Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

I find it funny that they treat saving as such a rare luxury within the game, to the point where it felt weird doing the handful of challenges they added in during the season of Envy and Wrath because I could finally save again.

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Even the mandatory complications in the arcade mode didn’t prevent me from enjoying the game so I’m good. There are just ways that I could enjoy it more, is all. :slight_smile:


I don’t mind no saves (only use them to access Easter Eggs quickly anyways) but I DO mind that there’s a “load save” option still there. It’s a nitpick but it’s annoying and it CAN be removed/disabled because other modes have it like that (like ET’s).


Lack of saving seems to be a barrier for folks on most non-main content, and I don’t blame them. It can be annoying to get close to a kill only to fumble the landing or even worse, a game glitch of some sort.

I think, like most things in Freelancer, it should cost you in-game money to save. Not sure what the balance will be, but it should be close to costing as much as the gear you’d lose would be, if that is how they’re handling it.


In terms of saving in Freelancer, and if we’re so concerned about playthroughs needing to be cut short because of Real Life, then they should add a “quick-save to menu/temporary save” option.

Other roguelikes do this, where you save your game to immediately quit, and the save gets deleted when its reloaded.

Though in those cases, you usually have dungeon-crawling, room-by-room level structures, which provides easy places to end and continue from.

At the very least you should be able to quit between missions in Freelancer, since those provide good start/stop points in a roguelike run.


Maybe I’m a pessimist, but I just assumed Freelancer missions would be formatted like escalations. Finish a level and it saves the progress, fail and it possibly resets to level 1 (like in the ET Arcade). Seems like a natural extension from the dev work that went into the Garden Party and some of the Deadly Sins escalations.


Allowing saves would really go against the whole role-playing aspect that this mode is going for.


If saves aren’t available but you have to quit or maybe your power goes out… Then just have it so you (re)start from the beginning of the mission without any advancement you would’ve gained the last time you played. Similar to ETs.

One could even ‘F4’ the game before getting gunned down… But if people are going to cheat they’re going to cheat.

If saves aren’t possible - that’s fine and dandy. It can be like groundhog day where you memorize the patterns… On each new day (restart) you can improve your game. :roll_eyes:

Anyway, completing tasks shouldn’t mean failure if you have to exit. Just have them count if/when you exit the mission and get to the results screen. That’s how escalations work currently anyway.

Let’s say you earn a certain amount of Merces for completing a mission. Let’s say M 250. If you wanted to restart or reset said mission - it would cost you M 250 (essentially negating what you got from it). Then you may earn M 500 for performing better than you did the first time.

Edit: So would that mean it’d cost you M 500 to restart after that run?

:thinking: Not sure if that’s a good idea or not. It could prevent grinding the easier missions in trying to farm Merces.


Speculation: you bring up a good point regarding the money. Will we get to a point where we have so much money that the “challenge” of money management becomes pointless!? All games suffer from that.

Will ioi nerf, as you said, grinding to gain cash? Imagine if every time you replay the mode you start at $0.


Unless any items you want to buy for the safehouse are astoundingly cheap, that seems unlikely.

Getting so much money that money management becomes a redundancy is a normal, realistic outcome, and that’s why it always happens in games that involve making money. Look at the real world wealthy for example.

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I guess you can be good enough for money being no problem. You have to remember that the balance of income/costs/risks have to work for a wide portion of players. There is surely a way to continue if you are broke, but too much money will probably set in at some point.


Inevitable in any game


Too much money is just part of the roleplay experience anyways. 47 isn’t making $25/hr here.

Maybe hitman 3, year 3 will expand on freelance and make it a full-out survival game. In between Contracts, we need to go to the grocery store and get food. Cook it. Eat it. Buy gas to go get food. Need to pay the electric and water bills. Etc etc.
At least we have some sort of fun with the money.



With the cosmetic options seemingly being to pick between Dartmoor and Marrakesh props for your garage for example, i see myself not really caring about that aspect of the game mode. I hope they give us the option to unlock (buy) some gear for the main story game.

The canister, we saw in the trailer, for example which is probably a mobile fire accident would be a great unlock.

Dunno, how many new items and weapons will be in freelancer but i definitely would love to have them in the main game as well. If the dont fuck up the balancing.

At least thats something i could spend those merces on instead.


Sounds like Hitman: San Andreas.


I’m not saying we shouldn’t expect too much from Freelander, I just think we can’t exaggerate it for no reason.Maybe it doesn’t include a lot of things we imagine. Maybe it just provides a new map, a new way to choose maps and equipment, and a new way to play.Again, I don’t think Freelander won’t include what we imagine, I just think we shouldn’t dream. Because this is just a stealth game, not a game similar to GTA.According to past updates, Hitman has obviously not introduced this or similar mode. So everything is “May”.


Including, hopefully, it’s month of release.


You’re joking, but I’d unironically love to do that. :upside_down_face:


Needing to use the bathroom.


I want 47 to have to pay taxes. A whole mini game of doing it yourself because he doesn’t trust accountants. It should take approx. 4 months to actually get around to doing them.