That surgeon not delivering the stem cells has been an issue for god knows how long now.
It’s fantastic to see so many fixed bugs in the patch! But there’re still some bugs that need to be solved.
1.The Lucky Duck suit dosen’t count as a “suit” in contract mode and campaign.
2.The Druzhina 34 Arctic’s “Marksman” feature doesn’t work(press Shift is useless).
3.The Aprons on the disguises have texture error.
4.You can’t select Brine-damaged SMG in the pistol slot.
5.Shooting Sierra Knox’s racecar or kicking Robert Knox onto Sierra’s car will lose SA sometimes
6.The red cloth on Rico Delgado’s staute is still missing.
Platform: PC
Location: Hokkaido
Description: 47 will fall off and die sometimes when vaulting the railing between the helipad and garden.
Frequency: Sometimes
Video(from other player):
I’m playing a community contract in Miami map called “Engulfed in A Firey Sorrow”.
I’m getting this flashing randomly on many lights. The screen shot is in the parking lot, but
I see the same thing in the security room desk lamps.
I tried messing w/ my graphics settings to no avail. GPU is a GTX1660Ti 6GB OC made by ASUS.
It does not happen in the main campain Miami missions only in this contract. However, I’ve seen this flashing on Sapienza map too. In that case it was a reflection off the beach while sniping.
I’m playing the elusive target arcade Bombastic and I keep getting the “must be killed with explosion” objective completed but not the actual target elimination. It’s super strange. Then maybe 5 min later the actual target elimination will register and I can exit the mission.
Edit: this keeps happening on all levels regardless of kill method. I’ll kill the target and it will take about 2-5 minutes for the game to realise the objective has been completed. I believe it to be server related bc all the interaction with the server is slow and I’m frequently disconnected.
hey nice! Whoever made that featured contract is a genius. Cough cough me cough cough
Thing about Hitman I just found out
2 bugs in one post
Platform: PC
Location: Mendoza
Description: If you drop/throw an Asado Torch, it’s counted immediately as an illegal action
Frequency: Every single time
Platform: PC
Location: Any
Description: Black Almond Dagger is missing sounds for kills from the front and behind
Frequency: Every single time
Reported both of these bugs about 3-4 months ago on IO Support Hub, provided the video after requested, got thanks and never got any follow-up on this
As per the current patch, both bugs are still present
Platform: PC (Steam)
Location: Sapienza
Description: The sunglasses and cap on the gardener disguise don´t fit 47´s new skull properly. The glasses clip through both the cap as well as his ears.
Frequency: Goddamn always, duh.
There is another problem with AD. It cannot be placed down like other objects, it needs to be manually dropped. I have reporeted this bug also months ago, but nothing has been done to it yet.
Platform: PS5
Location: Chongqing
Description: The Rage elusive target no longer fights the player when you initiate combat
Frequency: Always
Platform: PS5
Location: Chongqing
Description: The signature suit with gloves does not get wet in the rain, while the gloveless variant does
Frequency: Always
Platform: PS5
Location: All
Description: There’s an artificial delay after using the marksman perk where you can’t use instinct for a second, that seems to be caused by setting weapon aim and running to toggle but not instinct and marksman
Frequency: Always
- set running and weapon aim to toggle
- take a sniper and enter marksman mode by holding the button then release immediately
- attempt to activate instinct right after you press the marksman button. even when it is over the instinct doesnt activate until a second push of the button
I kinda hate how people slipping on the banana peel is a suspicious action and causes guards and enforcers to start looking around : HiTMAN ← found this too that might be a bug
Platform :PC
Location :Ambrose Island
Description :The rocks on the beach under the shrine look a bit low quality.
Frequency :Always
Platform :PC
Location :The Author
Description :Some NPCs’ images in contract mode don’t fit their models
Frequency :Always
I was just going to report that same bug!
You can retrieve the explosive golf ball without opening the safe with the code!2105&parId=B122B48BFC546E0B!1140&o=OneUp
Frequency: Always
Mission: The Author (and contracts mode as well)
Caught on Xbox one s on the 15th October 2022
What a coincidence! I didn’t mean to report the bug at first. But the patch surprised me that they fixed the Spienza image error.
I was making a contracy and i found it out whilst looking for good NPCs to use and i thought I’d post it sice loads of people are making Halloween Featured Contract submissions on The Author.
Platform :PC
Location :All locations
Description :Several NPCs will use the same toilet. I know this is a bug with a long history, but I saw you guys fix a lot of bugs from H1 and H2 in the last patch. And this is indeed a bug that may affect the gameplay in some extent.
Frequency :Sometimes
Image :