About one day remaining, and very recently I just couldn’t contain my excitement and have been looking for old CTT footage…
Found this guy’s edited stream of the final day of the Test – and his attempts at clearing a full Campaign.
Thought it was pretty funny.
I don’t want to say this, since I don’t want to push anyone into using a gameplay style that’s cheap and would ruin the core mechanics of FL, but it’s something to note, at least:
It seems to me, at least right now, that the Meta of quickly clearing levels might be “Silenced Pistol Kill across the map = eas(ier) win” This guy seems to use that quite a lot when he has a pistol, and usually succeeds & can get away very quickly. It might even be even more OP, with a Base Payout now in play… But we will see if it’s just a fluke or not…
Edit: okay, maybe that won’t be too powerful of a meta, but it can payoff if you can find a good angle with few NPCs around…
He’s actually 47 from all those messed up timelines when we had to restart the mission, dressed up in the Santa 47 suit and blinking in and out of the main timeline as the space-time continuum gets more and more distorted. At least that’s the most scientifical explanation I could find for how he seems to teleport all over the place.
Hs not actually teleporting. He’s throwing a smoke ball like that crap you see magicians and ninjas do in movies while hiding behind a corner, and then jumping into the middle of it to see like he appeared there by magic. In-universe, anyway. That’s why it’s a guy with a fake beard; it’s just for show.
When everyone else is talking about what time they’ll be downloading and when the server maintenance will finish and you’re an adult with a full-time job living in a European timezone:
I’m already planning out my overall strategy for the mode itself. Priorities one and two: find or buy a silenced pistol and a silenced sniper rifle. Based on what I saw in the CTT, the sooner these items are obtained for myself, the easier it’ll be to complete the most likely kill objectives I’ll probably run into most often early on, and allow me to earn even more money to purchase the other items. Other kill objectives such as with knives, explosives, poisons, and assault rifles/shotguns are easier to find on maps and/or more likely to be found inside item crates, but the silenced pistol and sniper rifle will be harder to buy, or obtain and keep. Priorities three and four: find or buy the fiber wire (for aesthetic reasons; I dislike using the stethoscope in its place), and find/buy/unlock/earn as many emetic items of any type as possible, as these will make eliminating targets, guards, assassins, or intercepting couriers that much easier. For my first campaign, and carrying over into others if necessary, that’s where I’ll be focusing my earnings and my searches for rarity items.
You can easily get a very good silenced handgun from assassins in any showdown, so silenced handguns are actually easier to come by than most of the other stuff you listed
But I will be attempting to avoid the other assassins and only go for the target, at least during the first few campaigns while I get used to the mode. So during the early stages, getting the silenced pistol and silenced sniper rifle, of any type, for use in later contracts is my top priority, but I want to avoid engagement, so it will mostly be finding and buying.
Been wondering if I should approach it with some strategy or just decide things spontaneously. At the beginning I’ll probably concentrate on collecting weapons and might base my syndicate choice on the map pools. Sgail and Dubai for example have guards with silenced, concealable SMGs, right? Seems like a good place to start.
All I had in terms of a plan was taking on Espionage syndicates when starting out unless maps aren’t desirable, mostly since I already follow most of its objectives when playing the game normally. Also because it didn’t seem to have as many bonuses requiring specific gear to accomplish compared to something like Arms Trafficking, Psy Ops or Eco Crime. Thus I thought it could be a good early Merces source.