General News 1.0

JB Pritzger but he’s gotta lose some weight first.
@Axwage I am afraid Newsome will carry “California” baggage. The right will paint every progressive thing to ever happen in California as all him even if it happened with zero help from him. Sadly the independent voters just are not super progressive.

Fun fact: in 1947 California was the first state to pass “turn right on red” into law. It was a controversial thing and it wasn’t till the 1980s that the last states finally adopted this “crazy California thing.”

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White people DEI ass cabinet.


What’s wild is she’s like the least controversial pick so far. The two Dems who beat her for a senate seat in Connecticut both speak highly of her and she managed to not create any scandals in his administration last time. What a time to be alive.

I mean she was implicated in a scandal that states at best she and her husband ignored sexual abuse and at worst she helped her husband cover up sexual abuse crimes committed against several Ring Boys.


JD Vance is still winning the hearts of conservative women with his Southern charm.


I totally forgot about all about that.
But maybe still the least controversial pick?

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Christ, this is fucked.

EDIT: Articles for relevance

Do we really need screenshot of reddit comments as if it was news to discuss in General News?

I get that the political situation in the US is a lot. But could we have some minimum standard on what’s posted, a bit of poise.


Maybe on this occasion I’m stretching the definition of General News, I typically at least post an article to go with it. I’ll edit a couple up there. In hindsight, I wish I didn’t delete my Reddit account so I could report open threats like these. I’m worried about political violence erupting.

I’m not saying that all or even most Trump supporters are vengeful, bloodthirsty fascists who want to kill us, but the ones that are vengeful, bloodthirsty fascists are now emboldened. Trump got away with everything and he and his supporters are still out for blood.

Honestly, I wonder if it would have been better if Trump just won in 2020:

  • His administration would obviously be coming to an end now with no further terms.
  • Project 2025’s current iteration wouldn’t be written up yet.
  • He, his supporters and the Republican Party would probably feel vindicated and satisfied with serving two terms, rather than vengeful after losing once.
  • We wouldn’t have January 6th so Republicans wouldn’t know Trump’s darkest impulses and grow to condone political violence.
  • Trump might not have befriended Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard and his cabinet picks will be at least slightly competent.
  • Judging by worldwide trends of incumbents losing, Democrats are almost certain to win the 2024 election if Trump won in 2020, and we’ll likely have a younger, more reliable candidate.

What do you guys think? If you could change history, would you let Trump win in 2020?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I say no, because no win by that man is ever acceptable, regardless of hypotheticals on what may or may not have been avoided.

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11 posts were split to a new topic: Frote’s Foray into Politics

A general reminder this is the General News thread.

Not the “I just drop in to post unsubstantiated opinions with no real relevance other than I say so” thread, and that consequences to this behaviour in this thread will impact wider access to the forum etc.


The name of the split is hysterical.

But here is some good news from somewhere that isn’t America as a palate cleanser.

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Well that didn’t take them long. First they will attack the regular union enforcement agency. If it goes well (which I pray it won’t) they will then go after the special railway labor oversight agency (which includes air carriers).

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Interesting collaboration given Elon is currently trying to use the legal system to shake down Twitch for more money… sorry, advertising contracts.

Then venture has already attracted the worst possible support one could get while trying to be taken seriously.

But yeah, it’s pretty clear that all the big billionaires who congratulated Trump are hoping it’ll allow them to further increase their advantage against workers… or their other problems with the government.


You mean like inspection and/or enforcement of any kind by an “agency.”

I can understand a normal persons minor frustration with administrative law, but the idea that the regulatory agencies can not do anything unless specifically directed by congress is just pure bollocks. An actual law bans firearms on planes in the US. Another actual law bans knives (although this one expires and has to be renewed every few years). Did congress ever think to ban mace, other pepper sprays, or tasers? Nope! The agency charged by congress with keeping air travel safe made those restrictions up on their own and it uses their “deep state agents” to enforce said restrictions. So maybe those restrictions all go away too when the EPA can no longer decide how much smoke a plant can make or the FDA can no longer decide how much jet fuel is too much to be in cows milk and ¯_(ツ)_/¯ the DOJ can no longer decide how many banks one must rob before the FBI tries to catch them?


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While the ICC made arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Former Defense Minister Gallant, and Hamas officials this is mostly ceremonial as Israel is not a member state of the ICC making it unlikely they’ll ever be arrested and put on trial.


I’ll like to add that if Musk leaves Trump on bad terms, he’ll probably be spiteful enough to declare war on Trump. It’ll be Musk, his centi-billion net worth and his propaganda network fighting against Trump, his thugs in Congress and his cult of personality.

It’ll be epic.

Heyyy, this is neat!

The NDP is actually taking credit for this, with Jagmeet Singh having kind of, sort of, stayed suppirting Trudeau, not to overturn their minority government and trigger an early election. …yet.