HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Mode: Freelancer

Location: Marrakesh (alerted state)

Description: one of the target doesn’t die when he drinks a bottle poisoned with lethal pills. The lethal pills were recovered in the map (in the tunnel).
EDIT: The bottle is located on a table behind the military vehicles, on the left of the ambassy when you face the building.

Didn’t have the opportunity to take a picture of the location unfortunately.
EDIT: location of the bottle (blue cross)

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I got the same reaction walking around with a car battery…

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Freelancer Mode Bug Report


Safe house Garage

Cannot pick up the fuse.

I guess it decided to RE-FUSE to be picked up.



This may be similar to this bug I came to report:


Had a target in Whittleton Creek in the basement of Janus’ house that drinks from a cup. I poisoned it and he didn’t die. Turns out there were two cups in the same spot and he was drinking from the one that wasn’t poisoned.

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I bet poisoning the cup is a trigger event where he always drinks from the other cup or just stands there staring if both are poisoned.

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Platform: All
Location: Sapienza (World of tomorrow)
Description: A gap between wall textures in church basement
Frequency: Always

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Platform: PC
Client: Epic Games
Mode: Freelancer

I’ve just recently finished a campaign and as soon as I exited the mission the game crashed. When I wanted to enter Freelancer Mode again it pops up with an error saying the following:

So I have no clue on how to actually get back into the game.


Platform: Ps5

Location: Other

Description: In freelancer mode during the showdwon stage i noticed something. The targets looks when I was playing were hat, tattoo, glasses and no hair. They had business meeting, smoker and nervous. 6 suspects and 2 matched the looks, had meeting and smokers, but not nervous. Neither of them were the target. The one that was the target wore a hat, glasses, bald and was a smoker and nervous but no tattoos.
I don’t know if its a bug or not ,but the targets are not meeting all of the descirptions and if they are they are missing one or two.

frequency: Every once in awhile

Freelancer Mode Bug Report


Bad Intel, Diana:
Showdown on Isle of Sgail

Target appearance says:
Grey Hair

Turns out none of the targets match the description. True target had tattoos, not earrings.


In the area where Hush’s drones are flying, if a weapon is left in an area that a drone will scan - it will attract a guard over to investigate at the area but they will leave without picking up the weapon. This then begins in endless loop every time the drone scans the ground with the weapon.

i played a level on Paris where a guard noticed me trespassing and became a witness. 1 singular witness. i left him till the end of the level, sent him to the toilet with a sieker, drowned him, and as he died the witness counter dropped to 0 for a split second then changed to 2. no one saw me, no one was around, no one became orange and panicked on instinct

Platform: PS5

Location:: Freelancer safe house

Description: The trophy for “Meeting Adjourned” challenge doesn’t appear on the bookcase with the rest of the collection

I found it on a separate bookcase in the office room, i’m guessing this one will slowly fill up as well as i complete more of the challenges

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Platform: PS4
Mode: Freelancer
Map: Chongqing, ICA Facility

The guard (blue cross) is able to see the unconscious bodies located in the closed toilet room (red cross).
I poisoned the break room and the two persons thrown up in the toilet. I KOed them, put them in the same room (red cross). I next distracted the guard (blue cross) inside the break room (with the windows no longer transparent). When the guard entered the break room, he directly saw the bodies in the toilet.

Platform: PC digital

Location: Haven, Maldives

Description: A texture issue strikes the first disguise Agent 47 can get in Haven Island.

Steps to reproduce: Take the disguise in 47’s house.

Frequency: Since the Freelancer update.

System: Xbox
Location: Safehouse - Freelancer

The Deluxe boat with wooden paneling is bugged in the cutscene: the normal black one is chosen by 47 clipping through the wooden one, leaving the latter behind.

The logo/image for the “You urned this” challenge doesn’t load.

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Game Version:3.140

The camera was sometimes in the wrong place as 47 walked in a particular direction towards the water bottle in the kitchen.

Platform: PC digital

Location: Safehouse

Description: We cannot see what in the middle of the crate.

Steps to reproduce: Wear the very suit and open a crate.

Frequency: Always cannot see it.

Platform: PS5

Location: Hokkaido

Description: Suspect flipping up in the air

Steps to reproduce: Freelancer Mode

Frequency: Single time when played

Video here: Flipping Suspect

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Dubai will regularly have the suspect AI jam and all suspects will stay in one place and never move. Every time this has occurred for me, it’s when the guards have gone into an alerted state. The guards will also never leave their searching state when this happens.

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