<HCCE> Contract Creator Extended [Mod/Tool v1.7]

In the end no matter if PC or XBox, it is data sent to the Hitman server. What your console sends can be very well also send a computer. The only difference between the two is the account that is sending the data.

The so called “auth token” is like a certificate that you are logged in. In this token the server can see if you are a PC or Xbox user. Or whatever else. If a PC (with my tool) gets a token of your Xbox account, it can use it to create a Xbox contract. The server thinks it is a console this comes from.

The token is not only given to your Xbox to play Hitman, it is also used when you log into https://personal.hitman.io. And if my tool is running while you log into that, it can do all that stuff I spoke about.

The recreation of contracts is described in the first post at More Information. It might become a bit more clear if you follow it yourself. Note that ofc someone on PC needs to create a contract first and send you the textfile you need to recreate it.


Before I finally get round to reinstalling hitman 2 to disconnect the ioi account, does this mean that it relies on owning the game instead and disconnecting the ioi account wouldn’t work?

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I was a bit mistaken, the IO account is not relevant here, only the XBox account. Unless you are willing to delete your ownership of Hitman 2 in your XBox account (if that is even possible) there is nothing you can do.



@Urben is it possible that I could recreate contracts in the future?

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I tried suggesting him creating a new Xbox account and then familysharing Hitman 3 to it. I have a suspicion that it would help. What do you think?

I guess that works.

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@linux_penguin get on it bro!

So you’re on Xbox? You could just send me your contract idea and I more than happily create it on PC. Recreating it on Xbox shouldn’t be that hard.


you can get a free start pack for a brand new account,then you can recreate contracts with it.


Wait a minute, so is owning Hitman on PC not required to create or recreate a console contract with your tool? Just owning it on a console is okay?
You only need to log into the IOI website when it’s open for it to work?

I’ve seen people posting jsons and asking for a recreate on a specific console, but I wasn’t sure if me, PS4 player could somehow help.

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Correct. Just a login + a contract json is all you need.

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Neat! Thanks.


Is fiddler paid?If not can someone send me the link for the free version.

Fiddler Classic is free and is linked in the top post.

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uhh what do i do now…

You click Yes, otherwise it wont work.

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fuck it, im clicking yes

For Xbox:

  • create a new Xbox Live account
  • login to IOI account and link it to Xbox account
  • add it to HOME Xbox
  • login to game with new account and it will be linked
  • you can now publish to Xbox

I did this for Cybie and it worked. Everything you can access can now be accessed by the new account as well.

If you use gameshare on Xbox it will not work, as your own console will not be set to HOME. You can switch it back though, do this and then re-link the gameshare console as your home again.

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Would this be possible to do elusive targets in contracts with this and transfer them to ps4 I waiting for it like 2 years now

No, the server blocks making contracts in any unusual mission.

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