission but sometimes the game doesn’t recognize when you’re in the foliage?? Like I’ll return to the foliage but the 15 second timer will continue to count down and the mission will completely fail when I’ve done nothing wrong :frowning:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load The Macmillan Surreptition
  3. Play as normal
  4. Just kinda lose sometimes because the foliage timer breaks

Frequency: It happens sometimes and seemingly arbitrarily. Frequent enough that I can’t finish the escalation though.

Platform: PC, digital

Location: Any location

Description: When using a sedative syringe on an NPC, they sometimes will just stand there and repeatedly play the “about to be sedated” animation, never actually falling down or allowing you to take their disguise or move their body or anything until much much later.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load any level in any location
  3. Inject someone with the Modern Sedative Syringe (maybe others?)
  4. Don’t move away from them after injection (this has something to do with it)

Frequency: I didn’t test to see if it happens without fail, but it’s the vast majority of time I use the sedative syringe.

Notes: You can seemingly work around this by standing up and moving away from the NPC quickly after injection. If you don’t move then they likely will do the bug thing.

Platform: PS5 or PS4

Location: Dubai

Description: I know this had to be reported before but completing challenge “Discover Dubai” is not triggering the Playstation trophy. Have attempted many fixes but still a issue and no its not related to the contract issue for discovering an area as outlined in recent patch notes. To be safe though I did load a Dubai contract and exit to be sure.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Complete “discovering Dubai”
  2. No Playstation trophy pop

Frequency: Persistent

Platform: PC, digital

Location: Mumbai

Description: The starting location in the trainyard still lists your starting disguise as Vanya’ Servant instead of Vanya’s Servant

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Start planning Mumbai
  3. Choose the train yard starting location
  4. See typo and try not to cry

Frequency: It’s always there :(((

Platform: PS5, disc

Location: Chongquing

Description: The fix for the mixed up shortcuts seems to have broken the challenges for those of us who had only unlocked one of the two shortcuts. I did the Facility Elevator prior to the fix (Like, yesterday evening just before it rolled out), which unlocked the Inner Courtyard challenge.

Now, if I unlock the Inner Courtyard, it doesn’t unlock the Facility Elevator challenge and the Facility Elevator door is already unlocked, thus I cannot unlock it again to properly fix this challenge.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have the game patched prior to the 23rd of February 2021 patch. (Yes, this is impossible now because we must be online for these challenges and stuff, but it’s still what happened)
  2. Unlock either of the shortcuts in Chongquing, but not both. The wrong challenge unlocks.
  3. Run the game after the 23rd of February patch, the other shortcut is still locked, and unlocking it doesn’t register it as unlocked permanently. And the one for which the challenge is not completed is already unlocked, thus cannot be completed.

Frequency: Always… so long as you happen to have fallen in the situation listed above.