HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Freelancer Mode Bug


Optional Objective: No Witnesses

This happened to me in Morocco. Lady on the rooftop in white spotted me and became a Witness. Drew her down the steps, knocked her out.

Proceeded to knock out, without being spotted, the two guards on the roof.

Placed all in crates.

Witness count did NOT clear.

This also happened on a Mr.Freeze livestream in Sapienza, with Silvio Caruso and his two guards. So it is probably on all platforms and more than one map.

Freelancer Mode Bug Report

All Platforms

All Maps

Guards spotting you through walls, while you are in crates hiding, from the other side of the map. Pretty much any time you commit any crime or even when you are just hanging around.

INSTANTLY spotted if you fire a weapon, and your position is apparently INSTANTLY known. Plus, if you find an isolated spot, they apparently can track you by GPS or something.

Completely breaks Freelancer Mode.


Shooting the new security camera box in a room filled with NPCs won’t draw any attention as long as the bullet hits the recorder. They don’t hear the bullet hit it like every other recorder in the game does.

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During Showdown missions, if two suspects are attending a meeting (that is not triggered by the player) and one the of the two suspects attending that meeting are eliminated/pacified so that the meeting cannot play out - the other suspect will break and will stand at the meeting spot forever. There seems to be no timeout where they will give up and return to their pathing.


Platform: PC
Location: All Freelancer ones
Descritpion: Remote explosives that are found on location, like car bombs, do not count as remote explosive kill when used as such.
Frequency: Always


Location: Ambrose Island
Frequency: Happened once (haven’t played Ambrose Island on Freelancer again so idk if it happens everytime or not)
Gamemode: Freelancer
Platform: Xbox One S
Capture date: 31/1/2023
Issue: The pitch and tempo are really low for some reason

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Freelancer Mode Bug Report

PS4 (Possibly all platforms)

Potentially All Maps

Currently in Paris, Final Leader Mission of the Campaign

BAD Intel, Diana?

Leader Traits:

Business Meeting
Sweet Tooth

Hat, Necklace, Earrings, Black Hair

Of the 9 suspects, only 3 have Black Hair
Of the three remaining suspects, Only 1 is Allergic

This final suspect never eats. I have watched his movement patterns for almost an hour. He has attended 2 business meetings near the bar, sneezed at four different points, and even stops at a table as if contemplating, yet nothing to eat ( or poison) is present.

I believe his final tell is not triggering, or the true leader has completely different tells from what the mission has.

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I had something similiar occur in Dubai, where suspect fit all criteria but eating. He just moved around kitchen, which I assumed was enough. But he did have a cup of puding in front of him from which he never ate.

Freelancer Mode Bug Report



Prestige Challenge failing to complete

Collateral Kill - Accident

Had one target and one civilian isolated on the rooftop (Where you can poison Mr. Giggles in his ET) and poured water on the ground, then made the target and civilian walk over it while activating remote micro taser.

A weird counter came up counted 1 second and then disappeared as they were both being electrocuted. As they continued to thrash, the counter returned again, then both targets died. There was the sound of the challenge succeeding, but then it had an X on it and the challenge inexplicably failed.

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Platform: PC (Digital Epic Store release)

Location: Freelance Safehouse

Description: Equipping the Temper Suit crashes the game, also trying to change the look of the kitchen benches freezes the game

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game
  2. Load the Safehouse
  3. Go to Mirror
  4. Try to equip the Temper Suit


  1. Start the game
  2. Load the Safehouse
  3. Go to Kitchen
  4. Try to alter the Kitchen bench

Frequency: 100%

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Freelancer Mode Bug Report



Somebody broke the Mime

Entertainer just stand there drinking over and over. Doesn’t even complain when I steal all the change from his hat. The bottle he drinks from has been empty for hours, but he keeps trying to quench his thirst.

While not a serious bug, hopefully someone can fix him soon… After all, a mime is a terrible thing to waste…

Platform: PC (Steam)
Location: Santa Fortuna

Description: In Freelancer mode, in Santa Fortuna the safe was in the Bar Basement, one clue couldn’t be scanned, I tried every angle. No problems with the 2 other clues. Finally opened the safe with explosives…

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A lot of food/drink suspects will consume in Showdown Missions are invisible. Have seen this in Mendoza, Sgail and Berlin this far.

Platform: PC (Steam)
Location: Santa Fortuna
Description: Elite cartel member disguise clips like there´s no tomorrow. Both sleeves, standing and/or walking, plus the gun on the back clips into 47´s body when walking.
Frequency: Always.


Freelancer Mode Bug Report

PS4 (But probably all platforms)


If you use a Golden Idol on the Chair in the swamp, you get the Easter Egg scene with the hippo.

If you happen to get a SECOND Golden Idol (they can be found in crates, after all), and throw it on the chair again, you get a game crash.

Probably too much bug powder…


PC - Steam - Freelancer mode

Camera has limited range. It would not recognise suspects if they are far away. It would also mark/unmark the wrong suspect (not based on which one is under the reticle) when more than 1 are close together

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PC - Steam - Freelancer mode

When in guard disguise, having the camera out would attract comments such as “you wanna holster that?!” basically NPCs treating it as a gun verbally.


When you use the new exit in Bangkok, if you let the cutscene playout without skipping it - 47’s left arm will vanish. Which is then prominently visible on the scoring screen because this becomes the background image.

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Nah, that’s just those Japanese sliding doors for ya…


Platform: PC
Location: Hokkaido

Description: Incinerator in morgue didn’t count as accident kill for purpose of freelancer optional objective.

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