Game News Thread

In other (good) news, this got me excited up until I reached the end of the article and found out it’s only on the Ubisoft store (for now at least)…

(Come on Ubi, take the extra step and port Double Agent V2. It’s only been 18 years. You know it’s worth it :no_mouth:)


I’d be even happier if they also got released on GOG (where some of them such as The Saboteur or Alpha Centauri, ntm others like the old Medal of Honor games, have been available for years), but yeah, I’m thrilled that they actually give a damn to put these out there outside of EA Play and/or Origin.

Looking at the reasonings in there, this is just dumb… They should at least make the effort to transfer publishing rights to the devs if they don’t care enough themselves. Took a quick gander and can’t say I’m familiar with the ASG catalogue. Gonna check if there’s anything I’d consider buying just in case.


Right as compared to the other brilliant moves Warner Media has made since it has changed hands.

They didn’t care when they forced Warner-Discovery content off of digital storefronts and they sure as shit don’t care enough to keep the studio open period. If Warner wanted to do what took the most effort they wouldn’t be doing this. there is no money to be made in effort at least not for the executives making the decisions.

My recs are Jazzpunk and Headlander both are wacky and off the wall and not terribly complicated games, Headlander also has to benefit of having the Double Fine logo attached to it if it helps make a decision


Oh, Jazzpunk is among them? I’ve had that on my wishlist for quite a while (more as a reminder than a serious must-buy). Was mentioned in some list when I was looking for games set during the Cold War. I’ll check some gameplay videos maybe to get a better idea about it (same with Headlander). Thanks.


Welcome but don’t watch too many videos or you will get the best jokes spoiled for you!


Microsoft is keeping to its neutrality agreement as 600 Activision QA workers have unionized.


Headlander is a great game!

Two things I wanted to mention multiversus ( I honestly forgot it existed ) is relaunching on may 28th and the noise update for pizza tower came out right after the dev mcpig beat a doom mod so that’s one way to release a update

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I was expecting this since sega bought rovio last year but I wasn’t expecting them to have 5 crossover events between sonic and angry birds at the same time at the moment there are crossover things happening for sonic dash sonic forces: speed battle angry birds friends angry birds 2 and angry birds dream blast ( also since there are angry birds comics I won’t be surprised if they make a comic crossover aswell )

Oh he mad


Rise of the ronin is just around the corner. Very excited to play a new samurai game. And from team ninja no less!

Previews are very mixed tho. Most say its the same open world bloat we’ve seen so often. Honestly, I dont mind too much being a huge sucker for everything Japan. Hopefully the combat will keep me engaged throughout. :crossed_fingers:


Alpha Protocol is back after years in delisted hell! (Though I can’t view/purchase it in Japan apparently. I guess it’s time to send an angry feedback message to GOG about some of these regional restrictions… :rage:)

Also, I’m happy that they seem to want to focus more on actually reviving old(er) games again. Nothing against seeing new(er) releases on GOG (it’s definitely nice to have the option to choose), but I feel like a big chunk of stuff that made its way there over the past years were obscure visual novels and other nonsense, while a lot of the actual ‘good old games’ have remained unavailable. So hopefully they’ll step up their game now and start bringing back the good stuff.


I’d consider picking this up again but I’m in no rush.


Baldur’s Gate 3 physical copies have started to ship! (Some PC Players have just recently got their copies in hand)
Buuut unfortunately the Console versions have been delayed to End of April-May. Nooooo!! So much for Q1 shipping… :weary:
Also, the Xbox version will now ship with 4 Discs!! That’s wild!

"Pre-orders for the @baldursgate3 PC Deluxe Edition are now shipping, with console editions expected to begin shipping between April and May.

We wanted to get the console versions into the hands of players earlier, however, production issues have meant that shipping dates have been pushed back slightly.

Those waiting for their Xbox version will now receive 4 physical discs, rather than the 3 originally planned, so that we can provide the full game as a physical copy.

(Yes, it is that big).

While we don’t expect any further delays, we will continue to keep you updated on when console versions are ready."




No Man’s Sky just keeps getting updated… damn!

This latest one overhauls the look of all the Space Stations used for buying/selling and accepting quests. Pretty sure they’ve had the same two-hallway/ramp interior design since the beginning, so it’s nice to see this finally addressed.

You can also fully customize and rebuild your starship! No longer will you be a slave to the whims of the RNG spawn system!


Oh Randy