General News 1.0

So uh they redo the election and :crossed_fingers: that… influenced voters are suddenly uninfluenced?

Not sure what to think of it. I certainly hope they don’t just keep redoing it until the “correct” candidate wins.

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I didn’t expect the Assad regime to just collapse like this



Well as of this morning DIICOT has started doing searches and arrests on 'em, along with others from Gerogescu’s inner circle.




Why is it that every fucking time it looks like a corrupt leader is gonna be punished somehow, some group always decides to save their ass at the last second? I’m getting fucking tired of this movie!

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Park Geun-hye must be fuming that she didn’t make like her daddy and declare martial law before her party threw her in lockup. It’s working so well for Yoon.

I wonder if this bright idea struck him when Trump took Pennsylvania this year. If America, the “greatest nation on Earth”, would happily welcome an openly treasonous fuckwit like Trump back in office, even as he promises to pardon the rioters he sent to hang his VP in his last term, what’s stopping other first world countries from doing the same?

Maybe Biden will take a page from Yoon, he’ll have much more basis for declaring Republicans as fascist agents and traitors. What are they going to do, condemn Biden for performing a self-coup? Besides, political violence is clearly all the rage right now, as poor Mr. Thompson can attest.

AP reports insurgents in the suburb of Damascus.

The U.N.’s special envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, has called for urgent talks in Geneva to ensure an “orderly political transition” in Syria.

It should also be noted that the southern regions of Syria also rebelled the last few days.
The regime is collapsing.

(I think I will try to put some cliff notes on the Syrian Civil war later on in the topic, if anyone is interested. Especially because of the 2015-2017 period and its resonance)


Impeachment isn’t over. The vote failed from 200 members 2/3’s of the assmebly wasn’t present so they couldn’t impeach him. He is currently polling lower than Park Geun-hye did before she lost 30 something members of her party and got impeached. With the Democratic Party promising to organize session after session until he resigns or is removed I don’t see him surviving still. I could be wrong but I feel like the PPP isn’t gonna die on the hill that they must defend Yoon.


The Assad dictatorship has collapsed. Rebels have taken control of Damascus and the Syrian General Staff ordered remaining forces to surrender. As for Assad himself, his fate is unknown. All that we do know is he attempted to flee Damascus. Whether or not he did sucessfully or the location he left for is currently not known.


It’ll be interesting to see who comes to power after this. There are so many different rebel groups with different visions for Syria. It’s possible they form some type of national unity transitional government until they get a new constitution created. Or the different rebels may just start fighting each other. Who knows.

Take a good look at all of human history, and I’ll give you three guesses as to which way it’s gonna go, and the first two don’t count.

It’d be interesting if Assad fled to Tehran. Feels weird to have him located 15 minutes away from you.


:tada: :tada: :tada:

Celebrations in Damscus and around the country.

(hoping it’s not a new Libya, Syria is worth it, the material base is here if in repairable shamble, the national will is ironed, and it’s good people.)

Checkpoints manning will tell us soon enough.


A statement by Abou Mohammad al-Jolani,
The former PM, Mohammed Ghazi al-Jalali is still in Damascus and will supervise state institutions until they are handed over.

To all military forces in the city of Damascus, it is strictly forbidden to approach public institutions, which will remain under the supervision of the former Prime Minister until they are officially handed over, and it is also forbidden to fire bullets in the air.

Which seems promising, among other actions taken toward minority and associated worked made with local leadership.

Civil affairs ops and institutionalism? In my FTO?
Possibly more likely than you would think.


A beautiful version of the ‘Ave Maria’, sang last night at the ceremony in Paris.


Might only work with a French IP address, but it’s on Youtube as well:


Go walk in New York City, you son of a bitch.