Hawksbay/ICA facilty MY HISTORY....is GONE

On Xbox one, for just over a year, I’ve been playing Hitman2 /Hawksbay/ ICA facilty demo version.
I’ve played hundreds of the contracts. Being the only 2 maps I played and playing them half the day, I got very good at them. I had lowest time in practically all of them.
I notice UNKNOWN players with unobtainable times. 3 seconds to kill and press the stop button.
I recorded a few and uploaded them to XB live.
The following day ALL my play history was WIPED
Contracts/MY HISTORY/pressing the R joystick . It lists

  1. ALL the contracts
    2.Completed contracts.
    3.Failed contracts
    I had 4 listed, and all were from community, not a gamer tag.

Do you think I was hacked, punished, banned ?
Never got a notice.
I unplugged both my router and xbox for 15 minutes to make sure it wasnt an issue with a file, a connection issue, or an update or something.

Any ideas

The only way this could be triggered intentionally on Hitman 2 is if you request your data to be deleted by logging into your IOI account on the IOI website. If you did not do that I’d suggest to contact Support.
But I am not sure where really, the Zendesk one we usually link seems to be limited to Hitman 3 aka World of Assassination.

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Recheck it today, xbox was acting wonky yesterday.

Funnily enough this brought back a memory from 2016.

Long Story Short, for the Hitman 2016 Professional Mode Update on Xbox you had a chance that you couldn’t get beyond the main menu due to an infinite connecting to the servers. The only way to do this was to delete your local save.

I’m not sure how Progress worked in HITMAN 2016 since both HITMAN 2 and 3 are more intertwined with each other in some ways. But I always had an irrational thought with 2016 where your progress was on a local save (probably wasn’t). Fortunately Xbox has a good cloud save service which quelled a lot of my worried back in the day.