Freelancer mode is something what I was always wanted in Hitman game from start, so I’m loving it, but of this isn’t 100% what I would like to see. I know its some kind of budget free addition to game so we can’t expect to IOI will redesign in full scale. But I have few ideas which could enhance experience with this module - without any hudge effort from development.
The biggest issue with Freelancer is that we have a hudge… hudge amount of money but there isn’t any economics and empty hideout which don’t feel a place where we “prepare”. So I have few ideas which could bring some modules after certain level progress - which could help a little with gameplay.
Watch location map
47 could use PC station to look on location maps and localise approximate location of targets to be more prepared what to take.
Buying an Ammo
47 should always bring only 1 magazine on mission, but rest could be bought in hideout. Of course most of times there is no need to have large amount of ammunition, but buying an ammo could bring an econolics impact little higher.
Buying an body protecion
We don’t want to our agent die in mission. So we could buy an armour protection.
$1000 - Kevlar body armour with 50% damage reducion, or
$500 - Body armour with 25% damage rediction.
Buying an insurance
47 could buy an one time insurance (one peer mission) to protect lose Legendary or Epic gear on mission. It’s a hudge amount, but may be worth it. Similar mechanics is in Escape from Tarkov.
Buying a chemistry
After a certain amount of progress has been achieved, 47 could have a possibility to buy an extra pills/darts… for a price. These pills can’t be used to make a syringe any kind.
Other poisons
47 can find a Mushroom in forest which can be used to make an Lethal posion. This should be changed to make an Emetic poison, but also 47 should can find a frog and flower which can be used to make lethal poison vial or seductive poison vial.These could be used to create an syringe.
Getting ready
Gym or training area could be used to gain some amount of experience points with 6/12/24h downtime to boost progress a litle bit.
Change suitcase
We can use wardrobe to change our clothes, but there isn’t any option to change starting suitcase which we can bring on mission. There should be additional option for that. Of course availability of suitcases depends on our progress in campaign mode similar to outfits.
Start as worker
Starting a mission in Freelancer we always start in random place with suit only. But 47 could use hes contacts to start as a worker. This should be random, we never know what kind if inside job we get, sometimes as a worker, sometimes as a guard. This should cost a fair price.
Clear wounds
When we finish a mission where we get injured we need clear our wounds and blood strains to start a new mission. If we don’t do that we start with suspicious status.
Bedroom could be used to change day time in Hideout.
Kitchen could be used to make a Muffin.
Make a lockpick
We can find a old rusty nail which could be used to make a disposable lockpick to one time use.
Make a taser
Car battery could be use to make a disposable throwable mico taser.
What do you thing about this? I’m really loving Freelancer and I hope IO Interactive upgrade this mode with new mechanics.