What is this community about?
It’s a place for HITMAN players that want to improve their gameplay in regards to speedrunning, and compete versus some of the best players in the world in a friendly setting. Players share videos, strats, tips and tricks with each other, helping and encouraging each other to get better.
What do we do?
We host monthly big HITMAN tournaments with prize money on the line. Depending on the type of tournament, there is full shoutcasting coverage of every match on Twitch, and these are uploaded to YouTube. Besides the big tournaments we have smaller events in the form of Mini-Competitions that run for a week, aswell as community driven events hosted by our playerbase.
Overview of the events we have done thus far:
Speedrun Competition #1: Sponsored by Frote7
Speedrun Competition #2: Sponsored by AnoMadness
Ghost Mode Tournament #1: Sponsored by Fuzk
Speedrun Competition #3: Sponsored by Adoria
Competitive Escalation #1: Sponsored by Vic
Roulette Rivals #1: Sponsored by Vic
Fuzk’s Photo Contest #1: Sponsored by Fuzk
Ghost Mode Tournament #2: Sponsored by MrMike
Mullet’s Creative Contest #1: Sponsored by MulletPride
Speedrun Competition #4: Sponsored by ScroobiusJib
Roulette Rivals #2: Sponsored by Frote7 & Fuzk
Ghost Mode Tournament #3: Sponsored by CJ
Mullet’s Creative Contest #2: Sponsored by MulletPride
Speedrun Competition #5: Sponsored by Vic
Roulette Rivals #3: Sponsored by MrMike
Ghost Mode Tournament #4: Sponsored by Silversurfer
Speedrun Competition #6: Sponsored by Yannini
RRWC: Sponsored by Some Random Person, MrMike & Adoria
Partners and Support:
We are official partners of HITMAPS.com (The one-stop shop for all your HITMAN needs). Further more we have close ties with the people from speedrun.com and even got the backing of IO themselves: IO tweets about our tournaments, and always hosts the Grand Final on Twitch via their official twitch account. They even have provided with some additional prizes in some cases (Winners of the last GM Tournament received keys for HITMAN 3!).
How to find and join us?
We host all our events through our discord: Frote's Speedrun Community
Participating in our events will always be free, we simply do all this for the community.
We also created an official Twitter Account to stay up to date with all our events: https://twitter.com/Frote7SC
Our plans for 2021:
We continue what we have been doing for all this time: Hosting big tournaments every month, and provide a community for everyone that wants to learn more/improve at the game. With HITMAN3 being very close to release, we are all super excited for the future. I will update this thread each month for all upcoming events.
What are you waiting for?
Interested in upping your HITMAN game? Join the discord and learn from the best players in the world, compete in friendly tournaments and make a bunch of new friends along the way.