Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions

Update: The game was previously updated to version 3.180. I am working on reviewing and retesting everything in this thread on the latest version. This will take a ton of time and effort so take what you see here with a grain of salt.

Last Edited - 2024-01-29T08:00:00Z



  • Updated this topic for Patch 3.170.1.


  • The following is an unofficial “Wishlist” of content, features, and improvements I would love to see added to Freelancer as well as the main game. It will be an ongoing effort, as I will test and update the list after each patch is released.


  • All posted content is meant to be constructive, offering potential suggestions and visual references, no matter how small the details are.
  • I am NOT and will NOT be complaining, expecting, demanding, etc.

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World of Assassination | Patch 3.170.1 | Wishlists and Suggestions
Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections

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Hitman Forum | 2024 | Issues and Suggestions

Michael Gabriel H | YouTube

I wish the ‘notebook’ input would open the first tile of the Intel tab for quick detail reference on leaders.

I wish assault rifles and smgs had obtainable legendaries like the other weapon variations.

I wish Collector’s items and weapons had lower gear counts and persisted through failures.

I wish suppliers on all maps were located in non-trespassing.

Additional examples here.

  • I wish there was one less step in launching Freelancer mode (From the featured tab as well as the game mode tab.) so that when we select it from the main menu, we would be taken right to the "objectives” mission screen.
  • I wish items obtained from suspects and targets had proper titles.

    As things are, such items are titled “intercepted package” rather than a title that conveys what the item is. Perhaps tweaking such titles to include the term “intercepted” along with the item name (e.g. Intercepted Poison Vial, Intercepted Explosive, etc.)?

  • I wish IO would make several adjustments so Freelancer was less of a grind in certain respects.

  • What if campaigns were divided into three stages instead of four? Thus, representing and delivering the Casual, Professional, and Master difficulties (Stage 1 Casual, Stage 2 Professional, Stage 3 Master.). The normal mode could have the aforementioned progression (Casual to Professional to Master) while the hardcore mode could be “master” across all 3 stages. Also, what about having four steps for each of the three stages (3 regular missions and 1 showdown = 4 substages.)? The random alerted location mechanic could remain in use, so that when moving to the second stage, one location of the four available would be alerted, and then for the third stage two locations would be alerted, etc. Furthermore, to help with relevant challenges, perhaps stage 1 could have 1-2 targets per location and stage 2 could have 2-3 and stage 3 could have 3-4.

  • Speaking of challenges, what about reducing some of these requirements? Like 1500 members instead of 2500 for “GOAT”, 250 leaders instead of 500 for “Employee of the Year”, 10 campaigns instead of 50 for “Slow but Steady” and 50 campaigns instead of 100 for “Top Dog”. If nothing else, perhaps some proper rewards for such challenges given the amount of grinding involved.

    All of these suggestions come to mind after well over a month of grinding this mode and still having a long grind ahead. I obtained all safehouse items, reached Mastery 100, and completed all challenges except 4. Even so, I have 36 campaigns completed, eliminated 1600 or so members, 200 or so leaders, etc. Since these challenges require the most grinding and reward us with just a small chunk of xp toward our online profile, perhaps some rebalancing could alleviate the overwhelming grind and make it feel less like a painstaking tedious chore just to 100%.

    Honorable Mentions
    Hitman Freelancer: All Challenges and Achievements Unlock Guide (Tips, Secrets, Watch Before Grind!) - Crimson Games YouTube

  • I wish the new “Prestige” feature were more robust, beneficial, and less of a grind/time sink.
  • What if there was a progression to each stage as we increase our prestige level, each offering more benefits and reasons to push further?

    Prestige 1
    • Gain: +60% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 50% current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained gear and freelancer tools.
    Prestige 2
    • Gain: +70% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 40% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained gear and freelancer tools (Excluding Collector’s items and thematic sets.), above the “Common” Tier.
    Prestige 3
    • Gain: +80% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 30% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained gear and freelancer tools (Excluding Collector’s items and thematic sets.), above the “Rare” Tier.
    Prestige 4
    • Gain: +90% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 20% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained gear and freelancer tools (Excluding Collector’s items and thematic sets.), above the “Epic” Tier.
    Prestige 5
    • Gain: +100% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 10% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained Legendary gear and freelancer tools.
    Prestige 6
    • Gain: +110% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 9% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained Legendary gear (Excluding Collector’s items, thematic sets, and freelancer tools.), except the Melee wall.
    Prestige 7
    • Gain: +120% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 8% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained Legendary gear (Excluding Collector’s items, thematic sets, and freelancer tools.), except the Melee and Pistol walls.
    Prestige 8
    • Gain: +130% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 7% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained Legendary gear (Excluding Collector’s items, thematic sets, and freelancer tools.), except the Melee, Pistol, and SMG walls.
    Prestige 9
    • Gain: +140% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 6% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained Legendary gear (Excluding Collector’s items, thematic sets, and freelancer tools.), except the Melee, Pistol, SMG, and Shotgun walls.
    Prestige 10
    • Gain: +150% reward XP and Merces for each contract.
    • Gain: +1 additional gear slot.

    • Lose: One-time loss of 5% of current total Merces.
    • Lose: One-time reset of all obtained Legendary gear (Excluding Collector’s items, thematic sets, and freelancer tools.), except the Melee, Pistol, SMG, Shotgun, and Assault Rifle walls.
    Prestige 10+
    • After reaching Prestige 10, the prestige level will no longer increase, but users will now have the option (When interacting with the Prestige laptop.) to choose a “reset” behavior from all previous stages at their leisure. Thus, allowing them to reset to the degree of their choice. Full, partial, etc.

  • I wish there was some background logic for prestige and standard objectives to ensure that, during showdowns, we never receive more than one kill-related objective, thus giving us the best chance to complete all of them.
  • As things are, it is possible to have multiple kill objectives despite having a single target to count toward them during showdowns.

  • I wish there was some sort of indicator (Icon or badge interface element?) visible on items and gear we collect throughout maps, during campaigns, that would let us know if we have obtained an item and have it at the safe house.
  • This would allow us to better manage our inventories before exiting missions, as we would be able to tell what is worth bringing back with us.

  • I wish supplier’s shops had some background logic which would acknowledge the amount of merces we have and therefore offer items we can afford before offering ones we can’t.
  • Furthermore, with the existence of the Prestige feature, it would be great if suppliers offered items required for prestige resets before those that are not required.

  • I wish we also had legendary versions of every main archetype of tools and weapons, and that those versions required a single gear slot. This way, if one were so inclined, we could take one of just about every item type with us on missions once we reached a maxed-out gear capacity. Full walking arsenal ready for the unpredictable nature of Freelancer.

  • I wish we could unlock access to some form of “hidden stash” feature in campaign contracts.

  • What if freelancer contracts had a “Mastery” form of progression allowing for more control and creative options over time?

  • I wish there was an on-screen counter that would trigger when in close range of a safe and allow us to track the number of clues still required to open said safe.

  • I wish suppliers would have standard offerings that were available at all times regardless of the shifting unlockable items we obtain from them.

  • What if suppliers had things like ammunition, single-use gear, and so on available separate from the one-time purchase unlockables?

  • I wish our progress in campaigns both on hardcore and normal difficulties were preserved independently of one another.
  • What if we could toggle between them at our leisure without the reset of tools and such?

  • I wish a reroll feature was implemented (And at a reasonable price so as not to become another time and merces sink.) for specific aspects of Freelancer, like for re-rolling maps offered in contracts, prestige objectives, etc.

  • I wish small items would take up zero gear slots or just one slot at the most.

  • What if bananas, coins, and the like didn’t add to the gear count and could be carried in addition to our load-outs?

  • I wish, when inspecting items and weapons, there was an input to reset the item position. Perhaps a click of the right joystick (On consoles at least.).
  • Minimal QoL feature to be sure, but still.

  • I wish the supply crate in the safehouse would give us Merces if we already have all the items the crate offers.

  • I wish all sniper rifle scopes had a toggleable suspect camera (Viewfinder) feature.

  • What if it functioned as the suspect camera does now, but allowed us to observe and tag suspects at much greater distances?

  • I wish completing stages of a campaign didn’t auto-drop our carried items.
  • What if it was optional, so we could go right into another campaign with the same gear if we wanted to?

  • Furthermore, what if we had a ‘drop all’ feature in the item wheel, allowing each individual to decide whether to swap certain items or dump them all for a clean slate?

  • I wish all exits, for all locations, were available without extra steps needed (Disguises, special items like tools and coins, etc.).

  • I wish the picture-in-picture frame was intelligent enough to anchor itself lower so as not to obstruct objectives when visible.

  • For those who have objectives turned off (If that’s a thing.), then it would make sense for the frame to be at the top left. But as things are right now, it covers up the information we have in that corner of the screen.

  • I wish, as another option for spending hard-earned merces, we could purchase permanent start points for each location.
  • So the longer we spend in Freelancer, the more control and freedom we have because of the time and effort we put in.

  • I wish, when using the suspect camera, the flash effect would remain in the shot so we could better observe targets we find in darker areas.

  • I wish we could interrupt suppliers’ dialogue when greeting us, so we could enter their “shop” asap instead of having to wait until they finish speaking.

  • Furthermore, it would be great if they didn’t greet us every time we approached them. Once per run feels like enough.

  • I wish all poisons (Emetic and Sedative variants.) would still kick in even after an NPC was panicked.
  • Perhaps once returning to an un-alerted state, they ‘remember’ they were poisoned. Instead of the alert voiding the poison as it currently does.

  • I wish suppliers would offer ammunition and single-use item (e.g. explosives, poisons, etc.) refills, for all weapons/items we bring on missions and even those we find during missions.
  • I wish there was a way for us to take our weapons from our safe house with the maximum amount of ammunition.
  • Perhaps some kind of perk as part of a challenge we could complete or for reaching a certain level of mastery, etc. To take it a step further, it would be fantastic if this also applied to the main game itself so that whenever we play missions, escalations, contracts, and so on, we would then also have the benefit of starting with max ammunition.

  • I wish there was a way to reveal all crate locations dynamically as we go on missions and progress through Freelancer.
  • Perhaps as another perk for reaching certain mastery and/or challenge completion.

  • I wish when bringing already owned items back to the safe house, such duplicates would convert to Merces.

  • I wish the suspect camera was even more dynamic in that when we scan and or take a picture of a suspect, the intel boxes would change (Red Xs or green checkmarks.) depending on what criteria the NPC in view fits. This would be ongoing too as we observe the same suspect more than once their “suspect profile” in the camera would dynamically change.

  • I wish the main map and minimap would give us more tooltip info when hovering over suspects and targets alike.
  • I wish we had more options and opportunities to use Merces in practical and beneficial ways the further along we get in Freelancer.
  • What about potential upgrades (Applying to Freelancer and the entirety of the main game as well.), like starting missions with full ammo for all carried weapons, trespassing zone indicators on the minimap, choosing start locations for contract maps, weapon upgrades, and customizations (e.g. Silverballer with an extended mag, silencer, and long barrel.), etc. These features would be great as standard settings options, but I could see some requiring a bit of effort too if they were implemented as rewards for in-game activity (Just so it doesn’t feel too easy.). The main takeaway is to have things to still work toward and come back to Freelancer and benefit across all modes of the game.

  • I wish, at least for normal mode (Perhaps not hardcore.), that single-use Freelancer tools (Poisons, explosives, etc.) would be replenished when returning to the safehouse after successful missions.

  • I wish the standard and collector’s coins, as well as single-use items and weapons (e.g. Electronic key hackers, shurikens, etc.), all came in threes as we have in the main game.

  • A single coin feels over-restricted given that later missions have several targets, plus one mistake like throwing the coin and having it bounce and land somewhere unreachable means we lose it (Unless we want to spend 20 minutes attempting to shoot it somewhere reachable.).

  • Furthermore, with such items, as long as we leave with at least one when we return to the safehouse all three could be replenished, like darts for poison pistols.

  • I wish all the new items introduced with the Freelancer game mode were also unlocked for the main game, and vice versa for all unlocked items in the main game having Freelancer mode counterparts.
  • Some examples would be the Assassin’s HWK21 Covert pistol, ICA Impact Explosive, Antique Sedative Syringe, Eiffel Tower Knife, etc. Now, since the amount of gear could get massive, perhaps implementing a sort of “choose variant” feature would help. Like, when we select a weapon, if it has variants we have obtained, an additional step is added for us to select the version of that weapon/item we want before 47 takes it from the wall.

  • Furthermore, instead of the wall version just defaulting to whatever variant perhaps it “remembers” the last used variant for each applicable item in the display cases.

  • I wish there was an option to spawn at the mission selection table each time we load into the Freelancer from the main menu, instead of the random spawn location that happens.
  • This would allow us to get right to campaigning without having to spend time getting back downstairs through the safe house. Exploring the safehouse grounds would then become optional so each individual could decide to do so or not.

  • I wish we weren’t limited to just two maximum purchases at suppliers because of the limitation with large weapons being stored on our person.
  • Perhaps some kind of safekeeping or courier solution (Suppliers exercising their smuggling talents.). So, for example, we could purchase all the items we want and then whatever we can’t hold rather than being left behind and having wasted merces on them the suppliers could hold onto them, and once we complete the mission those purchased items appear in the safe house. Thus still making it possible to have the risk of losing said items should we fail and or die.

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  • I wish we could select briefcases when picking up items that require them in the safe house.
  • Perhaps when selecting such an item, a prompt would appear for us to choose a briefcase, and once selected the item would be concealed and the briefcase would be in hand. Then, if dropped, it would behave like other items and return the concealed weapon to the walls.

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I wish there was a way to drop all my items at once in the safehouse!


Hello, there.

Technical feedback

Thank you, guys, for making such a fantastic game! I do have some ideas for gameplay that I hope are interesting:

  • It would be nice if NPCs/guards could trigger an alerted state by blood pools and investigate them.
  • It would be nice if guards could send someone to investigate a broken camera and become alert.
  • Guards could approach elevator shafts as part of their alerted patrol routine, making it easier to suffer pull assassinations and spot 47.
  • Players could have the option to disable only the mission completion music (it can get annoying in case the player wants to do other stuff after killing targets, like exploring the map).
  • Water could be used to wash blood pools, to add realism.
  • Guards could spot and store disguises.
  • Guards could spot and be alerted by broken glass/mirrors.
  • 47 could plant hidden explosives/mines in dead bodies.
  • 47 could plant hidden explosives/mines in dropped guns and ammo caches.
  • There could be more destructible scenario to add realism.
  • Make assembling/disassembling weapons animations in briefcases consistent with all of them.
  • Create an option to enable gore/dismemberment.
  • Make weapons suppressors attachable.
  • Add a gas mask item with the same function as gas-masked outfits.

That’s it from me. Thank you for your attention.


Hello, there! Thank you for making such fabulous additions to this fantastic game. I have some ideas to improve the freelancer mode; I hope they are interesting and relevant. Here it is:

  • Many valuables, such as gold idols and statues, have no function other than serving as non-lethal weapons. Players could steal them, and those items would be exchanged for a small amount in Merces upon mission completion, adding more fun and immersion to the game.
  • It would be nice to have a tip mentioning that freelancer tools are lost upon mission failure; some players are confused by this feature and may interpret this as a bug.
  • It would be nice if players could spend Merces or do special assignments to reduce alert/guards in a specific location, like a recon mission.
  • Safehouse vehicles could enable new and strategic starting points that would make them less cosmetic and further develop strategic planning.
  • Please consider enabling achievements/trophies for the freelancer mode.

That is it from me, thank you for your attention.


Make it so that starting a mission is like an Elusive Target: you can stop and return to the main menu, and as long as you haven’t done any of the tasks in the mission (killed the targets, taken Merces from a safe, taken Merces from a courier, bought something from a supplier), you are able to return to the safehouse without the mission being considered failed. My mind left me for a moment at the start of a mission when I paused the game and I hit return to the main menu because for just a moment, the reason I had paused distracted me to where I thought I was still in the safehouse and just exiting Freelancer itself, not exiting a campaign mission. While my fault, since I hadn’t actually done anything, I think it’s a poor decision to make that it be considered a failed mission, when exiting an ET without having completed something let’s you go back in until you commit to an irreversible action. Let’s have that in Freelancer, IOI.


How about 47’s dual-wielded signature silver-ballers?

  • I wish an option to reroll prestige objectives(at least in Hardcore mode). And it should cost -mercers(about 4000-10000 per roll, limit reroll to 1-2 per mission)

  • For example, cause of prestige objectives in Harcore mode is neccessary to complete, sometimes there is really just not fun to complete them. Very RNG. (I got this: timed, timed hide and seek, SA No Firearms). Yeah, some people like timed objectives, but there are a lot of people who just can’t play game like this. I’m not talk about that it is impossible, but in Hardcore mode it neccessary and if you fail this all campaign wil fail.
    This problem can be solved via another way:
    option to disable(maybe paid option) - timed objectives. As i said, not all people like timed objectives. They are really should be OPTIONAL for people who just can’t complete when.

  • i wish an option to block entire maps from pool. Of course it not should be free. 50k Mercers for block entire map. Maybe when u start campgaing there is will be an option(Do u want to block Map? If yes, you will should select map and pay 25-50k Mercers for current campaign). Or 100k+ Mercers if u want to block it forever. Colorado can be really tough in Hardcore mode, espesically when u got bad prestige objectives.

  • i wish more ways to spend Mercers in endgame(inside the safehouse). When u have all weapons and all freelancer tools there is no way to spend mercers. As i said earlier, some QoL changes can help to resolve this problem(like Paid Reroll, Paid Block Map, etc.)


Daily and weekly missions would be appreciated as end-game content.

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I wish the safe house in Freelancer had a dynamic penalty mechanic that required you to defend your home from a wave of assaulting NPCs. This could be triggered for example if you fail a mission and choose to escape prematurely at an exit point, or if the final syndicate leader escapes a mission. Essentially you would return home to the planning room and be alerted to a syndicate leader / member and a dozen or so well armed NPCs methodically trying to hunt 47 down in his own home.

If you survive the database and, Agent Smith will great 47 at his front door informing 47 that the CIA has removed any trace of 47’s safe house location from the Syndicates database and will also insist his men deal with the bodies (he does owe 47 a lot of favours after all).

The inspiration for this set up is obviously John Wick, but I kind of imagine it feeling and playing like the asylum escape level during Hitman: contracts. The hunter and prey atmosphere in that level always felt amazing!

The reason I think this would be an amazing addition to Freelance mode is because the safe house is an amazing space that feels like it has so much more potential, especially with the different everyday objects that can be used as weapons that are scattered throughout various spaces. I feel like it would be an amazing dynamic sandbox for the paradyme of prey and preditor to be switched.


Adding to the wishlist that I truly hope there won’t be a “defend the safehouse” mechanic, or that we at least get the option to disable it.


I’d like to recommend a new soundtrack for the kitchen music.



Only problem I see is that some people would change the interior to be more cover-like instead of what they prefer optically. But a great idea nontheless!

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I think there should be a unique reward for completing all Freelancer challenges.

Right now you do have incentive to get 100 Mastery in Freelancer because the reward for doing so it a pretty cool looking suit. However, the only reason to get all the challenges is for more experience towards reaching Freelancer Mastery, and for getting small cool trophies in your trophy case.

I think getting every single one of the trophies should be one final challenge, that gives you a unique reward. That way people have slightly more incentive to play Hardcore mode, and having both this reward and the last Freelancer suit would be proof that you completed Freelancer 100%.


I think cannon wise, 47 would likely position his furniture for tactical advantages. The first novel from memory goes into great detail about 47 choosing hotel rooms with and sleeping on the floor behind the bed to prove physical cover and concealment from window snipers and entry from the door

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I would definitely love more rubber duck versions. It has explosive potential.


This needs to be a main game feature sometimes too, but they need to let us toggle the flash/light on the camera… identifying suspects and their tells in dark areas or environments like the Berlin Club or Night Maps is very tricky.

You can literally see whatever you take a picture of illuminate with light for a split second, so the ability is already there…


The ability to buy any and all disguises with mercers and bring it back to the Safe House would definitely be a welcome addition to Freelancer. Prices would be based on how common the outfit is and its privileges. And the disguises should be usable in the other game modes as well.


One thing I wish they added is have suppliers sell random non-collectable tools once you’ve gotten all the tools for the safehouse. I’m talking about things you can already find in crates like Lil Flashy, Napoleon Blowaparte, the Emetic Gas Grenade, The Big One, or a Propane Flask, but also other tools that aren’t currently in the item crates such as the Remote Breaching Charge, Molotov Cocktail, The Iconator (Is this in the crates already?), the never used Remote Sedative Gas Device, and the ICA Electrocution Phone. This way at least Merces and suppliers still have some small purpose once your safehouse inventory is complete.


Yeah and maybe random non collectible weapons too for when you have all the weapons from a category on the wall and want to do some planing on the fly.